We’re travelling through the alphabet in search of name perfection, and the letter E might be the only stop you need to make to find inspiration for your little lady.
It may be one of the most popular letters for names, but don’t be fooled. The letter E also has plenty of unique and pretty options that you don’t hear everyday.
If you have your heart set on a name beginning with E, we’ve dived headfirst into the ABCs of baby-naming to unearth an extensive list of monikers that start with the 5th letter of the alphabet. We also asked the huge online Mum’s Grapevine community to share their favourites.
Girl names starting with E based on a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter E brings the goods with plenty of hip options to boot.
Some are nature-based without being overly obvious, others have a celebrity stamp of approval and some are just too cool for school.
- Nature: Eartha, Ember, Ebony, Everlee, Era, Etsa, Emerald
- Places: Egypt, Eden, Edina, Europe, Essex, Everest, Elwood
- Vintage inspired: Ethel, Etta, Eunice, Eleanor, Eloise, Evette
- Gender neutral: Emerson, Ellery, Eliot, Ever, Eddie, Echo
- One-syllable: Eve, Em, Elle, Eyre, Elke
Iconic E names for girls
For that extra bit of sparkle, pay homage to iconic female legends, both living and fictional. What a fantastic story to tell your little lady when she asks how she was named.
- Esmerelda: the free-spirited gypsy from The hunchback of Notre Dam
- Eugenie: the British royal
- Elsa: Frozen… need we say more?
- Ellidy: wife of late snowboarding champion Alex Pullin
- Enid: the iconic literary legend
- Evita: the musical from Andrew Lloyd Webber about the political leader Eva Peron
- Éowyn: a fictional character from Lord Of The Rings
- Enya: singing ‘Who can say where the road goes? Where the day flows? Only time’
Girl nicknames that start with E
Australians just love to shorten or Aussie-fy a name, so it makes sense that we’re comfortable in giving our babies a nickname as their actual name. Nope, Emmie isn’t short for Emily in case you were asking!
E has some real gems – could something short and sharp be on your shortlist?
- Ella
- Evie
- Emme
- Eda
- Edie
Unique E names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Turn heads with these rarer options:
- Elendil
- Eomer
- Eulalie
- Eudora
- Elspeth
- Edwidge
- Elphaba
- Ensley
- Earlena
- Ecatarina
Celebrities who girls with names starting with E
- Snezana Wood’s daughter, Eve
- Anna Heinrich’s daughter, Elle
- Keira Knightly’s daughter, Edie
- Jana Pitman’s daughter, Emily
- Elon Musk and Grimes’ daughter, Exa Dark Sideræl
- Cate Blanchett’s daugther, Edith
- Amal Cloony’s twin daughter, Ella
- Marla Sokoloff’s daughter, Elliotte
- Katherine Schwarzenegger’s daughter, Eloise
- Chrissy Teigen’s daughter, Esti
- Milla Jovovich’s daughter, Ever
- Libby Tricket’s daughter, Edwina
