We’re on a quest to uncover some of the world’s most wonderful and unique baby names for girls – and we’re stopping to look at the letter H.
We’ve asked our community of more than half a million mums and dusted off the history books to come up with an epic list of incredible baby names crowned with the eighth letter of the alphabet. If you’re looking for something different, H will be turning heads with names like Hatisha, Hathor, Hypatia and Havily.
Whether you like names that are headstrong or heavenly, let’s dive into girls’ names starting with H:
H girl names with a theme
Themes are a fantastic wellspring of inspiration, and the letter H delivers with heaps of attitude. Whether it’s subtly rooted in nature, adorned with a celebrity nod, or suitable for both boys and girls, there’s a plethora of options to explore.
- Nature-inspired: Holly, Heather, Honey, Hazel, Hyacinth
- Uber cool: Hadley, Harriet, Halen, Harper, Hope
- Celebrities: Halle, Hailey, Halsey, Hilary, Hayden
- Places: Holland, Havana, Houston, Helena,
- Gender neutral: Hollis, Hero, Hiran, Haven, Hadley
Unapologetically pretty H names
When choosing a moniker for your little one, how about opting for something that is simply beautiful? The letter H has a lineup of names that are utterly charming:
- Harper
- Helena
- Hazel
- Harmony
- Hope
- Hana
Unique A names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Turn heads with these rare gems:
- Halcyon
- Hespera
- Hyacinth
- Halston
- Haddyx
- Hasassah
Celebrity daughters starting with H
- Ireland Baldwin’s daughter, Holland
- Scooter Braun’s daughter, Hart
- Nicole Richie’s daughter, Harlow
- Jessica Alba’s daughters, Honor & Haven
- Nick Cannon’s daughter, Halo
- Stephen Baldwin’s daughter, Hailey
- John Krasinski’s daughter, Hazel
- Tori Spelling’s daughter, Hattie

Our favourite H girl name is: Hazel, meaning ‘by the hazel tree’
Favourite girl names that start with H
- Hadee
- Hadleigh
- Hadley
- Haelia
- Haidee
- Hailey
- Halen
- Halle
- Halley
- Hamel
- Hanlon
- Hannah
- Hanny
- Harbor
- Harker
- Harleigh
- Harlem
- Harlow
- Harmony
- Harpah
- Harper
- Harriet
- Hart
- Hassandra
- Hattie
- Havana
- Haylee
- Hazel
- Hazen
- Heather
- Heelynn
- Heidi
- Helen
- Helena
- Helga
- Hendy
- Henke
- Henley
- Henna
- Henny
- Henrietta
- Herranda
- Hezekiah
- Highlynn
- Hilary
- Hillarine
- Hilton
- Hirah
- Holly
- Hope
- Hyndlynn
- Harley
- Heaven
- Hanna
- Hayley
- Hadassah
- Hana
- Hailee
- Heavenly
- Harmoni
- Harlyn
- Haddie
- Harlynn
- Hollis
- Hartley
- Hailie
- Hudson
- Haylie
- Hafsa
- Honor
- Hayven
- Hollyn
- Hermione
- Huda
- Halima
- Hosanna
- Hala
- Hindy
- Haiden
- Honesti
- Heiress
- Haneen
- Hareem
- Haizley
- Hennessy
- Harmonii
- Hayden
- Haven
- Haley
- Hallie
- Harlee
- Hunter
- Hadlee
- Holland
- Haisley
- Honesty
- Hensley
- Harlie
- Halo
- Haleigh
- Heidy
- Haidyn
- Harleen
- Hayleigh
- Hawa
- Harmonie
- Haniya
- Haya
- Hellen
- Hendrix
- Hadassa
- Hayes
- Hollie
- Haylen
- Hillary
- Harmonee
- Hiba
- Hanan
- Harlowe
- Harli
- Husna
- Hayzel
- Havyn
- Hudsyn
- Hayat
- Holley
- Huntleigh
- Huntley
- Huxley
- Hera
- Honey
- Hazley
- Hania
- Hinda
- Haizlee
- Hilda
- Haana
- Habiba
- Habibah
- Hadar
- Hadara
- Hadda
- Haddasha
- Haddison
- Haddix
- Haddy
- Haddyr
- Haddyson
- Hadeel
- Hadelaide
- Hadeya
- Hadiya
- Hadiyah
- Hadlie
- Hadlyn
- Hadrea
- Hadriana
- Haelee
- Haeley
- Haely
- Haeran
- Haesel
- Haf
- Hafsah
- Hagar
- Haggith
- Haia
- Haidy
- Haila
- Haile
- Haileigh
- Haili
- Hailie-jade
- Hailsey
- Haily
- Haiwi
- Haiwy
- Haize
- Haizee
- Haizel
- Haji
- Hajja
- Hakan
- Hakidonmuya
- Halah
- Halcyon
- Haldis
- Haldisa
- Hale
- Halee
- Haleyone
