Read all about it, Book Week is almost here and mini bookworms are itching to get their craft on and create whimsical costumes that bring their favourite stories to life.
The time has finally arrived to whip out the hot glue gun and search the recycling for bits and bobs. We’ve managed to round up some of the most popular Book Week costumes to make, from the easy-peasy, slap together the night before, to the slightly more elaborate.
Here are 27 Book Week costumes to make.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Costume Ideas
Inspired by the hilarious books written by Jeff Kinney, Diary of a Wimpy Kid’s Greg Heffley is a brilliant yet simple idea for book week. With some craft paper and a black marker, a white t-shirt and black shorts it’s sure to be a win.
Naughts & Cross Stitches
In My Heart Costume Ideas
A sweet story all about feels, what better way to illustrate In My Heart for Book Week than by letting the kids wear their heart loud and proud. A simple spotty dress, red ribbon and homemade cardboard rainbow heart make for a gloriously simple costume.

The Gruffalo Costume Ideas
An oldie but a goodie, the Gruffalo has stayed a firm favourite each and every book week. Use an old bucket hat covered in brown faux fur to craft his head, making the curved horns and bright orange eyes from felt or foam. A brown dress or t-shirt and pants to finish it off and he’s just as scary as we all remember!
If your young reader’s favourite character is the mouse a simple brown felt smock, with matching cutout felt ears attached to a headband makes for the cutest little rodent.


Weald Blog
Do Not Open This Book Costume Ideas
Since being released in 2016, Any Lee’s ‘Do Not Open This Book’ has become a firm kiddy favourite, and the main character, Whizz, as a cardboard cutout makes a brilliant Book Week costume. Get your child to lay flat on a large piece of carboard and roughly mark out how large you want Whizz to be. Then draw and cut out his egg shape before getting crafty with some pain. The addition blue gloves completes this guy perfectly.
The Lorax Costume Ideas
Speaking for the trees is as easy as an orange poncho, orange sunnies and cardboard features. If you prefer to add a bit more detail to your Lorax, a tissue paper pom pom on a broom stick makes a very passable Truffla tree.


Where The Wild Things Are Costume Ideas
We’ll eat you up we love you so! There’s no sign of terrible teeth in these costumes, just adorable little Wild Things with a homemade costumes. If you’re handy with a sewing machine, you’ll need some faux fur and felt to whip up a very cute Wild Thing bonnet. If you have an old bonnet or hoodie – even better! Just glue on some faux fur. A white, polar fleece onesie also makes for a great Max costume, finished off with a cardboard crown.

Made by Toya

Tell Love And Party
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Costume Ideas
This is one of those slap dash, oops we forgot it’s Book Week costumes that looks so gorgeous but takes just minutes to make. Green, orange, red and purple cardboard, a pair of scissors, some string and glue and your little caterpillar is good to go.


Immy from the Winter 2021 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group
No One Likes A Fart Costume Ideas
Ok, this one’s become a firm favourite on the bookshelves of plenty of kiddos. Thanks to none other than Zoe Foster Blake kids learn how real friends love you just the way you are – even if you’re a fart. Start with a base of black leggings and a black top and let their imagination run wild with crafting a fart! Cut the main shape from cardboard, and use scrunched up pieces of brown paper to give it some texture. Or use brown felt filled with stuffing for that authentic fart texture!

Sweet As Baking Co

Dear Zoo Costume Ideas
If you have a kid that’s head over heels for this totally roarsome book, there’s only an afternoon of cutting, gluing and maybe a touch of sewing before you end up with a ripper Book Week costume. You may already have a lion dress up in the costume stash – awesome! If not, an old hoodie with faux fur attached makes for a very passable lion. Then get the paint and textas out to transform a piece of cardboard into a cage and your work is done.

Danielle Johnson

Arlo from the Summer 2019 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group
Little Red Riding Hood Costume Ideas
Sewing enthusiasts get ready – here’s a Book Week project that will have you stitching in no time. A metre or so of red fabric will do the trick, and if you’re not a sewer, you could easily use an old red hoodie with the arms removed. Add a pretty dress and a basket of goodies and it’s off to grandma’s we go!

Stitched by Crystal
The Paper Bag Princess Costume Ideas
Ok, we promised you costumes you can make the night before, and this one is at the top of the list. The story of a princess who bucks stereotypes, just a brown paper bag or butcher’s paper and string will get this costume over the line.

The Day The Crayons Quit Costume Ideas
And here’s another night-before creation – from the pages of Oliver Jeffers’ wondrous book The Day the Crayons Quit. A cardboard and colour co-ordinated creation for crayon lovers is but a few snips away. A red pair of leggings and a top (or whichever colour crayon your kiddo wants to be) is the perfect base. Then attach a cardboard cylinder to a circular piece of card, pop through a ribbon and the sharp end of the crayon is complete.

The House That Lars Built
Alice in Wonderland Costume Ideas
A novel twist on an absolute favourite tale, start hunting for the perfect box now. Then take your time making it look as beautiful as possible for your little Alice to wear. Paint and craft paper will be your friends, and on the morning of the big day, add some fresh flowers.

