Baby Food Tip For Super Speedy Meals

Posted in Starting Solids Tips.

Baby food freezer tip

The fun of new tastes and textures at the start of bub’s food journey means cooking up a storm, and thanks to one clever mum, we’re about to show you how to make the most out of your baby food prep time.

Nyssa from our Baby Groups says this idea is being passed around their group, with each mum loving how simple and clever it is.

“Big thanks to the mum who gave me the idea to freeze food in ice cube portions to make a different combo each day! Beef mince going into the freezer right now,” she explained.

Have a big cook up of different baby-friendly first foods, and then mash, blend or puree each food. Pop the purees into ice cube containers until frozen, before transferring into labelled freezer bags. It means a freezer full of mini-meals that can easily be thrown together in different combinations.

Nyssa said she defrosts each mini-meal in the fridge the night before, before microwaving the defrosted cubes in the microwave for 30 seconds. Her top tip for removing stubborn food cubes from the tray is to run the back of the tray under some hot water first.

Baby food freezer prep tip

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