Silver Cross Surf2 Pram Worth $999

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Silver Cross Surf2 Pram

Hit the streets in style and give your bubba a smooth ride when you win a Silver Cross Surf2 pram!

Princess Catherine pushes a Silver Cross, and now you can too. The Surf2 is graceful and easy to use, featuring a ground-breaking air-sprung suspension (inspired by mountain bike technology no less!) and larger air-filled tyres that glide.

The Surf2 can be used from birth with the cosy carrycot attachment. When baby grows, switch to the comfy, full-reversible seat unit for trips to the park or naps on the go. You can also hook it up with a baby capsule to turn the Silver Cross Surf2 into a travel system: the Maxi Cosi Mico, Maxi Cosi Titan or Nuna Pipa capsule car seats click right in.


Silver Cross Surf 2 Pram

Your trickiest job will be to choose one of the seven delectable shades: will it be a sophisticated neutral, dark winter hue, or awesome pop of colour? You’ll also love the fabulous attention-to-detail, like the beautiful leatherette bumper bar and handle, and stylish chrome detailing.

This awesome package from Silver Cross comes with everything you need to get baby out and about from birth to toddlerhood, with carrycot, hood, footmuff, cup holder, rain cover, insect net and shopping basket all included. Phew!

Silver Cross Surf 2 Pram

This competition is now closed.
Congratulations to our winner: A. Mattingly, NSW.

One lucky Mum’s Grapevine subscriber will win a Silver Cross Surf2 pram package valued at $999.

Competition ends May 31, 2014.


Entry is open to all Australian Mum’s Grapevine newsletter subscribers and Facebook Likers. You can subscribe here…

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