As we journey through the alphabet in search of name perfection, the eighth letter, H, is a stop you won’t want to miss. In many cultures, the number eight is considered lucky, so perhaps it will bring some gems to your name shortlist.
To help you on your naming journey, we turned to the extensive Mum’s Grapevine community, who shared their favourite H names. Whether you’re drawn to surnames as first names, trendy picks, or classic choices, the letter H has something for everyone.
H Names with a Theme
Themes can be a fantastic way to find inspiration, and the letter H offers a variety of options. Whether you’re looking for one-syllable names that pack a punch, names with a stately nature, or something uber-cool, H delivers.
Surnames as First Names: Hockely, Hinton, Holden, Hilson, Hewitt, Harlow, Hayes, Hanson, Harper, Huxley
Uber-Cool: Hendrix, Hudson, Hunter, Harvey, Hayden, Hugo, Huxley, Hawke, Harlan, Harlan
One-Syllable: Haze, Hugh, Heath, Hale, Hanz, Hart, Huck, Hale, Holt
Stately: Hebert, Heston, Harrol, Hardy, Henry, Hamilton, Hollis, Horace, Hawkins, Howard
Nature-Inspired: Hawk, Hawthorne, Hyacinth, Heron, Hazel, Huckleberry, Harbor, Heathcliff, Horizon, Hickory
Biblical: Hezekiah, Hosea, Haggai, Ham, Hiram, Hanan, Habakkuk, Helam, Hoshea
Unique H Names
If you’re seeking something distinctive, these unique H names are sure to catch attention. Each name offers a rare and memorable quality:
- Huxley
- Hawke
- Haskell
- Haldor
- Halston
- Hagan
- Haddon
- Hyland
- Harrington
- Hermon
- Halcyon
Iconic H Names
Inspired by icons from music, literature, and pop culture, these H names carry a sense of fame and style. Whether you’re a fan of classic films or legendary musicians, these names are sure to stand out:
Harrison: Inspired by actor Harrison Ford
Huckleberry: Inspired by Mark Twain’s character Huckleberry Finn
Hendrix: Inspired by legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix
Heath: Inspired by actor Heath Ledger
Hugo: Inspired by the classic novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
Harley: Inspired by Harley-Davidson motorcycles
Hemingway: Inspired by author Ernest Hemingway
Hannibal: Inspired by the legendary Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca
Hopper: Inspired by actor Dennis Hopper
Huxley: Inspired by author Aldous Huxley
Celebrity Sons with H Names
Celebrities often choose unique and memorable names for their children, and H names are no exception. Here are some famous examples that might inspire you:
- Dami Im’s son, Harrison
- Bear Grylls’ son, Huckleberry
- Andy Roddick’s son, Hank
- Jessica Alba’s son, Hayes
- Chris Hemsworth’s son, Sasha (Middle name is Hercules)
- Hilary Duff’s son, Banks (Middle name is Hazel)
- Matt Bomer’s son, Henry
- Marcia Cross’s son, Huck
- Tiffani Thiessen’s son, Holt

Our favourite H name is: Holden
More Names That Start With H
- Hamish
- Haris
- Hendrick
- Hako
- Hackett
- Hackett
- Hilson
- Hadleigh
- Harrol
- Hadrian
- Hagen
- Haider
- Hakeem
- Hampton
- Hani
- Hank
- Harley
- Harlyn
- Harold
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harry
- Hartley
- Harvey
- Hayden
- Haydrian
- Hayes
- Haywood
- Haze
- Heath
- Heathcliff
- Heatley
