We’re on the hunt through the alphabet for a girls’ name that’s just magic – and what better than to stop half way at the lucky number 13, girl names that start with M.
Maybe you’ve got your heart set on M because it’s a family tradition or because it’s just one of those letters that has a lot of potential. Music, moments and movies all start with M, could take inspiration from these themes?
Whatever your reasoning we’ve dived headfirst into the ABCs of baby-naming to find the most beautiful and unique monikers for girls that start with the 13th letter of the alphabet.
M girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter M really does unearth some gems.
Some are nature-based without being obvious, others put a pin in this sublime list of cities, countries and towns.
- Nature: Meadow, Misty, Marigold, Moana, Maple, Maize
- Icons: Monroe, Marilyn, Mariah, Marchesa
- Uber cool: Mackenzie, Malone, Molly, Marley
- Places: Milan, Montana, Marina, Mali, Madeira, Maine
- Gender neutral: Morgan, Marlow, Mercer, Moss
- One-syllable: Meg, Mai, Mae, Merle, March
Old world M names for girls
Pay homage to grandparents with a modern take on classic names that start with M. Or give new life to a popular baby name that you love with just a little tweaking of the spelling.
- Matilda
- Meredith
- Magdelena
- Margaret
- Martha
- Margo
- Mabel, Maybelle
- Maeve
- Marion, Marianne
Around the world girl M names
From Milan to Morocco and every location in between, there’s a treasure trove of magnificent M names to bestow upon your little lady.
M really does bring the goods with names from around the world, travel through some of them with us:
- Irish names: Maebh, Maoliosa, Mairead, Meara
- French names: Macyn, Madieu, Maelie, Marceline
- Indian names: Maanvi, Maanya, Madayati, Madri
- Spanish names: Madra, Madre, Manuella, Marabella
- Danish names: Mea, Marline, Millie, Minerva
- Greek names: Maris, Mariam, Melina, Mika
- Scottish names: Mairi, Marnie, Moira, Morag
Girl nicknames that start with M
Australians just love to shorten or Aussie-fy a name, so it makes sense that we’re comfortable in giving our babies a nickname as their actual name.
M has some absolute gems – could something short and sharp be on your shortlist?
- Mae, May
- Millie, Milly
- Minnie
- Maddie
- Meg
Celebrity daughters starting with M
- Hilary Duff’s daughter, Mae
- Kaley Cuoco’s daughter, Matilda
- Jessica Simpson’s daughter, Maxwell
- Alec Baldwin’s daughter, Maria
- Lily Allen’s daughter, Marnie
- Maya Rudolph’s daughter, Minnie
- Nick Cannon’s daughter, Monroe
- Edwina Bartholomew’s daughter, Molly
- Em Rusciano’s daughter, Marchella
- Gal Gadot’s daughter, Maya
- Michelle William’s daughter, Matilda
- Bruce Willis’ daughter, Mabel
- Gordan Ramsay’s daughters, Megan and Matilda
- Pete Wentz’s daughter, Marvel
- Matty J & Laura Byrne’s daughter, Marlie-Mae
- Missy Peregrym’s daughter, Mela
- Jason Bateman’s daughter, Maple
- Mark Zuckerberg’s daughter, Maxima
- Sienna Miller’s daughter, Marlowe
- Robin Thicke’s daughter, Mia
- Jack Osbourne’s daughter, Minnie
- Priyanka Chopra’s daughter, Malti
- Chance the Rapper’s daughter, Marli
- Sam Mac’s daughter, Margot
- Enrique Iglesias’ daughter, Mary
- Zara Tindall’s daughter, Mia
- Topher Grace’s daughter, Mabel
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Our favourite M girl name is: Molly
More girl names that start with M
If your heart is set on a daughter with a name starting with M here are a few of our favourites, eight of which appear in the most popular baby names for Australia 2022.
- Mia
- Mila
- Madelyn
- Mackenzie
- Maria
- Margaret
- Morgan
- Mya
- Mariah
- Marley
- Malia
- Mckenna
- Miriam
- Mariana
- Maci
- Madilyn
- Millie
- Maeve
- Madeleine
- Magnolia
- Maliyah
- Mabel
- Mira
- Maryam
- Marlee
- Mela
- Megan
- Michaela
- Maisie
- Macy
- Mariam
- Milani
- Melina
- Maren
- Mara
- Monroe
- Malaya
- Marina
- Meadow
- Marianna
- Myah
- Mercy
- Mavis
- Milena
- Marleigh
- Malani
- Maliah
- Mylah
- Magdalena
- Madison
- Maya
- Melanie
- Madeline
- Mary
- Melody
- Molly
- Mckenzie
- Makayla
- Michelle
- Maggie
- Melissa
