When you become a Dad and hold your baby for the first time you are overwhelmed with so many emotions. Love, amazement, joy and confusion!
The first year of your babies life is full of confusion – why are they crying, why is there so much poo, what do I do if they get sick?
We have put together our picks of the best books for new Dads.
Written by Dads for Dads, they cover issues from bonding with your newborn, to pub nappy changes. They will keep the Dad’s in your life laughing and reading for hours.
A practical parody
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What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding by Thomas Hill: With this lighthearted, month-by-month instruction manual on the care and nurture of a pregnant wife–the main role of expectant dads–he’ll handle all the important milestones and topics: what not to say during the three phases of labor; what to buy, how many, and when; maintaining work-life balance; maintaining work-life-wife balance.

Enjoy the ride
Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad! by John Pfeiffer: There are plenty of pregnancy books for a mum-to-be but what about Dad? Avoid looking totally puzzled or overwhelmed with John Pfeiffer’s helpful and supportive tips and guidance.
Get real advise from someone who has been through doctors appointments, food-craving runs, name picking battles and nursery styling.
Trust experience
So you’re going to be a Dad by Peter Downey: If you are going to buy one book about becoming a Dad – this is it. Updated for it’s 20th anniversary it will have you prepared in no time. Do you know what a breast pump is? You will find out with a glossary of words you may never have heard of but will need to know now you have become a Dad.
Yay! We’re expecting
We’re Pregnant! the First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook by Adrian Kulp: From easy-to-understand stats on the mummy and baby to discussing and designing a birthing plan this book provides all the need-to-know information on how to be an ideal partner, and become a fully prepared parent.
The whole 9 months
Pregnancy for Men: The Whole 9 Months by Mark Woods: Most pregnancy books are for the mother but this one is just for dads. A guide through nine months of joy, excitement, fear, lots of big words, and bigger boobs, so you emerge from the emotional rollercoaster ready for your new baby.
Field Guide
Sidekick: A Pregnancy Field Guide for Dudes by Brig Berthold: This book will make you a support champion. Because you, my man, are the sidekick. A sidekick knows there is more to the first trimester than ginger ale. Packed with practical tips, and over 20 illustrations, this book is the perfect guide to help men thrive during pregnancy.
Fatherhood demystified
The New Dad’s Survival Guide by Scott Mactavish: Crucial tips and advice from a man’s point of view. Seasoned father and master infant-tamer Scott Mactavish breaks the Baby Code down and lays it out in straight-up guyspeak.
No psychobabble, no warm fuzzies – just a hilarious and practical guide to surviving fatherhood.
Congrats dude! Now what?
From Dude to Dad by Chris Pegula and Frank Meyer: Freaking out about what’s coming? Relax. From Dude to Dad serves up the need-to-know essentials on pregnancy, birthing, and parenthood.
A road map of what lies ahead, learn how you can be the best partner and dad-to-be.
Be prepared for anything
Be Prepared: A practical handbook for new Dads by Gary Greenberg and Jeannie Hayden: They may say nothing can prepare you but this book can certainly try.
You can arm yourself with all the information to go into your first year as a Dad just like you would Bear Grylls going into the wilderness and you will survive!
From A to Z
The New Dad Dictionary by Chris Illuminati: Parenting is a whole other language so let this book help. A crash course in pregnancy and baby related words and phrases, it offers real-life explanations that any bloke can understand.
Do you know what meconium or cradle cap is? No stress.. that’s what The New Dad Dictionary is for!
The weirdness of parenting
Man vs. Child by Doug Moe: Balancing relatable humor with heartfelt advice, Doug Moe tackles funny but important questions, like how to be a good dad without becoming a BabyBjoern-wearing tool, or what to do if your child loves your iPad more than they love you.
Man vs. Child will appeal to any dad looking for both laughs and real guidance.
No need to freak out
The Expectant Father by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash: Informative and reassuring, The Expectant Father presents insight into the emotional, financial, and physical – yes, physical – effects of impending parenthood on men.
This month-by-month guide is information-packed, with the humor of New Yorker cartoons to offer a friendly and very readable reference for dads-to-be.
The Expectant Dad’s Survival Guide by Rob Kemp: The life of a first-time father will throw up new experiences every day. This Dad’s Survival Guide combines expert advice from midwives, psychologists and obstetricians with first-hand accounts to cover all bases.
A must-read for all fathers-to-be.
Game time
The New Dad’s Playbook by Benjamin Watson: Written by Super Bowl champion Benjamin Watson, The New Dad’s Playbook is every man’s game plan, from pre-season (preparing for fatherhood) to the Super Bowl (birth) to post-season (after baby is home).
It will help any new dad become the best team player for their partner and their baby.
Birth, breastfeeding and beyond
The Birth Guy’s Go-To Guide for New Dads by Brian W Salmon and Kirsten Brunner: Dad, doula, and certified lactation consultant Brian Salmon and perinatal mental health and relationship expert Kirsten Brunner offer practical, modern-day survival tips for expectant dads and birth partners.
This book will teach you everything you need to know about supporting your partner through birth, breastfeeding, and beyond
Going Commando
Commando Dad Basic Training by Neil Sinclair: If you are swapping early morning boot camp for early morning nappy changes this is the book for you.
Not content with being just a good dad – Commando Dad will show you how to be elite and tackle those first years with the same attitude you would take going to army bootcamp.
High expectations
Dad’s Expecting Too! by Harlan Cohen: Packed with humor and advice from experts and parents who have walked in your shoes, this book offers essential tips, insights, and stories about the most exhilarating, intimidating, and awesome experience of your lives.
A witty and wise guide to all you and your partner need to know about having a baby.
The first year and beyond
The New Dad’s Survival Guide by Rob Kemp: You survived the 9 months and baby’s birth. What now? The New Dad’s Survival Guide reveals what to expect in the first 18 months, arming you with the tools you need to be a fantastic dad.
Entertaining, informative, and packed full of expert advice, this is the go-to guide for modern, hands-on dads.
Baby 101
The New Dad Survival Handbook by Cheryl Caldwell: This survival guide for dads is everything parents have secretly thought but hesitated to say. Brighten your day with this clever take on all things baby.
Ready to laugh out loud?
Way too much puke and poop
Don’t puke on your Dad by Toby Morris: we all know babies puke and poop for a lot of that first year. Toby Morris takes you through the first year covering topics such as ‘manly’ baby talk and how to change a diaper in a pub.
He will help you survive the bad, the terrible and the puke.
A little bit funny a little bit serious
Papadaddy’s book for new fathers by Clyde Egerton: With four children aged between 5 and 30 Clyde Edgerton certainly has parenting experience.
He will impart all of his wisdom on parenting while also providing some practical advice like strategies for recovery after you’ve cursed in front of a mimicking toddler.
Dude where’s your baby?
A Dude’s Guide to Babies: The new Dad’s playbook by Richard Jones and Barry Robert Ozer: Have you ever heard of Dad-fu? It is just like Kung-fu but Dad’s stuff. Give a new Dad this book and he will be able to Dad-fu like an expert.
Changing nappies to minimising your child’s need for therapy later on – this book has it all covered.
When you need a laugh
The Very Embarrassing Book of Dad Jokes by Ian Allen: The days and nights can be long when you have a newborn. Have a laugh and start to memorise all these Dad jokes you can bring out when your kids are teenagers and have friends over.
It may not help you stop the baby crying but it will be worth it when you see your teenager squirm.

Expecting a baby?
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