Mum’s bassinet warning after baby’s frightening injury

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A worried mum is warning other parents about the possible dangers of a bassinet with mesh lining after her baby suffered a frightening injury.

Erin Duffy says she fed her six-week-old son Parker at 6am this morning, and then put him back to sleep in his bassinet. When he began stirring at 11am Erin made Parker a bottle, and when she went to pick up her baby was horrified to find him covered in blood. His bedding and bassinet were also bloodied, prompting Erin to call her mum.

“She took him to the doctors quickly so I could get dressed and get his bottle and meet her there,” Erin explained in a Facebook post.

“Turns out Parker had gotten his little baby toe stuck in the little holes in the side and it cut his baby toe. I never even thought of something like that happening and I thought it was a good idea having the holes to help the air flow but not now. Very, very dangerous.”

Erin says that while the cut on Parker’s toe wasn’t big, the doctor had commented that it was strange for a six-week-old to lose so much blood. “He’s okay now and is very happy sleeping.” Erin told Mum’s Grapevine she’s still trying to work out if Parker’s toe was trapped in the mesh, if his toenail was caught or toe grazed.

Erin says she will make sure Parker wears socks to bed every night, and she’ll be contacting the bassinet manufacturer and place of purchase, Big W. “Anyone with this bassinet, please keep on eye on your little one’s toes.”

In a statement the bassinet distributor, CNP Brands, said: “We are aware of the incident and are concerned to hear about any injuries which may have occurred as a result of product use. We take product safety very seriously, and have a proud record in this area.

“We have reached out to the mother of the child and we are keen to learn more about what has happened. As we would with any complaint, we will be reviewing the incident, and whether the design of the product may have contributed to the injuries of the child. The bassinet involved is a highly popular product and is constructed in line with Australian and International Standards. This is the first incident of this nature we’ve had reported to us.
We take these situations very seriously and are investigating the matter fully.”

Big W has also been contacted for comment.

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