8 adorable ways to record baby’s first year

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8 creative ways to record baby's first year

That first year of parenting can fly by pretty darn quickly and, before you get a chance to suck in that baby smell one last time (nope, not weird at all), that cheeky little chubba bubba will somehow go and turn one!

Sleep deprivation can make it tricky to remember important milestones such as the date that pesky first tooth finally popped out, or the very first word (mum, mum, mum), so we thought we’d gather eight adorable ideas to help you to record baby’s first year.

Poster perfect

The Strange Birdy poster hanging proudly on your wall is a fab alternative to a baby book

My First Year: A poster hanging proudly on your wall is a fab alternative to a baby book. This print, by Strange Birdy, has space to record milestones, is beautifully illustrated and has a sweet sense of whimsy about it.

Snap happy

Taking a picture in the same place, with the same background or next to the same toy is an excellent marker to highlight how much your poppet has grown in that first year!

Taking a picture in the same place, with the same background or next to the same toy is an excellent marker to highlight how much your poppet has grown in that first year!

We love the felt alphabet soup indicating bubba’s monthly progress. (via Famille Summerbelle)

Digital age

Set up an email account for your child - you can email them details of milestones, funny things they've said or done or photos you want to safe-keep for them.

Set up an email account for your child – you can email them details of milestones, funny things they’ve said or done or photos you want to safe-keep for them. You can give them the email addy and the password when they turn 18 and have fun, reminiscing together.

Deck of cards

Illustrated Beci Orpen cards make the perfect milestone memento!

Milestone Cards ($29.95): What do you get when you photograph your gorgeous poppet with the sweet illustrations of Beci Orpen on Milestone Cards? The perfect milestone memento!

Back in time

Make a fun time capsule to record your babies first year.

It takes a strong will to keep a baby time capsule sealed, but what an amazing experience you’ll share in if you can keep it guarded until they turn 18!

To make your own time capsule, simply whack into a box all the details of their milestones, best photos, cards, hospital baby bracelets and other mementos from their first year, then seal it up ready for the future. (via Kate’s Creative Space)

Compact journal

 A nice and compact journal to quickly record bub's milestones in their first year.

Moleskin Baby Journal ($22.85): From the peeps who make the world’s hippest journals, comes the Moleskin Baby Journal, with pre-printed sections, stickers, expandable pockets and bespoke artwork.

A nice and compact journal to quickly record baby’s first year milestones.

App art

The Obaby milestone app features a range of original, fun and quirky illustrations, borders and doodles to use with photos of your kiddies.

Obaby App ($6.49): Some of us (no names) even sleep with our phones under our pillows, so it makes sense to use an app to record your baby’s first year.

The Obaby app features a range of original, fun and quirky illustrations, borders and doodles to use with photos of your little darling.

Stuck on you

Hand-crafted stickers from Etsy can be used with a white tee or onesie to easily highlight month-by-month growth of your bubba.

Monthly Stickers ($23.38): These hand-crafted stickers from Etsy are beautifully illustrated and can be used with a white tee or onesie to easily highlight month-by-month growth. So pretty!

• 10 cool time capsule ideas
• 15 creative photobook ideas
• 10 journalling apps to record your life

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