If you’re on a quest for the perfect name that starts with P, you’re in the right place. We’ve scouted an extensive lineup of unique names, all beginning with the 16th letter of the alphabet.
Maybe you’re drawn to the letter P because of a family tradition, or you’re continuing a trend with older siblings, or perhaps because it’s not as common as some of the others. Whatever your reason, we’re confident you can find the perfect name. With options like Philby, Packard, and Powell, there’s bound to be a name you haven’t seen before on any of the most popular lists.
We asked our vast online community of half a million mums to share the names that they felt were positively perfect, and now we’re excited to share them with you.
P Names with a Theme
Themes can be a fantastic way to find inspiration, and the letter P delivers with a variety of options. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, literary classics, or something trendy and unique, P has something for everyone.
- Nature-inspired: Pine, Palm, Pulin, Pond, Pigeon, Polar, Pero, Paw
- Short and sweet: Pero, Polo, Pace, Parr, Paul, Phipps, Pryce
- Literary: Potter, Poet, Peter, Prospero, Phineas, Porter, Plato
- Music-inspired: Presley, Prince, Pharrell, Punk, Psy
- Places: Preston, Poland, Peru, Panama, Paddington, Paris, Prague, Persia
- Gender neutral: Parker, Page, Paris, Payton, Percy, Phoenix, Prescott
Unique P Names
If you’re looking for something truly distinctive, these unique P names are sure to catch attention. Each name offers a rare and memorable quality:
- Ptolemy
- Pandarus
- Parle
- Peregryn
- Polixenes
- Prosper
- Privell
- Pyhlann
Fashion-Inspired P Names
If you’re head over heels into fashion, you might want to try these stylish P names on for size:
- Pierre
- Paco
- Paul
- Poplin
- Perry
- Paiget
- Prada
- Phoenix
- Parisian
- Paco
Motor-Inspired P Names
For car enthusiasts, P names might just be the ticket. Here are some revved-up options:
- Polo
- Porche
- Pajero
- Prius
- Phantom
- Pilot
- Panamera
- Pagani
- Plymouth
- Phaeton
Celebrity Sons with P Names
- Kim Kardashian’s son, Psalm
- Justin Timberlake’s son, Phineas
- Angelina Jolie’s son, Pax
- Phillip Phillips’ son, Patch
- Jason Lee’s son, Pilot
- Peaches Geldof’s son, Phaedra
- Paris Hilton’s son, Phoenix
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Our favourite P name is: Paxton
More Names Starting with P
- Pablo
- Pace
- Pacey
- Packard
- Packo
- Paco
- Padarn
- Paddee
- Paddey
- Paddi
- Paddy
- Paden
- Padern
- Padgett
- Padraic
- Padraig
- Padruig
- Pady
- Page
- Paice
- Paige
- Paki
- Pako
- Pal
- Palanee
- Palaney
- Palani
- Palany
- Pallaton
- Pallav
- Pallu
- Palmer
- Palti
- Pancho
- Pancrazio
- Pandarus
- Pandita
- Pandya
- Pankaj
- Panos
- Panthea
- Paolo
- Paquito
- Parag
- Paramartha
- Paras
- Pares
- Paris
- Park
- Parke
- Parker
- Parkin
- Parkinson
- Parkley
- Parks
- Parlan
- Parle
- Parnab
- Parnell
- Parr
- Parry
- Parsefal
- Parsifal
- Parth
- Partha
- Parys
- Pascal
- Pascali
- Pascha
- Paschal
- Pasqual
- Pasquale
- Pat
- Patamon
- Patch
- Patern
- Paterson
- Patrice
- Patrick
- Patroclus
- Patterson
- Pattison
- Patwin
- Pau
- Pauley
- Paulin
- Paulo
- Paulos
- Paulus
- Pauly
- Pavel
- Pavlo
- Pavlos
- Pavo
- Pawl
- Pawley
- Paxton
- Payce
- Payge
- Paytah
- Payton
- Pázmán
- Peabo
- Peace
- Peadair
- Pearce
- Pears
- Pearson
- Peder
- Pedro
- Peer
- Peers
- Peja
- Pekelo
- Pelagius
- Pelham
- Pell
- Pelle
- Pelleas
- Pellegrin
- Pello
- Peltan
- Pelten
- Peltin
- Pelton
- Pembrok
- Pembroke
- Pembrook
- Penda
- Penley
- Penn
- Penrod
- Pentele
- Pepa
- Pepe
- Pepito
- Peppe
- Per
- Perce
- Perceval
- Percheval
- Perci
- Percival
- Percy
- Peregrin
- Peregrine
- Peregryn
- Perian
- Perianne
- Pericles
- Peril
- Perin
- Perkin
- Perkins
- Pernell
- Pero
- Perrin
- Perry
- Persepolis
- Perseus
- Perth
- Pete
- Peter
- Peterson
- Petey
- Petò
- Petr
- Petri
- Petrie
- Petronio
- Petrucio
- Petrus
- Petty
- Petúr
- Peyton
- Phares
- Phelan
- Phelps
- Phil
- Philander
- Philario
- Philby
- Philemon
- Philip
- Philipe
- Philippos
- Philipson
- Phillip
- Phillipa
- Phillips
- Philly
- Philo
- Philostrate
- Philotus
- Phineas
- Phinneaus
- Phipps
- Phoenix
- Phornello
- Phuc
- Phuoc
- Phuong
- Pierce
- Piercy
- Piero
- Pierre
- Pierrey
- Piers
- Pierson
- Pieter
- Pietor
- Pietro
- Pilan
- Pillan
- Pinchas
- Pindarus
- Pino
- Piotr
- Pious
- Pisano
- Pius
- Piusz
- Piyush
- Placido
- Platinum
- Plato
- Platon
- Platt
- Pluto
- Plutus
- Pol
- Polixenes
- Polk
- Polo
- Polonius
- Ponce
- Pongor
- Pongrác
- Pontain
- Pontius
- Pontus
- Porfio
- Porter
- Porteur
- Poseidon
- Powa
- Powal
- Powall
- Powel
- Powell
- Power
- Powers
- Powil
- Prabhakar
- Prabhu
- Prabodh
- Pradeep
- Praful
- Prakash
- Pramsu
- Pranav
- Pranay
- Prasata
- Prassana
- Pratap
- Pratik
- Pratyush
- Pravat
- Praveen
- Pravin
- Prem
- Prentice
- Prentiss
- Prescott
- Presley
- Prestan
- Presten
- Prestin
- Preston
- Prewet
- Prewit
- Prewitt
- Priam
- Price
- Priest
- Priestley
- Priestly
- Primael
- Prime
- Primel
- Primo
- Prince
- Prior
- Prithu
- Privel
- Privrata
- Proculeius
- Prometheus
- Prosper
- Prospero
- Proteus
- Prue
- Pruit
- Pruitt
- Pryce
- Pryor
- Ptolemäus
- Ptolemy
- Pundarik
- Purujit
- Pusan
- Putnam
- Putney
- Pyllan
- Pyotr
- Pytor
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 100 names for boys from around the world
- 740 Boy Names You Won’t Find On Other Lists
- 640 Names That Start With B for Boys
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