- Halfrid
- Halfrida
- Hali
- Halia
- Halie
- Halimeda
- Halina
- Halinor
- Haliya
- Haliyah
- Hall
- Halldora
- Hallee
- Halliday
- Halliwell
- Haloke
- Halona
- Halsey
- Halston
- Halstyn
- Halyn
- Halyna
- Hamest
- Hamutal
- Hanae
- Hanah
- Hanalei
- Handan
- Hande
- Haneefa
- Haneefah
- Hanley
- Hannabella
- Hannabelle
- Hannah-Mae
- Hannalee
- Hannali
- Hannalore
- Hanne
- Hannela
- Hanneli
- Hannelore
- Hannie
- Hannya
- Hansatu
- Happy
- Hara
- Harbora
- Hardeep
- Harden
- Hardial
- Hareen
- Hareena
- Harel
- Harinder
- Haripriya
- Haris
- Harjinder
- Harlean
- Harlene
- Harleth
- Harmonia
- Harolyn
- Harpreet
- Harri
- Harriett
- Harriette
- Hartlyn
- Haruhi
- Haruka
- Haruko
- Harvest
- Harvind
- Hasia
- Hasina
- Héloïse
- Hasmig
- Hasmik
- Hasna
- Hassana
- Hassie
- Hathor
- Hatisha
- Hatshepsut
- Hatsuko
- Hatsumomo
- Hatty
- Haukea
- Haul
- Hava
- Havah
- Havanna
- Havannah
- Haverly
- Havilah
- Havily
- Haviva
- Havva
- Havy
- Havynn
- Hawise
- Hawke
- Hawkey
- Hayastan
- Haydee
- Haydyn
- Hayelee
- Hayla
- Haylei
- Hayli
- Haze
- Hazeline
- Hazelle
- Hazle
- Hea
- Heartly
- Hebe
- Hecate
- Hecuba
- Hedda
- Hedia
- Hedra
- Hedren
- Hedvig
- Hedwig
- Hedwige
- Hedy
- Heejin
- Heela
- Hege
- Heghine
- Hehewuti
- Heide
- Heidrun
- Heike
- Heila
- Heini
- Heizel
- Hejsa
- Hekla
- Hekuba
- Hela
- Helah
- Helaina
- Helaine
- Helan
- Heledd
- Heleena
- Heleentje
- Helem
- Helene
- Helenka
- Helewise
- Helge
- Helia
- Heliodora
- Heliotrope
- Helisent
- Helle
- Heller
- Helma
- Helmi
- Heloid
- Heloise
- Helori
- Helsa
- Helsinki
- Helyn
- Hema
- Hemera
- Hena
- Hencha
- Hend
- Hendrika
- Henia
- Henie
- Henika
- Henli
- Henly
- Hennie
- Henreitte
- Henria
- Henrienna
- Henriette
- Henrika
- Henryka
- Henuita
- Hephzibah
- Hepsiba
- Hepzibah
- Hereswith
- Herkash
- Herlinda
- Herlinde
- Hermandina
- Hermelinda
- Hermia
- Hermila
- Hermina
- Hermine
- Herminia
- Hermip
- Hermosa
- Hero
- Herodias
- Heron
- Herophile
- Hersilia
- Herta
- Hertha
- Hesper
- Hespera
- Hesperia
- Hessie
- Hester
- Hestia
- Hettie
- Hetty
- Hialeah
- Hiali
- Hickerelinatomelassa
- Hicks
- Hiks
- Hila
- Hilaire
- Hilaria
- Hilarie
- Hild
- Hilde
- Hildegard
- Hildegarde
- Hildegunn
- Hildie
- Hildred
- Hildur
- Hildy
- Hilke
- Hilla
- Hillari
- Hillory
- Hills
- Hilma
- Hiltrud
- Himalaya
- Himawari
- Hina
- Hinari
- Hinata
- Hind
- Hinkley
- Hinlee
- Hinto
- Hiolair
- Hippolyta
- Hira
- Hiro
- Hiroko
- Hiromi
- Hisami
- Hiwa
- Hiwot
- Hjördis
- Hjördís
- Hjørdis
- Hoang
- Hobson
- Hoda
- Hodaya
- Hode
- Hodge
- Hodiah
- Hoge
- Hoku
- Holah
- Holea
- Holey
- Holiday
- Holin
- Holla
- Holli
- Holliday
- Hollin
- Hollison
- Hollister
- Holliston
- Hollyann
- Holy
- Homa
- Homar
- Homer
- Honalei
- Honee
- Honest
- Honora
- Honorata
- Honoria
- Honorina
- Honorine
- Honorée
- Honour
- Hook
- Hopelyn
- Horatia
- Horizon
- Hortencia
- Hortense
- Hortensia
- Hoshi
- Hotaru
- Hotdog
- Hourig
- Houston
- Houstyn
- Howard
- Hrefna
- Hrieya
- Hristina
- Hrystyna
- Huacaltzintli
- Huali
- Hue
- Hulda
- Huldah
- Huma
- Humaira
- Humility
- Huo
- Hurlie
- Hurricane
- Hutton
- Huyana
- Hyacinth
- Hyana
- Hydeia
- Hydra
- Hydrangea
- Hye
- Haylee
- Hyena
- Hyla
- Hypatia
- Hyria
- Hyunjin

Join the conversation
Got a baby name that starts with the letter H that you think we should add to our list? Head over to our social page, there are over 3000 comments all with baby names that start with H.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 1060 Girl Names Starting With A
- 589 Girl Names Starting With E
- 100 Beautiful Names For Girls From Around The World
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