Something curious happens when a kid goes to school. They spend the whole day learning new stuff, sharing experiences with friends and poking around their lunchbox. Then the home bell rings.
Suddenly a veil of silence envelops little chatterboxes and a question like, “how was school today?” is met with a monosyllabic “good”. Or worse, a shoulder shrug.
Well, all that’s about to change!
Here are 25 questions to ask a child after school that will get the conversation flowing. Prep parents, you’re going to want to bookmark this one!
- Who did you sit next to today?
- What was the funniest thing that happened?
- What’s something you learnt today that you didn’t know yesterday?
- Who fell over and what happened?
- What’s something a friend taught you today?
- What could you teach a friend?
- What was the hardest thing you did today?
- What was the best bit about lunch time?
- What was one thing someone did that made you feel happy?
- Who would you like to be friends with and what’s your plan for getting to know them?
- What was something surprising a friend or teacher said today?
- What do you want to learn to do and why?
- Have you got a nickname at school and how did you get it?
- What would be your perfect school day?
- What would be a great job when you grow up and why?
- What’s something you’ve always wanted to ask me about school?
- What book did your teacher read you today?
- What’s the best thing about your classroom or teacher?
- Can you tell me a word you’ve learnt and see if I know it?
- If you had two school wishes, what would they be?
- What made you really proud today?
- If you could switch places with one friend for a day, who would it be and why?
- What subject do you wish you had at school and why?
- If you were the teacher for a day, what would you do?
- How was school today? (Just to see if they still answer, “good”)

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- What To Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied, Or Is A Bully
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