Giving birth is one of the most amazing things in the world (and proof that mothers are absolutely incredible). While many birth photographers and videographers are hired to capture the moment a child is born vaginally, often the beauty of caesarean births are hidden behind the curtains.
Not anymore.
An incredibly raw breech birth video via gentle caesarean has given us a rare glimpse into what a c-section birth looks like.
All we can say is WOW!
The breech birth video, filmed at Cenfer Fertility Center in Venezuela, takes us behind the scenes of what is known as a gentle caesarean – a c-section where bub is gently guided out of his mum’s uterus and into the world.
Welcome baby, your entrance into the world is incredibly beautiful, even if it’s bottom first.
More birth stories from the Grapeviner community…
- Birth Story: Rainbow photo reveals double happiness after heartbreak
- Doctor (and dad of triplets) delivers three sets of triplets in six weeks
- Birth Story: Aussie mum gives birth in a ute (again!)
- Her sister is having twins and her reaction is priceless!
About to (or just had) a baby?
We know that the wait to meet your baby can be nerve-wracking, but we’re here to remind you that you’re not alone. Our private Pregnancy & Baby Groups are a great way to connect with other Aussie mums who are due or had their babies around the same time as you.