Packing for a pool trip can be like planning an expedition to the south pole. Except you’ll need to take twice as much and face double the trouble! If you’re carting the kids off to weekly swim school lessons, you’ll soon become a seasoned pro. But why take the hard road?
We’ve made the trip there a little easier by putting together a swimbag of tricks and tips for a happy and safe journey.
1. Grab bag
The bag proved so versatile it gave rise to its big brother, the Swim Sports Bag ($18.50). You know that if it’s safe enough for smellies, it’s got to be safe for soggy swimmers. So you can sling it into the car care free after the lesson.
2. Get sneaky
3. Cover up
With options for short or long sleeves, zip front or poncho style, there’s something for everyone—even a day spa-inspired robe for your pool princess.
4. Cap-tive audience
5. Take the plunge
Who would have thought the secret to fitting a swimming cap in a flash would be to fill it with water? Just open it up inside out, dunk it in the pool, lift it above your swim star’s head and drop. Yep, you’re practically water-bombing your kiddo’s head but, if they’re up for it, you’re both sure to get a giggle out if it. And it works, as this fun video shows.
6. Goggle it
7. In a spin
It might not get it perfectly dry but it will be close. Then wrap it in a spare dry towel to absorb that last of the moisture. When you’re in a pinch, give this Lifehacker trick a whirl!
8. Ear buds
9. All ears
If your little dear has troublesome ears, you might worry that getting grommets means the end to swimming. Never fear, Little Grommets ear bands ($19.95) are here to save the day. Worn with ear plugs, these waterproof bands will keep your child’s ears dry and come ENT recommended for use while swimming with grommets. Yay!
10. Swim with confidence
11. Dust them dry
If you like to do your swimming at the beach, be sure to pack the baby powder. It works a treat to clean sandy feet. When drying off, dust it over your beach babe and it will suck up the moisture that’s sticking the sand to their skin, making it easier to brush off. Cool, huh?
12. Top to bottom
Swim schools politely refer to it as an ‘incident’ in the pool. Parent’s call it their worst nightmare. The number 2. Swim nappies are just a must for lessons and the award winning Rashoodz Reusable Swim Nappy ($15) are real lifesavers that can be used again and again without fear of any scary leaks. These bottom covers are tops!
13. Fin fun
14. It’s not easy being green
If the pool has your little fish looking more like a little frog, try using baking soda to remove the green sheen from their hair. Make it into a paste and rub it through their wet mop before they hit the showers, or just mix a little into their shampoo. Babes In Hairland can step you through it. (Image via: Kitchen Stewardship)
15. Play it by ear
Once your fish is out of the water, give them a good dry and then pop a few drops in each ear to help prevent this common painful problem. A great home remedy from MNN.
16. Cap it off
It’s important to give your child’s cap a little TLC between outings. After swimming, rinse the cap in clean water, dry it and sprinkle in a little baby powder. It will absorb the last of the moisture and help prevent bacteria (ew!) from growing. And it might even make the cap a little easier to put on next time. The Swim Outlet has the full guide. (Image via: Team Whimsy)