Everyone loves play dough, and chances are, your kiddies will go through their stash like it’s going out of fashion (which it’s definitely not!). So, instead of buying kilos of it each year, why not make some yourself? Just mix together flour, water, salt, cream of tartar and oil for a basic recipe or get a little bit fancy with the special blends we’ve sourced below.
DIY dough strengthens little hands, expands imaginations and saves cash, so without further ado, here are 18 recipes we’ve found for homemade play dough. Ready, steady, squish!
The classic
Kindy teachers sure know their play dough, so you can trust ‘the best no-cook kindergarten teacher playdough recipe’ over at How Wee Learn to be good!
A twist on the classic
If the supermarket has run out of cream of tartar (trust us, this happens!), then use lemon juice instead. This recipe by Mom Inspired Life is easy peasy citrus squeezy.
Arty inspo
Crayon play dough is the ‘write’ stuff for little artistes. Make some conceptual art in moulded dough and do some drawings with the leftover crayons. Genius. (via Sugar Aunts)
Go gluten-free
Gluten-free play dough relies on the powers of cornstarch and wheat-free baking soda, which is great news if your tiny taste-tester is gluten intolerant. (via Living Well Mom)
Dreams come true!
Another recipe using cornstarch is edible marshmallow play dough. No, you are not having a dream about Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. This stuff is for real. (via One Little Project)
Spice things up
With colour coming from things like spirulina, coffee, saffron and paprika, naturally dyed play dough adds spice to your DIY repertoire. (via make+haus)
Diggin’ it
Another earthy idea is this dirt dough. Load it in diggers and crumble it in fingers – this stuff is grrrreat! (via Growing A Jeweled Rose)
Oaty goodness
Oatmeal play dough adds another dimension to sensory play – it’s kinda smooth, kinda bumpy and more fun than playing with a bowl of porridge! (via Story of Five)
Quiet time dough
For another sensory element, add a scent. This calming lavender recipe smells fab and you can mix in purple food colouring too. Then wait for the little ball of calm to work its magic! (via The Natural Nurturer)
Baby soft
Another soothing recipe is this silky soft play dough for kids with sensitive skin. The colours match the feel of it – so soft. (via The Imagination Tree)
Dough from Down Under
This two-tone lemon and eucalyptus play dough adds an Aussie flavour to playtime. Let’s all make green koalas and yellow kangaroos! (via One Perfect Day)
Superpowered soap
Soap foam dough is incredible stuff – your kiddo can mould it, snap it and have fun marbling different colours together. Then add water to make some messy, marvellous ooblek. (via And Next Comes L)
Glow in the dark play dough is a big thrill for littlies. Make it with conditioner and cornstarch or flour and salt, then have a giggle hiding out to see it shine. (Image via DIY Candy)
Mmm…. chocolate
This edible hot chocolate play dough smells delicious, but isn’t so tasty that your tyke will eat the lot. It’s also good for making tree trunks, dirt and faux cookies! (via Nerdy Mamma)
A real treat
And where there are mock cookies, there is edible ice-cream play dough. Made with frosting and powdered sugar, this stuff is so sweet and so neat! (via Smart School House)
Play in the sand
Life’s a beach with squishy sand play dough! Make some plain blue dough too, add shells and sea creature figures and your tot will be beside the seaside. (via Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls)
Down the fairy path
Your tiny Tinkerbell will love creating fairy dust dough. Just hand them a ball of play dough, a tray full of glitter and some fairies for added magic. Then learn how to get glitter off fingers! (via Sugar Spice and Glitter)
To infinity and beyond
For the non-fairy fans, space is the final play dough frontier! This galaxy dough is black as night and starry as the Milky Way. 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF! (via The Imagination Tree)
Learn how to make more fun stuff:
Make your own crayons, play doh, baby wipes & more