- Hector
- Helix
- Hendrick
- Hasim
- Harte
- Hatcher
- Hastings
- Hau
- Havel
- Haven
- Hawke
- Hawthorn
- Hawes
- Hawkins
- Haynes
- Hazel
- Headley
- Heinz
- Henderson
- Henrik
- Hendry
- Herbie
- Henley
- Heriot
- Hermann
- Herrior
- Hew
- Hewitt
- Hewson
- Hagan
- Hai
- Haig
- Hikaru
- Hill
- Hiram
- Hilton
- Hirst
- Hoang
- Hobbson
- Hockley
- Hoffman
- Holm
- Holt
- Homer
- Hong
- Hopkins
- Horace
- Horton
- Houston
- Howie
- Hui
- Humfrey
- Hunt
- Huntley
- Huxlee
- Hutton
- Hale
- Hendrix
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hero
- Heston
- Hezekiah
- Hoa
- Hoban
- Holden
- Horatio
- Hoss
- Howard
- Hubert
- Huck
- Hudson
- Huey
- Hugh
- Hugo
- Humphrey
- Hunter
- Huron
- Hutch
- Huxley
- Hall
- Hallem
- Halver
- Hamal
- Hamlet
- Hanh
- Hanson
- Hardey
- Habon
- Harlow
- Hanz
- Harrod
- Heaton
- Heathclyf
- Henson
- Herald
- Hiamovi
- Higgins
- Hinto
- Hirsi
- Hiroto
- Hoel
- Holter
- Hodsone
- Horizon
- Hosea
- Huckleberry
- Hugi
- Hemingway
- Hager
- Haydn
- Halo
- Hasson
- Haylen
- Hernesto
- Hinton
- Hodari
- Hope
- Hoy
- Hridaan
- Hristopher
- Hutson
- Hosiah
- Hyde
- Henro
- Hondo
- Honour
- Harshan
- Hyatt
- Heiden
- Helios
- Hardison
- Hawkens
- Hasher
- Haxton
- Henning
- Haakon
- Haddon
- Hadi
- Hadlee
- Hagrid
- Haidyn
- Hakim
- Hal
- Halen
- Halford
- Hallden
- Halsey
- Halstead
- Halston
- Halvor
- Ham
- Hamilton
- Hamlin
- Hammett
- Hammill
- Hampus
- Hamza
- Han
- Hanan
- Handley
- Hans
- Hansel
- Harbert
- Harbour
- Harcourt
- Hardin
- Hardon
- Hardwin
- Hardy
- Harford
- Hargreaves
- Hargrove
- Hargus
- Harish
- Harjeet
- Harkin
- Harlan
- Harland
- Harlem
- Harlen
- Harlo
- Harm
- Harmen
- Harmonio
- Haroldson
- Harpo
- Harpur
- Hart
- Hartlea
- Hartwig
- Haruki
- Harun
- Harv
- Harvee
- Harwell
- Hasan
- Hasani
- Hashim
- Haslett
- Hassan
- Hast
- Hastie
- Hasting
- Hattie
- Haward
- Hawk
- Hawthorne
- Hayatt
- Haydrien
- Hayk
- Hazen
- Hazleton
- Hazlewood
- Headleigh
- Hearding
- Hearn
- Hearst
- Hebor
- Hedeon
- Hedrick
- Heine
- Heinrich
- Heinrick
- Helario
- Heleuma
- Helge
- Heliodoros
- Helji
- Helmuth
- Hemachandra
- Hendrie
- Hendron
- Henlea
- Henlee
- Henny
- Henryson
- Heracles
- Herculano
- Hercules
- Heriberto
- Hermie
- Hermus
- Hernan
- Herndon
- Heron
- Herrik
- Herschel
- Hewett
- Hewlett
- Hewlitt
- Hideo
- Hilar
- Hilarius
- Hilary
- Hiller
- Hillyard
- Hiro
- Hisashi
- Hisham
- Hitchcock
- Hitoshi
- Hjalmar
- Hjalmer
- Hogan
- Hogarth
- Holland
- Hollis
- Honor
- Hooker
- Horst
- House
- Howe
- Howel
- Hoyt
- Hubie
- Hulbert
- Humbert
- Humberto
- Hume
- Huntlee
- Huntleigh
- Hurst
- Hussein
- Hylton
- Hymen
- Hymie
- Hyrum
- Hadden
- Hadley
- Hadwin
- Halbert
- Hannibal
- Hanley
- Happy
- Harding
- Harper
- Hedley
- Herb
- Herman
- Hopkin
- Horati
- Howell
- Haarsh
- Haipriya
- Hajay
- Haji
- Hakesh
- Haldar
- Hamant
- Hamatha
- Hamendra
- Hamsa
- Hanamanth
- Hanshal
- Hansin
- Hansraaj
- Hanuman
- Hanumant
- Har
- Hara
- Haraksa
- Haranadh
- Hardhik
- Hardik
- Hareendra
- Hareesh
- Harekrishna
- Harendra
- Haresh
- Hareshwar
- Hari
- Hariaksa
- Haribabu
- Haricharan
- Haridas
- Haridev
- Harigopal
- Harihar
- Haiden
- Hussain
- Haziel
- Haris
- Haroon
- Hamzah
- Hudsyn
