Post-baby ‘Mummymoon’: Why you need a holiday after having a baby

Posted in Postpartum Tips & Advice.

New mums urged to take mummymoons | Mum's Grapevine

New mums are being encouraged to indulge in a post-baby ‘mummymoon’ with their baby to nourish themselves after giving birth.

Australian tropical hideaways are opening their doors to dads, mums and bubs needing to recharge their batteries after the first few weeks of parenthood and indulge in babysitting, spa treatments and sumptuous meals.

And health professionals say it’s a brilliant idea.

Mummymoons easing the pressure on new mums

Hamilton Island baby's first holiday

Amid the popularity of the mum-cation (a kid-free break with your besties) comes the mummymoon – a break for parents who’ve just emerged from the first few weeks with their newborn. Counsellor Amanda Westphal says the mummymoon trend is ‘fantastic’, and if there was ever a time for a family to take a break, it’s after welcoming a new baby.

“The daily routine of a new baby is exhausting, tiring and overwhelming,” Amanda told Mum’s Grapevine. “If you’re in a position where you can be tired and exhausted in a resort, and a nutritious meal is only a phone call away, why wouldn’t you?!

“It also takes the housekeeping pressure off the worn out mums, so they can focus on their new addition. Rather than feeding your new baby and feeling guilty that the tidying up still isn’t done and trying to remember to put another load of washing on; they can have their feet in the infinity pool and send dirty clothes to the in-house laundry.”

Five-star mummymoons

Byron at Byron mummymoon

And luxury resorts are lapping up the trend, tailoring five-star packages specifically for new parents. Byron at Byron Resort and Spa offers a two-night MummyMoon package in a Superior Suite complete with breakfast, a massage for mum, a bottle of post-baby celebratory NV Bollinger Champagne, daily yoga, a gift for bub and use of a Bugaboo Cameleon3 Kite.

While in the Whitsundays, Hamilton Island’s Baby First Holiday package includes shopping items like teething gel and nappies that can be ready and waiting in your room when you arrive. New parents can also request items like prams, baby baths and change mats for use while staying on the island. And child minding services are available for babies from six-weeks-old.

“A mummymoon means that you can focus on being a happy mummy, and it also sets you up for prioritising self-care,” Amanda explains. “If a mummy realises in the beginning that she can be refreshed and happy without feeling guilty, then she’s more likely to continue a self-care routine.”

Mummymoons help boost new mums

Health professionals say finding time to connect as a new family may even help with postnatal anxiety and depression.

“With sleep deprivation a crippling side effect of being a new parent, a mummymoon allows you to sleep guilt free. Not only is there the option of child minding, but without the regular distractions of life, you’ll find you’re not busy with a to-do list that stops you napping when you’re at home. Connecting with your new baby in an environment free of distractions may help to lower postnatal anxiety, support postnatal depression, and encourage a strong attachment with your new addition.

“We hear all the time that it takes a village to raise a child. Why can’t that village be in a five star?”



Images: Hamilton Island, Byron at Byron

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