Need a little activity to do with bub on a rainy day? These great DIY games keep wiggle-worms happy for ages, and they won’t even know they’re honing their fine motor skills!
Amy from our Winter 2018 Baby Group has shared her DIY activities, and they’re all using things from around the house.
“My daughter is obsessed with pulling EVERYTHING at the moment (including my hair and hubby’s beard). She had the best time pulling felt and pop sticks out of an old formula tin. We also attempted a baby ball drop (pom poms) she did well at pulling the pom poms from the milk bottle but would rather try eat the pom poms instead of watching them drop.” Cheeky little mouse!
So just gather up your old formula tin (or any large container will do) and cut some holes in the top. Make sure there are no sharp edges, and then either thread bits of wool, fabric or icy pole sticks through the hole. Then sit back and watch with wonder as something so simple keeps bub occupied for long enough to have a cuppa!
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