Q&A: Can I See a Dentist While Pregnant?

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Question & Answer

Lots of mums-to-be are worried that getting dental x-rays and fillings while pregnant may harm their bubs. But is that true, or should you stick to your regular dental checks?

Do I need to postpone my regular dental checks while pregnant? I’ve heard lots of mums say that you’re not supposed to have dental work done when you’re expecting but would hate to get a toothache!

Shaz, Mum's Grapevine Group Member

Now is not the time to become a stranger to your dentist! Dental Health Services Victoria says visiting the dentist while pregnant is really important to your health, and your baby’s. But in the first three months of pregnancy there are some procedures and medications that need to be avoided, so make sure your dentist knows if you’re in the first trimester.

If it is possible, x-rays should be avoided while pregnant, but if your dentist thinks it needs to be done, you will have protection while the x-ray is taken. Just remember that continuing your regular checks is all about preventing any issues that may require an x-ray.

If you’re in the throes of morning sickness, brushing your teeth may make you gag. Try using a kids’ toothbrush in the mornings (it’s softer and has a smaller head). If you are sick, hold off brushing your teeth for about 30 minutes so your tooth enamel has had some time to recover.

(Sources: Australian Dental AssociationDental Health Services Victoria)

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