Mums Review HelloFresh Meal Boxes: Convenient & Tasty

Posted in House & Garden, Tried It, Love it!.

HelloFresh Review | Mum's Grapevine

Delicious family meals, deliciously simple. HelloFresh takes the effort out of dinnertime by creating mouthwatering recipes and doing the shopping for you. Everything you need is delivered to your door: fresh, in-season ingredients and chef-created recipes.

Flexible meal plans are tailored to your tribe – choose from classic, veggie or family boxes for two to four people, or a family or five. Decide how many meals you’d like for the week: three, four or five, or four meals for a family. Then sit back and wait for your meal box to land on your doorstep.

Recipes are nutritionally balanced, with meals that make dinnertime exciting. Pre-portioned ingredients so there’s no more food wastage and generous meal sizes make for full tummies. Yum!

Visit HelloFresh for details.

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illustration of garden and heart with 'tried it, loved it' on it

Here’s what the Mum’s Grapevine crew are saying:

Susie Bate, Mum’s Grapevine reader

“For families, the time savings in meal prep and shopping are a big plus.”

“Everything about the HelloFresh box – from the box delivery to the meal preparation is time-friendly and easy. It just makes dinnertime hassle free and lets you focus on enjoying the food with your family. My husband loves it because the recipes are straight straightforward (and written down instead of in my head). And the exact food portions have been included so you know that everything you need is in the one place.”


Sammi Hall, Mum’s Grapevine writer

“Perfect for mums who can’t do large shops with a pram and/or screaming child.”

“I loved the convenience. I never realised how much time I waste roaming the aisles of the supermarket. And not having to think ‘what am I going to cook tonight’ is just brilliant! To have everything you need for each meal altogether, ready to go requires less thinking and more cooking. It also reduced food wastage which is GREAT.”


Kristee Staples, Mum’s Grapevine reader

“I have already recommended HelloFresh to my family and friends.”

“I absolutely loved all the variety of recipes provided. It surprised me how easy the meals were to prepare and how delicious the meals were to eat. My partner was a bit worried about portion sizes but he never complained and was able to take leftovers to work the next day. He was really impressed with the flavour of the meals.”


Caroline Taylor, Mum’s Grapevine founder

“A saviour for this busy single mum.”

“It was so convenient. Running Mum’s Grapevine and being a single mum leaves little time for meal planning. With HelloFresh everything was done for me. I love being able to cook nutritious, different meals without having to do any of the prep.”



Justine Schliefert, Mum’s Grapevine reader

“Fresh, different, tasty, creative, generous!”

“The variety of the recipes and quality of the meat really surprised me. In fact, my partner has already asked to cook a couple of the recipes again. I’d recommend HelloFresh to anyone who is a rut with cooking new and exciting meals. Also new mums with a newborn and anybody who feels they ‘can’t’ cook.”


Natalie Esler, Mum’s Grapevine writer

“A winner for families.”

“What surprised me most about HelloFresh was how easy it was to follow the recipes and cook delicious meals in a short time frame. I loved that there was something in each meal that everyone in the family enjoyed – the quality meat (hubby), the fresh veggies (me) and the variation in meals (all of us!). My husband loved that he could have such a varied menu – no late-night calls on the way home to ask what we need for dinner.”


Anita Butterworth, Mum’s Grapevine writer

“Fuss-free, fresh food turned into brilliant family meals.”

“It’s adventurous. I love being able to try so many new dishes and the kids actually enjoyed trying dishes they haven’t had before (which surprised me!). I really like cooking but hate the shopping so this is like heaven for me – like having a personal shopper. But I still get the enjoyment of actually cooking for my family.”


Renita Gordon, Mum’s Grapevine national sales manager

“Delicious meals with huge variety.”

“So delicious! The dinners are scrumptious … mouthwateringly good. Even the kids were happy. And I loved that there was often enough left over for either my husband or I (sometimes both!) to have leftovers for lunch the next day.”




Find the plan that works for your family at HelloFresh.

These products have been provided by HelloFresh for the purpose of trial and review. All reviews submitted are the honest, authentic and genuine sentiments of the Mum’s Grapevine Facebook Group members (Grapeviners) participating in this trial.

You too can have your say by joining the Mum’s Grapevine Product Review Team.

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