DIY Heart Hugs Buttons to Comfort Anxious Kids

Posted in School Readiness.

The heart hug button hack for worried kids

Mum’s Grapevine reader Vikkie Triantafyllou shared her clever, no-sew way to soothe anxious feelings after it helped her daughter’s start to school.

Vikkie had seen other mums draw hearts on their children’s hands, for them to press if they needed some extra love while away from mum and dad. “Day one we had drawn a heart on our hands that I’d seen elsewhere for her to press if she felt sad or missed us and then asked if she could have it every day.”

Love heart hug buttons

Heart hug button in uniform


The clever mum came up with a way to make sure her daughter had a ‘hug button’ handy every day. She found some applique hearts ($15) to iron onto the inside of her little girl’s school uniform.

“This way it’s always there. I hope this might help your anxious little people as they begin their school journey.”

Hearts for hug buttons

Vikkie says two weeks into her daughter’s start to school and the hearts are still working a treat.

We love this idea Vikkie! Check out this other brilliant trick – how a hair tie can help you be a better parent.

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