Baby, it’s cold outside and it’s time to pull out the winter woollies and jackets – but there’s one place you need to make sure your woolly bundle isn’t wearing their coat.
While a snug baby in a warm, puffy jacket is as cute-as-a-button, there’s a really important reason why they can’t wear bulky coats while strapped into the car seat.
Winter car seat warning

According to Infasecure, babies under 12 months old haven’t yet developed strong bone structure or shoulders. It means that when they’re in their car seat, the shoulder strap position has to be precise and correct. And this can’t happen if a bulky coat is in the way.
If the car is involved in a crash, the jacket material may compress, allowing the harness straps to slacken. The restraint may not perform the way it’s supposed to, and may even lead to the baby being ejected from the car seat.
Have a look at how dangerous it can be:
This warning also extends to swaddling or wrapping babies before putting them in a car seat. If you think bub may be cold in transit, pop a blanket over their legs once they’re strapped in, and pump up the heater!
Infasecure says parents should dress their children in lighter, warm clothing like long-sleeved shirts, thin pullovers, singlets and leggings when travelling in the car.