Which type of pram wheel is right for you?

Posted in Out & About tips, Push Chairs.

Different types of pram wheel | Mum's Grapevine

Bundling bub up into the pram and hitting the road is all about adventure (and hopefully a little snooze from the passenger). Some mums and bubs thrive on sunny footpath strolls, others live for sandy stretches on the beach or rambling runs off the beaten track. Whatever your pram passion, there’s a wheel type that’s perfectly suited.

Pram tyres have come a long way since the plastic fantastic stroller wheels of old. Now they’re carefully engineered and curated to different family lifestyles. If you’re an avid jogger, toting baby in a pram with air-filled tyres will keep everyone happy, while meandering off-track walks call for foam filled wheels.

Here’s everything you need to know about the different types of pram wheel.

Pneumatic (air-filled) pram tyres

Phil&Teds air pram tyres

These wheels are made for walking … and running on any surface.

Filled with air, they’re built for speed so bub stays happy and isn’t bumped around too much when mum’s hitting her stride. Being filled with air means you need to keep an eye on the pressure so they don’t go flat. Pneumatic wheels are also great on the beach and grass. And like any air-filled tyre, they may puncture.

Made from: Rubber filled with air
Best for: Jogging
Good on: Flat, even surfaces like footpaths
Maintenance: May puncture

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) pram tyres

Bugaboo Bee EVA Wheels

A tough wheel made from a rubber-like material, and pretty much maintenance-free.

This means no punctures – ever! If you’re planning on heading off-road, it’s a smart choice but just a word of warning. EVA wheels are best for long, meandering walks rather than fast running. That’s because they have less give, so it’s a bit of a bumpier ride for little ones if you’re jogging.

Made from: Rubber-like plastic
Best for: Walking
Good on: Flat, even surfaces
Maintenance: None

Polyurethane (foam-filled) pram tyres

Bugaboo Foam Filled Pram Tyres

Similar to an air-filled tyre, but with foam inside instead of air.

Durable and low maintenance as they can’t puncture. Polyurethane wheels have the comfy cushioning that comes with foam, so they’re a smooth ride for bubs who like to nap on-the-go.

Made from: Rubber and foam
Best for: 
Good on: 
All terrain


Phil&Teds Aerotech Pram Wheel

A clever combo of rubber and EVA, Aerotech is the best of two worlds.

The hollow inside makes for a smooth ride because they work just like traditional air-filled tyres, without the air so there’s no maintenance. They are lightweight and great for darting in and out of tight spaces, but best kept on smooth surfaces.

Made from: Blend of EVA and rubber
Best for: 
Walking and the shops
Good on: 
Flat, even surfaces

It’s worth noting that many prams have small, rubber front swivel wheels which are great for steering and grip. These are often coupled with air-filled rear tyres.

Pram wheel tips

Pram wheels also come in different diameters, with joggers boasting big beefy tyres and strollers packing a much more compact set of wheels. The larger wheels help with cushioning, control and negotiating uneven surfaces. While the smaller wheels help prams dart in and out of tight spots, like squishy shop aisles.

It’s also worth checking if the wheels have the ability to lock into position. When the wheels swivel it lets you steer the pram easily. But when the road gets a little bumpy you probably want to lock those wheels in place so bub doesn’t get jostled too much.

Searching for the perfect chariot for your bub? Head on over to our Pram Before You Buy Guide, we’ve answered all the questions for you. Click below to read.


Bugaboo, phil&teds, Silver Cross.

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