Best IAPBP Birth Photos of 2018 Revealed

Posted in Birth Photography.

Renate van Lith birth photography

There are so many incredible moments during, and immediately after birth. Those first, kitten-weak cries from bub, the uncontrollable emotion and the feelings of power and strength.

Birth photography is a true art form that pauses these heart-stopping moments into memories that will last a lifetime. Every year the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers has the unenviable task of deciding which breathtaking birth images from the past 12 months are the top of the heap.

Here are the winners of the 2018 Image of the Year Contest – get your tissues out, you’re about to go on an emotional journey. Just a small word of warning – these are birth images, and as such there are some photos that are graphic in nature.

First place: Stunning siblings first encounter

Water birth photograph Marijke Thoen Geboortefotografie
via Marijke Thoen — Marijke Thoen Birth photography

Best labour: Nowhere and everywhere

Rebecca Coursey Rough

via Rebecca Coursey, photographer + doula

Best delivery: En caul baby birth

Daniela Justus birth photography
via Daniela Justus Fotografia

Best birth details: Birth of a brother

Daniela Justus birth photography

via Daniela Justus Fotografia

Best postpartum: Flesh of my flesh

Esther Edith Birth Photography competition winner

via Esther Edith Photography and Doula Services

Honourable mention: How big?

Meg Brock birth photo

via Meg Brock Photography

Members choice winner: Three becomes four

Esther Edith Spokane birth photo

via Esther Edith Photography and Doula Services

Members choice best birth details: Bulging forewaters

Cat Fancote birth photography

via Cat Fancote Birth Photography

Honourable mention: Mother hat

Lela Beltrão birth photo

via Lela Beltrão — Lela Beltrão288

Members choice best postpartum: Hold my heart

Tamara Milldove Birth Photography

via Milldove Photography – Maternity, Birth and Newborn

What a triumph of the human spirit. These incredible images are a reflection of just how amazing our bodies and our babies are. Last year’s winners are just as awe-inspiring, make sure you take a look.

And if you’re in the mood for reading birth stories – we have a huge archive to choose from.

(Top image: Colourful Life via Renate van Lith Fotografie)

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