- Holdyn
- Haden
- Henri
- Huxton
- Hendrik
- Hershy
- Hillel
- Habib
- Humza
- Henryk
- Holton
- Heitor
- Hashir
- Hendrixx
- Hersh
- Haaken
- Haakin
- Habacuc
- Habakkuk
- Habbakul
- Habeeb
- Hackit
- Hackitt
- Hackman
- Hacon
- Hadar
- Hadaram
- Haddan
- Haddin
- Hadriano
- Hadrianus
- Hadriel
- Hadur
- Hadwyn
- Hadwynne
- Hafeez
- Hafez
- Hafiz
- Hagleigh
- Hagley
- Hagly
- Hahn
- Haidi
- Haidar
- Haie
- Haile
- Haim
- Haimon
- Hairo
- Hajime
- Hajo
- Hakaku
- Hakan
- Hako
- Hakon
- Haksh
- Halberg
- Haldan
- Halden
- Halim
- Halton
- Hamblin
- Hamdi
- Hameed
- Hamid
- Hamidi
- Hamilcar
- Hammad
- Hammond
- Hanale
- Hananiah
- Hanford
- Haniel
- Hanif
- Hanlee
- Hannes
- Hanniel
- Hanns
- Hanoch
- Hansen
- Hanzel
- Hao
- Haoa
- Harald
- Haran
- Harbin
- Harden
- Hardie
- Hardwick
- Harel
- Hargun
- Harinder
- Harshal
- Harith
- Harlin
- Harloe
- Harlon
- Harlynn
- Harman
- Harmon
- Haroldo
- Haroun
- Harrel
- Harrell
- Harrington
- Hartford
- Hartlee
- Hartleigh
- Hartman
- Hartmut
- Hartwell
- Harvard
- Harve
- Harvie
- Harvy
- Harwill
- Harwood
- Hashabiah
- Hasheem
- Hasimbo
- Haskel
- Haskell
- Hassain
- Hashan
- Hatim
- Hau’oli
- Havard
- Havier
- Havin
- Hawkeye
- Hawkie
- Hawkyns
- Hayato
- Haydan
- Haydar
- Haydon
- Haye
- Haylan
- Hayle
- Hays
- Haytham
- Hayward
- Hazaiah
- Hazem
- Hazin
- Heber
- Hebert
- Heder
- Heiko
- Heilyn
- Hein
- Heiner
- Hektor
- Heladio
- Helio
- Heliodoro
- Heller
- Helmut
- Heman
- Hendricus
- Henk
- Henleigh
- Henlie
- Henrijs
- Henrique
- Heraklees
- Heraldo
- Herberto
- Herbertt
- Herebeorht
- Herlief
- Hermes
- Hermilo
- Herminio
- Hermon
- Hernandez
- Hernando
- Herodion
- Herold
- Herrick
- Hersch
- Herschell
- Hershel
- Herve
- Hervey
- Herwin
- Hesekiah
- Hesketh
- Heyward
- Heywood
- Hezakieh
- Hezeki
- Hezro
- Hiatt
- Hiawatha
- Hibai
- Hideki
- Hidekki
- Hidetaka
- Hien
- Hieu
- Hilario
- Hilarion
- Hillard
- Hilliard
- Hillierd
- Hillter
- Hillyer
- Hillyerd
- Himesh
- Hines
- Hinrich
- Hipolit
- Hipolito
- Hippolyte
- Hippolytos
- Hippolytus
- Hiroaki
- Hirohito
- Hiroki
- Hirom
- Hiromi
- Hiroshi
- Hirsch
- Hirschel
- Hirsh
- Hitendra
- Hitesh
- Hlutwig
- Hobart
- Hobbes
- Hobbs
- Hobert
- Hobie
- Hobson
- Hodge
- Hodges
- Hoele
- Holbrook
- Holger
- Hollister
- Holman
- Holmes
- Holo
- Homar
- Homero
- Honi
- Honorius
- Hoover
- Hopper
- Horacio
- Houghton
- Hovannes
- Howland
- Hoyle
- Hoyte
- Hrant
- Hrayr
- Hristivoje
- Hristo
- Hrodwulf
- Hrothgar
- Hrvoje
- Huang
- Huba
- Hubbard
- Huberto
- Hubrecht
- Huddie
- Hue
- Hughes
- Hugues
- Huib
- Huig
- Hulama
- Huldrych
- Hummus
- Humph
- Humphery
- Hung
- Huntington
- Huntly
- Huon
- Hurbert
- Hurley
- Husain
- Husam
- Husayn
- Husein
- Husni
- Husseini
- Huston
- Hutchinson
- Hutchison
- Huub
- Huw
- Huy
- Huyana
- Hwang
- Hy
- Hyder
- Hyman
- Hypolite
- Hyram
- Hyson
- Hyun
- Hyun-Jin
- Hywel
- Hywell
- Hyzen
- Hanish
- Hansaraj
Join the conversation …
Got a baby name that starts with H that you think we should add to our list? Head over to our social page, there are over 3200 comments all with baby names starting with H.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
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