- Celia Pacquola’s daughter, Eleanor
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Our favourite E girl name is: Eloise, meaning ‘famous warrior’
More girls names that start with E
If your heart is set on your daughter having a name starting with E here are (quite a few) to choose from:
- Erwina
- Emma
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellie
- Eliana
- Elena
- Eva
- Eloise
- Eden
- Emersyn
- Ember
- Elsie
- Elise
- Everlee
- Elisa
- Emelia
- Edith
- Emberly
- Elliott
- Erin
- Emerie
- Estella
- Eileen
- Estrella
- Estelle
- Emmalyn
- Ellison
- Elia
- Emerald
- Etta
- Elina
- Emberlynn
- Elisabeth
- Ehlani
- Emberlyn
- Emmaline
- Erika
- Emmalynn
- Ellery
- Evalyn
- Erica
- Emberlee
- Evelina
- Emilee
- Emmarie
- Eleni
- Echo
- Evelyn
- Eleanor
- Emily
- Emilia
- Everly
- Emery
- Everleigh
- Eliza
- Elliana
- Esther
- Emerson
- Evangeline
- Elaina
- Evelynn
- Elianna
- Esme
- Esmeralda
- Emory
- Eve
- Emely
- Emmy
- Elora
- Ellis
- Ellianna
- Emmie
- Ezra
- Elodie
- Elliot
- Ensley
- Elyse
- Emmeline
- Ellen
- Egypt
- Elsa
- Eleanora
- Emiliana
- Elowyn
- Emani
- Everley
- Esperanza
- Elouise
- Emilie
- Elayna
- Elani
- Evalynn
- Elowen
- Emi
- Elinor
- Elissa
- Emeri
- Eluned
- Elvira
- Emey
- Emila
- Emile
- Emmisyn
- Esmay
- Esmerelda
- Este
- Ethel
- Eudora
- Eugenie
- Eunice
- Eurydice
- Edna
- Edwina
- Effie
- Eidy
- Eiri
- Eirlys
- Ekma
- Elan
- Elana
- Elin
- Elisha
- Elki
- Elliette
- Elpidia
- Electra
- Elmira
- Emanuele
- Emanuella
- Emmelyn
- Emmiline
- Emogene
- Enya
- Erlene
- Ernesta
- Estel
- Ethyl
- Evana
- Evonne
- Eagle
- Earth
- Earline
- Easton
- Easter
- Eclipsa
- Eiffel
- Elma
- Elsy
- Eris
- Eugenia
- Ebony
- Edie
- Edison
- Effy
- Eisha
- Eldora
- Elegance
- Elene
- Elexis
- Elfreda
- Elga
- Elicia
- Ellenora
- Emmylou
- Enaida
- Enrica
- Eponine
- Essence
- Estefania
- Evalina
- Eadith
- Ealasidde
- Earin
- Earla
- Earlean
- Earleen
- Earlene
- Earnestine
- Earrin
- Ebba
- Ebere
- Ebonee
- Ebonie
- Ecaterina
- Eda
- Edan
- Edda
- Ede
- Edena
- Edene
- Edenia
- Edetta
- Edette
- Edin
- Edita
- Editha
- Edithe
- Editta
- Ednah
- Ednita
- Edon
- Edona
- Edra
- Edreah
- Edria
- Edriah
- Edrya
- Edweena
- Edwena
- Edwine
- Edwinna
- Edwyna
- Edwynna
- Edyn
- Edyne
- Edyta
- Edyth
- Edythe
- Efea
- Effam
- Effi
- Efi
- Efrosini
- Eido
- Eilean
- Eileana
- Eileane
- Eileena
- Eileene
- Eilena
- Eilene
- Eilina
- Eiline
- Eilis
- Eilise
- Eilleen
- Eillen
- Eilyn
- Eir
- Ekaterina
- Ekta
- Ekua
- El
- Elam
- Elanor
- Elanore
- Elayne
- Elba
- Eleana
- Eleanah
- Eleane
- Eleanore
- Eleen
- Elektra
- Elen
- Elenah
- Elenor
- Elenore
- Eleonor
- Eleora
- Elfredda
- Elfreeda
- Elfreida
- Elfreyda
- Elfrida
- Elfriede
- Eliann
- Elianore
- Elice
- Elinore
- Elisabetta
- Elisan
- Elisee
- Elisen
- Elisin
- Elison
- Elisse
- Elisun
- Elisyn
- Elita