Just My Pretty
The Snail and the Whale Costume Ideas
Brown paper and a simple outfit are all that’s needed to create the adventurous little snail who befriends a whale and sees the world and learns just how big being small can be. If you want to get a even more creative, spray paint the ‘shell’ gold, add a tulle snail trail and set of battery-operated fairy lights. And recycle last year’s Christmas reindeer antlers for snail tentacles.


Ryan from the Winter 2018 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group
The Rainbow Fish Costume Ideas
A favourite in almost every primary school in Australia, The Rainbow Fish is a heartfelt tale of a fish who learns just how rewarding it is to share. Get the fabric scissors snipping and in no time you’ll have a scale-covered little fish. Felt works beautifully for this costume, as do metallic fabrics. Go a tulle tutu for extra pizzaz!

Bier Samakkamai

Where is the Green Sheep? Costume Ideas
There’s not a year that goes by without at least one Green Sheep in a Book Week parade. This costume is one of the simplest and most striking we’ve found – cardboard, paint and green clothing and you’re set. But what if your little sheep doesn’t want to be green? We’re all about sheep diversity, so let them choose whatever colour they like and find a fluffy or wooly fabric to match.

Madeleine Stamer


Miles from the Winter 2021 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group
Paddington Bear Costume Ideas
Complete with a blue duffle coat, a suitcase in hand and a luggage tag around the neck, this sweet Paddington costume is spot on. Go one step further and fill the case with delicious-looking paper printouts of marmalade sandwiches. So clever.

Rebecca Doyle


Henry from the Winter 2021 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group
Little People, Big Dreams Costume Ideas
If your young readers have been delving into the Little People Big Dreams series, there’s a whole inspirational galaxy of real-life heroes to use as Book Week inspiration, including Mahatma Gandhi. While pants, top, a piece of fabric and some sandals make a very convincing costume. Artist Frida Kahlo also makes a divine Book Week muse. Anything in their wardrobe that screams colour and pattern will work, and finish it off with flowers in the hair, a braid and a red lip.


Curious George Costume Ideas
He’s the cheeky little monkey hanging around with a man in the yellow hat. A straw hat and big round ears are essential for this oh-so-cute outfit! The Man In The Yellow hat is another super easy costume. As well as a yellow hat, any yellow outfit and boots will do.

The Chirping Moms
Elmer Costume Ideas
The story of Elmer the elephant who decides he wants to look like all of the other elephants is such a true celebration of diversity – and this costume is just like Elmer himself, designed to stand out from the crowd! Find a box big enough for your tot to fit into, then attach a cardboard elephant head and ears. Go crazy with the patchwork colour paint, and finish off with some rope across their shoulders to hold up the costume.

Mini Mad Things
Slinky Malinki Costume Ideas
While Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy is usually the star of the show, cat kleptomaniac Slinky Malinki also makes a stellar Book Week costume. Because Slinky likes to steal anything, a black outfit with a whole lots of trinkets attached works so well. Just add some cat ears and whiskers to finish it off.

Stick Man Costume Ideas
If The Gruffalo is getting a Book Week hiatus this year, why not go for Stick Man. He’s nothing more than some cardboard and creativity. His nose is made from a toilet paper roll and the eyes can be crafted from a polystyrene ball cut in half.

Mara Lang
The BFG Costume Ideas
Paper plates steal the show with this simple costume from an absolute classic. Use a headband to keep the ears at either side of the head and pop on a long nose to complete the look. You can also grab free printable BFG ears if you’re not feeling overly crafty. Aspiring artists feel free to draw the BFG whole face as a mask and a snozzcumber. Just add a bottle of frobscottle for maximum impact.

The Guardian

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Costume Ideas
Got a bright yellow dress? Then you’re pretty much there for this Dr. Seuss costume. Just get your small fry to cut out a few blue and red fish and hey presto, Book Week is sorted!

Homemade for Elle
Charlotte’s Web Costume Ideas
Keep this classic Book Week costume simple, or go all out. A pair of denim overalls, a shirt and toy pig is a last minute Book Week costume wonder. But if you’re partial to being a little extra for Book Week, add a web cape spelling out one of Charlotte’s creations.

The Wizard of Oz Costume Ideas
A bright, modern twist on a classic Book Week favourite, complete with homemade ruby slippers, because who said Dorothy was black and white? Add a basket and toy dog and there’s no mistaking this loved character.

Bambi Costume Ideas
Speaking of classic, Bambi is always right for Book Week! Start with a pair of brown leggings and a matching top and add faux fur trim and ears. A couple of carefully placed twigs create antlers, and a bit of face paint makes the perfect little deer nose.

Pirrahnas Don’t Eat Bananas Costume Ideas
With some homemade paper mache and a little bit of paint, the Pirrahna from Pirrahnas Don’t Eat Bananas is a great idea for your little fish. Cut out the middle of the paper mache form for them to stand in or simply paint on some cardboard to hold to their side – and don’t forget the banana.

Willow from the Winter 2021 Mum’s Grapevine Baby Group

Reanna Olive
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