Q&A: Is it safe to use insect repellent when pregnant?

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Question & Answer

The hum of pesky flies and whine of mosquitos are all part of the charm of Aussie living, and smelling like Aeroguard is a rite of passage. But you may have thought twice about reaching for the insect repellent when pregnant.

I absolutely hate getting attacked by mozzies and flies and usually dowse myself in insect repellent, but I’m wondering if it’s ok to use when pregnant? It smells so strong!

Cindy, Mum's Grapevine Group Member

It’s perfectly safe to use insect repellent – and insect spray – when you’re pregnant. When you consider how many diseases mosquitos carry and spread, using an insect repellent during pregnancy is really important, especially if you’re travelling to areas that are known to have mosquito-borne diseases.

According to the Australian Department of Health, insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin are safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children older than two months when used according to the product label.

Just remember that if you’re using sunscreen and insect repellent together, pop the sunscreen on first, then the repellent over the top.

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