The Discontented Little Baby Book
By Dr Pamela Douglas
If there’s one thing that there’s no shortage of in this world, it’s parenting advice. Wanted, unwanted and everything in between, it’s everywhere!
There are also a LOT of parenting books on the market and, as a new parent, it is very hard to know which is the right one for you and your baby.
Everyone’s approach is very different. But a book we are loving at the moment is the newly updated edition of The Discontented Little Baby Book. The first edition was first published in 2014. This updated version contains all the same goodness, but with the inclusion of information regarding the importance of gut health for your little one.
Why we love The Discontented Little Baby Book
So why do we love this book above some of the others on the market?
Firstly, Dr Pamela Douglas is a genuine expert. All the information in the book is thoroughly researched from her extensive clinical work. Evidence-based usually means it’s more likely to work!
The simple layout is also a huge positive. It’s easy to understand, and broken up into bite-sized pieces. The inevitable newborn questions are answered, and you will find those answers quickly in the index. Let’s face it, no one wants to be scratching around a paperback with a screaming baby on their shoulder!
Most importantly, however, Dr Douglas’s approach is practical and gentle. She 100% gets that new motherhood is hard. The level of understanding and empathy she has is evident throughout the text. There is no forcing of ideas down your throat, merely a range of very practical suggestions for you to try as you see fit.
The connection between mother and child is at the forefront of every chapter. Ultimately, the goal is for you and your little one to get “in sync” with each other as quickly and easily as possible.
Happy bubs = happy mums (and the other way round too!).
Available now from Amazon with free shipping for Prime Members.
Title: The Discontented Little Baby Book
Author: Dr Pamela Douglas
Publisher: University of Queensland Press
Publication Date: September 2021
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780702265457
“By the time you’ve finished reading this book, I hope you’ll have realised that you are your baby’s best expert…”
About the Author
Dr Pamela Douglas is a real-life baby guru. With decades of experience as a General Practitioner, she founded Possums parent and baby clinic in 2011. She lectures at both Griffith University, and the University of Queensland. Her highly empowering approach to aiding women to care for their babies has been recognised worldwide.
Available now from Amazon with free shipping for Prime Members.