Paraplegic Dad-to-Be’s Epic Pregnancy Announcement

Posted in Pregnancy Announcements.

gender reveal paralysed dad

January 22 will go down as a great day in the history of pregnancy announcements (just in case you’re keeping tabs).

Why? Because it was on this date that wheelchair-bound Todd Krieg proposed to his girlfriend, Amanda Diesen and organised a pregnancy announcement shoot that’s hilarious, heart-warming and artistically styled all at the same time. Go Todd!

Showing a thumbs up from the daddy-to-be, Amanda holding the ultrasound pic and, “It still works!” chalked on the wall, this photo has struck a chord with the Reddit community and every person who loves it when dreams come true. So 99.9 per cent of the population.

pregnancy announcement paralysed dad

Amazing news

The pregnancy announcement is extra special because a dirt bike accident in 2014 left Todd paralysed from the chest down and unsure if he could have kids. Amanda tells Brides Live Wedding, “Doctors had said it would be nearly impossible to conceive naturally due to Todd’s injury, but here we are, 14 weeks pregnant.”

Todd is a testament to making lemonade when life throws you lemons. After his accident, the former professional motocross rider headed to a paralysis recovery centre called Project Walk in California.

It was there he met his future baby mama, Amanda. The “cute therapist” (Todd’s words) and the “so handsome” guy (Amanda’s words) hit it off and the rest, they say, is history.

pregnancy announcement paralysed father

The couple are trying to win a dream wedding and we’re crossing fingers and toes that they do.

Whatever happens, Amanda says, “Todd and I are constantly cracking each other up. We think we are the funniest people we know (and it’s totally true). The joy he brings me is unexplainable and he is my best friend. I admire Todd for the struggles he’s been through and hardship he now faces with being in a wheelchair and unable to walk … We are blessed to have each other and are truly a perfect match.”

Love, determination and a sense of humour? Whether or not Todd and Amanda win a wedding, it sounds like their baby boy (yes, it’s a boy!) has won the parent lottery.

Here’s some more pregnancy reveal stories we love.

( images via Kayla Duffin Photography)

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