Coparenting Like Bosses: How Separated Families Get It Right

Posted in Relationships.

Break-ups are hard. Break-ups involving children? Even harder. So we’re saluting this former couple who have put their own hurts and feelings aside to parent their daughter in a way that is, quite simply, admirable.

Trauma nurse Corrina Lynn and ex-partner Matt Chadduck are co-parenting their four-year-old daughter Harper like bosses. Bosses who are emotionally mature and who know that their daughter comes first, no matter what.

Even though their romantic relationship didn’t work out, Corrina and Matt are trying their best to put differences aside and show Harper that she’s loved.

In fact, Corrina regularly has dinner with her daughter and her ex’s new girlfriend, Kirsten. And she explains why, in words that can’t help but move you.

“This is the true meaning of putting all feelings aside to do what is best for your children,” Corrina writes. “Seeing another woman in my daughter’s life was hard for me at first. It was hard for a while. There are still days when it’s hard.”

But Corrina  rises above her feelings because “Harper deserves every ounce of love she can get and Kristen deserves all the love that Harper has for her.”

Corrina goes on to praise the way the other woman parents her daughter.

“Kristen has stepped up to help care for my child and love my child, she helps teach my child, and she disciplines my child, she cuddles her, she does everything a mom would do when I cannot be around. She nurtures her and spoils her and most importantly Kristen LOVES Harper.”

Full of gratitude and selflessness, Corrina thanks her ex and his new partner. “So thank you Kristen and thank you Matt Chadduck for not only being the best dad and making it so easy to co-parent but also for picking a woman to treat Harper right!”

Facebook users have embraced Corrina’s words, sharing their own amazing stories of co-parenting.

Beki Smit writes, “This is beautiful. I am a step-mom to 2 great kids who came into my life when they were very young – I also have 2 kids that I gave birth to as well…”

Jacki Teeter also shares a positive experience with step-parenthood. “I fell into a step-parent role when I was dating a wonderful man. Thankfully, I had a real bond with the mother of their son and their son and I also bonded tightly. It was a physical and emotional responsibility that I never expected to take on, but it was insanely rewarding. He [our collective sweet boy] probably taught me more than I’ll ever understand.” she writes.

And from Kristine Treloar: “You are a very special person and a great mum. This must be extremely difficult for you and yet you put the interests of your children first.”

Even if it may not be the village you imagined when you first began your parenting journey, it really does take a village to raise a child.

Want more parenting tips? Here’s some great ideas for parenting with patience.

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