- Elizabet
- Elke
- Ell
- Elladan
- Ellan
- Ellene
- Ellenor
- Ellice
- Ellin
- Ellinor
- Ellinore
- Ellise
- Ellita
- Ellitia
- Ellitie
- Ellyce
- Ellyn
- Ellynn
- Ellynne
- Ellyse
- Ellyze
- Elodee
- Elody
- Elois
- Eloisa
- Elsabet
- Elsbet
- Elsbeth
- Else
- Elsha
- Elshe
- Elsje
- Elspet
- Elspeth
- Elu
- Elva
- Elvera
- Elvie
- Elvina
- Elvyra
- Elyci
- Elyn
- Elynor
- Elyssa
- Emanuela
- Emanuelle
- Emeli
- Emelin
- Emelina
- Emeline
- Emelita
- Emelitah
- Emelyn
- Emeraude
- Emil
- Emileigh
- Emiliee
- Emiline
- Emilly
- Emlin
- Emlyn
- Emmaly
- Emmanaia
- Emmanuella
- Emmanuelle
- Emmelina
- Emmet
- Emmett
- Emmilee
- Emmilie
- Emmilly
- Emmily
- Emmilyn
- Emmilyna
- Emmilyne
- Emmot
- Emmott
- Emmye
- Emmylee
- Emogen
- Emoni
- Emonie
- Emylee
- Emylin
- Emyln
- Ena
- Endora
- Engel
- Engela
- Engelah
- Engelchen
- Engelica
- Engelika
- Engeliqua
- Engeliquah
- Engelique
- Engell
- Engella
- Engellah
- Engelle
- Engelyca
- Engelycka
- Engelyka
- Enia
- Eniah
- Enid
- Enjel
- Enjela
- Enjelah
- Enjele
- Enjell
- Enjella
- Enjellah
- Enjelle
- Enjelliqua
- Enjelliquah
- Enjellique
- Enjellyca
- Enjellycah
- Enjellycka
- Enjellyka
- Enjellyqua
- Enjellyquah
- Enjellyque
- Ennis
- Enola
- Enriqua
- Enriqueta
- Enyah
- Enza
- Eolande
- Eos
- Ephie
- Eppie
- Epua
- Eran
- Erato
- Erda
- Eren
- Erian
- Ericca
- Ericka
- Erina
- Erinn
- Erinna
- Erla
- Erleen
- Erlenne
- Erlina
- Erlinda
- Erline
- Erma
- Erman
- Ermin
- Ermina
- Erminda
- Ermine
- Ermingarde
- Erminie
- Erna
- Ernaline
- Ernesia
- Ernestina
- Ernestine
- Ernesztina
- Ernie
- Errica
- Errin
- Ertha
- Eryn
- Erynn
- Erynna
- Esma
- Esmaralda
- Esmarelda
- Esmee
- Esmie
- Esmiralda
- Esmirelda
- Esparanza
- Esperance
- Esperansa
- Esperanta
- Esperenza
- Essencee
- Essences
- Essenes
- Essense
- Essie
- Essynce
- Esta
- Estee
- Estela
- Estele
- Estelina
- Estell
- Ester
- Esthella
- Esthur
- Estie
- Eszter
- Etenia
- Eternal
- Eternity
- Ethelbert
- Ethelda
- Etheldreda
- Ethelred
- Ethereal
- Etka
- Etke
- Etoile
- Etsu
- Ettie
- Etty
- Eudana
- Eudor
- Eufemia
- Eugina
- Eula
- Eulalee
- Eulalia
- Eulalie
- Eulia
- Eunise
- Euniss
- Eunyce
- Euphan
- Euphemia
- Euphemie
- Euphie
- Euphrosyne
- Eustacia
- Eustasia
- Euterpe
- Ev
- Evadne
- Evander
- Evangaline
- Evangalyne
- Evangelyn
- Evanne
- Eveleen
- Eveline
- Evenie
- Evenne
- Eveny
- Everilda
- Everlid
- Evette
- Evgenia
- Evian
- Evita
- Evon
- Evone
- Evoni
- Evonna
- Evonnie
- Evony
- Evy
- Evyn

Join the conversation
Got a baby name we should add to our list? Head over to our social page, we have over 5,000 comments all about baby E names.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 100 Beautiful Names For Girls From Around The World
- 398 Girl Names That Start With W
- 537 Girl Names That Start With G
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