4.8 average from 9 mum reviews
100% would recommend DermaGen skincare products to a friend
Proudly Australian owned and made, DermaGen is a range of 100 percent nature-derived skincare to help support skin healing.
DermaGen by Botanical Chemist founder Karen Cheah looked no further than nature to create products that soothe, reduce redness and inflammation, and hydrate and moisturise dry itchy skin.
Having been a community pharmacist in Western Australia for 14 years, Karen’s passion for plants and botanicals led her to create the DermaGen range to help treat skin conditions in a natural way.
DermaGen Manuka Oil Cream and Manua Oil Balm, like all the products in the DermaGen range, are 100 percent nature-derived and steroid-free. The Manuka Oil Cream and Manuka Oil Balm are TGA-listed to provide symptomatic relief of skin conditions like minor eczema and dermatitis, and both can be used on babies from six-months.
DermaGen Manuka Oil Cream absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it hydrated and smooth, and DermaGen Manuka Oil Balm forms a layer over the skin, preventing the evaporation of moisture for a longer period of time.
Available online from DermaGen (from $29.95).
DermaGen Reviews
We asked a group of mums from the Mum’s Grapevine Facebook Baby Groups, all with children who have diagnosed skin conditions, to try out DermaGen Manuka Oil Cream and DermaGen Manuka Oil Balm for two weeks. Here’s what they had to say, and the before and after results*.
Tanya Apostolu, mum of eight-month-old Eli with diagnosed eczema
‘His skin now feels just as a baby’s should’
I was a little hesitant trying another new product but was very pleased! I saw an immediate improvement with the texture of his skin which was amazing! I love the feel of it and how light it is but you can feel good ultra moisturising it is. We have found the products to be ultra-hydrating and soothing for his skin. I have noticed a great improvement with the appearance of his skin alone. There are no lumps or bumps. The redness has subsided and he isn’t itching. A little bit also goes a long way! His skin now feels just as a baby’s should, soft and smooth.
Stephanie Mole, mum of six-month-old Ava with diagnosed mild eczema
‘They have helped her sensitive skin so much’
Ava has always had bad eczema and we had been using cortisone creams since she was one month old, so when the opportunity came up to try a more natural alternative I jumped on it and I am so glad I did! Not only do they smell AMAZING, but they have also helped her sensitive skin so much. We’ve been using the Manuka Oil Cream (doubles as a body moisturiser for mum) and the Manuka Oil Balm (which I apply to the extra dry patches). The proof is in the pictures – right is today and left was a mere two weeks ago
Natalie Irvine, mum of two-year-old Elsie with diagnosed mild eczema
‘It’s made a huge difference!’
We’ve used every cream out there, every bath soak and oil, more steroid cream than I’d like to admit, bleach baths, and wet wraps. We saw allergists, dermatologists, and a naturopath. We had a hair analysis done and cut a huge amount from Elsie’s diet including dairy. Small improvement here and there. We then started this cream, twice a day very liberally. These are day 1 and day 15 photos. I’ll let you decide if it worked. I’ll add – we have started to re-introduce the foods we cut including dairy and six days in not a sign.
Alexis Lovatt mum of 10-month-old Londyn with diagnosed mild eczema
Londyn has struggled with dry rashy skin since birth. Originally we thought it was caused from her dairy intolerance but didn’t improve and the GP diagnosed mild eczema. I was so impressed by the DermaGen skincare products. They are a nice texture and we saw results after a few days with the redness-reducing and then clearing up after around day seven. I love how it cleared up her skin! I also loved that it was really absorbent but didn’t leave her feeling greasy.
Chante Mare mum of 11-month-old Saskia with diagnosed mild eczema
‘I love the fact that it is steroid-free’
Saskia started getting flare-ups at four-months-old. We have tried multiple creams prescribed by our GP and found one that worked fantastically, however, I didn’t want to keep using a steroid so often. I thought I would give DermaGen a go since it is steroid-free but I was a bit apprehensive to use it at first. I started applying it once a day and saw results pretty quickly. She has mild eczema and I feel even though it says to apply twice daily, once a day worked well for us. It also comes in a massive bottle so it will last ages!
Jess King mum of nine-month-old Jake with diagnosed mild eczema
‘It kept his skin feeling silky smooth’
I saw improvements within a few days of use. I love that the products are kind on the skin and made from natural ingredients. Much better than having to use steroid creams on little one’s skin.
Mindy Krug, mum of 18-month-old Lacey with diagnosed eczema
‘We used it on three different skin issues all with amazing results’
I trialed the products on three different skin issues on three different people ranging from toddler to adult and results were seen within 12-24 hours! My youngest with eczema also hasn’t had another flare-up of eczema since (I have continued using the cream on her after bathtime a few times a week). I love that it’s natural and that it can be used for a lot of different skin complaints and on the whole family. We used it on eczema, an itchy rash and skin damage from gardening, all with amazing results.
Samantha Mason, mum of 15-month-old Harper with eczema
‘We had a fantastic result with DermaGen Manuka Oil Balm’
DermaGen exceeded my expectations. We have used many products that stated they were the ‘cure’ for eczema and none have ever lived up to the hype. We had a fantastic result with DermaGen Manuka Oil Balm and it only took roughly three weeks to see our results. I loved how easy they were to use as well as how quickly it absorbed into the skin. There was no sticky or oily residue left on Harper’s skin. They also had a fantastic smell to them and didn’t smell like a ‘cream’, especially the balm, with the lavender smell it helped with calm downtime between bath and bed.
Lauren Smith, mum of four-year-old Logan with diagnosed mild eczema and sensitive skin
‘A great all-rounder for skin irritations’
I mainly used the Cream on Logan’s eczema and, and generally over his whole body. Logan had other sores and skin irritations. We used twice a day and noticed results probably within the first week. The balm I used for more specific spot applications such as cold sores and insect bites. I also saw results very quickly. They smell amazing, they are a natural product and friendly to even the youngest skin and the Cream was easily absorbed into the skin. Highly recommend. I feel it is a great all-rounder for skin irritations not only eczema.
For more information or to purchase online visit the DermaGen website.
These products have been provided by DermaGen for the purpose of trial and review. All reviews submitted are the honest, authentic and genuine sentiments of the Mum’s Grapevine Facebook Group members (Grapeviners) participating in this trial.
You too can have your say by joining the Mum’s Grapevine Product Review Team.
*Individual results may vary.