Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms: What to Look For

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Second trimester pregnancy symptoms

Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy. Over the next few months, you’ll get all sorts of subtle (and not so gentle) reminders that you’ll be growing a baby from the teeny tiny size of a poppy seed to the size of a beach ball.

As your body adjusts to accommodate new life, you’ll experience everything from the totally weird (hello skin tags!) to the completely wonderful pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, bigger boobs and a glowing complexion – there’s plenty in store!

It’s time to embrace the nine months of amazing changes, starting with the earliest, first trimester signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Early pregnancy signs during first trimester

Your body is incredibly clever, and will begin adjusting to pregnancy before you even know you’re pregnant! From food aversions (and cravings) to acne and increased mucus, there are many tell-tale signs that you’re expecting. You just need to tune into your body.

You may experience only a couple of these early pregnancy symptoms or a quite a few:

Morning sickness – From light nausea to severe sickness that plagues you day and night, morning sickness is one of the most recognisable early pregnancy symptoms. And for some women, it doesn’t ease up until birth.

Food aversions and cravings – Fancy a pickle and ice-cream sandwich for lunch? Or can’t stomach the thought of eating ever again – cravings and food aversions are common in the first trimester.

Mood swings – Mood swings are very common during first trimester (and again in third trimester), thanks to the huge physical and metabolic changes you’re going through. And these changes in hormone levels affect the neurotransmitters which regulate moods in the brain.

Abdominal bloating – As your body produces more progesterone your muscles relax, including the intestine muscles. This slows your digestion down allowing gas to build up and you get bloating, burping, and increased flatulence.

Frequent urination – Your baby is already releasing the pregnancy hormone HCG, which increases the blood supply in your pelvic region. In turn, your bladder is being irritated, and you may find yourself passing small amounts of pee more often.

Fatigue – It’s tiring work creating a baby! With your metabolism working overtime and higher levels of progesterone in your system, you may find yourself wanting a nanna nap in the afternoon.

Dysgeusia – If you’ve noticed a strange, metallic taste in your mouth, you’re not going crazy. It tends to strike at the same time as nausea in early pregnancy – very unfortunate timing! You can thank the increase in oestrogen in your body for this distasteful symptom, as well as a few other things.

Cramping – As your baby begins to grow, it’s normal to feel some cramping in early pregnancy.

Light bleeding or spotting – Along with cramping, you may experience some spotting or light bleeding around the time you’d usually get your period. Often caused by the embryo implanting into your uterus lining.

A missed period – This is one of the most obvious (and awesome) signs that you’re pregnant, however, some women do continue to bleed at the same time they would normally have their period, throughout their pregnancy.

High basal body temperature – If you’ve been religiously charting your cycle and BBT while trying to conceive, you will notice that your BBT will remain high during your luteal phase. If you’re pregnant it will stay high after ovulation.

Constipation and wind – The hormones are amping up throughout your body – including in your intestines. They allow everything to relax a little, in a bid to make more space for the baby. And so, you can welcome constipation, wind and digestive issues to the early pregnancy party.

Cold or blocked sinuses – In a bid to stop your body rejecting your baby as a foreign object, your immune system becomes suppressed. This, in turn, makes you more likely to catch colds and get a stuffy nose.

Skin changes – Those hormones are back, and they may be sending your skin back to your teenage years. Don’t worry, the breakouts should settle down and hopefully make way for that pregnancy glow by the second trimester!

Breast changes – From tender nipples, darker areola, sore breasts, lumps, bumps and colour changes, your breasts will experience some significant changes in the first trimester.

Increased Cervical Mucus – While your period won’t arrive, you may notice an increase in cervical mucus. This is due to higher levels of progesterone in your body.

Heightened sense of smell – Your nose knows your pregnant! You may find certain smells stomach churning, or find subtle smells overwhelming.

Pica – This intriguing pregnancy symptom causes women to crave non-food items like dirt and soap, and the reason behind it is equally fascinating.

Now that you know what’s happening to your body during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it’s time to join an online pregnancy group and chat with other mums going through the exact same thing as you!

The Mum’s Grapevine closed pregnancy groups are safe and supportive Facebook groups (no one will know you’re pregnant) based on the season you’re due. Click below and join your group today.


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