4.7 average from 4 reviews
100% would recommend this to a friend
The VTech Pan & Tilt Video Monitor with remote access is a high tech, secure way to watch, hear and soothe babies remotely.
Keep an eye on baby no matter where you are with encrypted local and remote viewing and recording. Motion-activated alerts, two-way talk through the parent unit or your phone via the app (perfect when bub is with a babysitter) give peace-of-mind. And the auto night vision continues the crystal-clear viewing as day turns into night. You can even zoom in to get a closer look using the viewer, or the free app.
As families grow, so does the system – pair, view and control up to four cameras on the Viewer, and 10 on the app.
Visit VTech for details.
Here’s what the Mum’s Grapevine testers are saying
Sarah Russell, mum of a two-month-old
The quality of the video in night mode is so impressive. I can almost see my baby’s eyelashes as I watch her eyelids get heavy!!! The sound is excellent, and being able to speak to her through the monitor is a great feature. It has given us the confidence to transition her into her cot in her own room and for that I am very thankful (and much more well rested!).
Rochelle Dowsett, mum of a three-month-old
“I had it up and running in under 10 minutes”
The ability to record photos and video directly to my phone is awesome, as is the versatility to use it as a home security system. Set up was fairly straightforward. The picture and sound quality is better than I expected and the touchscreen is super easy to navigate and use.
Skye Peagram, mum of a four-month-old.
“It really helped us transition from bassinet to cot!”
We loved that it was touch screen activated and you could talk to your baby via the microphone without having to go into their room. Very easy to set up and sync with our Wi-Fi and phones. The biggest WOW factor was the camera quality, motion-activated sensor and the ability to log in with multiple devices.
Meaghan Burman-Odgers, mum of a three-month-old
“The camera is great quality. “
The camera was quick and easy to set up and give us a clear picture of bub sleeping. It works well in both daylight and low light making it a versatile camera for use as a baby monitor or home security.
These products have been provided by VTech for the purpose of trial and review. All reviews submitted are the honest, authentic and genuine sentiments of the Mum’s Grapevine Facebook Group members (Grapeviners) participating in this trial.
You too can have your say by joining the Mum’s Grapevine Product Review Team.