- Makenzie
- Myla
- Makenna
- Miranda
- Maddison
- Margot
- Miracle
- Mikayla
- Mckinley
- Madelynn
- Malaysia
- Macie
- Maia
- Meredith
- Myra
- Matilda
- Marilyn
- Mallory
- Madilynn
- Madisyn
- Monica
- Marie
- Madalyn
- Marissa
- Milana
- Mina
- Mikaela
- Milan
- Martha
- Maleah
- Miah
- Madalynn
- Maxine
- Meilani
- Miley
- Melania
- Marjorie
- Marlowe
- Meghan
- Margo
- Malayah
- Micah
- Maarah
- Maartje
- Maayan
- Maaza
- Mab
- Mabelle
- Mabely
- Mabli
- Mabry
- Mabs
- Mabyn
- Maca
- Macarena
- Macaria
- Macen
- Macey
- Macha
- Machiko
- Mack
- Mackenna
- Macon
- Madalena
- Maddalin
- Madden
- Maddie
- Maddox
- Madeira
- Madelaine
- Madelief
- Madelina
- Madge
- Madhavi
- Madigan
- Madlen
- Madley
- Madonna
- Madrigal
- Madrona
- Madyn
- Madyson
- Maebry
- Maeby
- Maelan
- Maelie
- Maella
- Maelle
- Maelyn
- Maelys
- Maengmum
- Maeva
- Mafalda
- Maui
- Maura
- Maureen
- Maurelle
- Maurice
- Maury
- Maurya
- Mauve
- Maven
- Maverick
- Mavi
- Mawar
- Mawata
- Max
- Maxi
- Maxima
- Maximiliana
- Maximilienne
- Maximillia
- Maxwell
- Maxzille
- May
- Mayan
- Mayar
- Maybanke
- Maybellene
- Maybelline
- Mayberry
- Maybeth
- Maybrie
- Mayfair
- Mayflower
- Mayim
- Maylasia
- Maylee
- Maylily
- Maylin
- Mayrose
- Maysan
- Maytal
- Mayuri
- Mayzel
- Maz
- Mazarine
- Mazikeen
- Mcafee
- Mccartney
- Mccue
- Mckayla
- Mckellar
- Mclaren
- Meabh
- Mead
- Meadowlark
- Meara
- Mecca
- Medb
- Medea
- Medeea
- Medha
- Medi
- Medora
- Medrie
- Medusa
- Meena
- Meera
- Meeri
- Maryse
- Marysia
- Maryssa
- Marzia
- Maša
- Masako
- Masha
- Mashal
- Mason
- Masozi
- Massima
- Matalin
- Matana
- Mateja
- Mathilda
- Mathilde
- Mathurine
- Matilde
- Matisse
- Matita
- Matleena
- Matoaka
- Matreya
- Matrix
- Mattea
- Mattie
- Mattolina
- Maud
- Maude
- Marylou
- Marylouise
- Marylyn
- Marylyne
- Marylynn
- Marylynne
- Maryn
- Maryna
- Marynia
- Maryon
- Mary
- Marysa
- Magaidh
- Magda
- Magdaleena
- Magdalen
- Magdalene
- Magee
- Magenta
- Magi
- Magic
- Magistra
- Magnethia
- Mago
- Magritte
- Maguire
- Mahala
- Mahalia
- Mahayana
- Mahi
- Mahina
- Mahira
- Mahogany
- Mahrokh
- Mahrukh
- Mai
- Maialen
- Maiara
- Maida
- Maija
- Maiken
- Maikki
- Mailani
- Maile
- Maille
- Maillol
- Mailys
- Maine
- Mair
- Maire
- Mairead
- Mairéad
- Mairi
- Maisel
- Maisy
- Maisyn
- Maite
- Maitreya
- Maiva
- Maiwenn
- Maize
- Maja
- Majesty
- Majken
- Majorca
- Makala
- Makana
- Makani
- Makara
- Makeda
- Makelesi
- Makena
- Makena’lei
- Makepeace
- Maki
- Makiko
- Mako
- Makoto
- Maladee
- Malagueña
- Malai
- Malak
- Malala
- Malati
- Maleficent
- Malgosia
- Mali
- Maliha
- Malika
- Malin
- Malina
- Malka
- Malky
- Mallaidh
- Mallandra
- Mallorca
- Mallow
- Malone
- Malou
- Malta
- Malti
- Malu
- Malva
- Malvina
- Mama
- Mame
- Mamie
- Manaia
- Manami
- Manda
- Mandala
- Mandara
- Mandolin
- Mandoline
- Mandy
- Maple
- Mar
- Marabel
- Maraca
- Marah
- Marais
- Maral
- Marama
- Maranatha
- Marbella
- Marceline
- Marchella
- Marcellina
- March
- Marcheline
- Marchesa
- Marcia
- Marciana
- Marcy
- Mardi
- Mare
- Mared
- Mareike
- Marely
- Marena
- Marfa
- Margaery
- Margalit
- Margalo
- Margarete
- Margarida
- Margarita
- Margaux
- Marged
- Margery
- Margie
- Margit
- Margolette
- Margosa
- Margret
- Margrét
- Margrethe
- Marguerite
- Mari
- Mariabella
- Mariajose
- Marian
- Mariane
- Mariangela
- Marianne
- Maribel
- Maribella
- Maribelle
- Maribeth
- Marica
- Maricel
- Maricela
- Mariel
- Mariela
- Mariella
- Marielle
- Marienka
- Mariesa
- Mariet
- Marietta
- Mariette
- Marigold
- Marija
- Marijke
- Marijse
- Marika
- Marila
- Marilee
- Marilie
- Marilin
- Marilla
- Marillyn
- Marily
- Marilyne
- Marilynn
- Marilynne
- Marimba
- Marin
- Marine
- Marinette
- Marini
- Marion
- Mariota
- Mariott
- Mariposa
- Mariquita
- Maris
- Marisa
- Marise
- Marisela
- Mariska
- Marisol
- Marissah
- Marisse
- Maristela
- Marit
- Marita
- Marite
- Maritta
- Maritza
- Marivel
- Mariya
- Mariyah
- Mariza
- Marizza
- Marja
- Marjani
- Marjolein
- Marjoram
- Marla
- Marlene
- Marli-Mae
- Marlo
- Marlow
- Marnie
- Maroochy
- Marpesia
- Marpessa
- Mars
- Marsaili
- Marsailidh
- Marsali
- Marsh
- Marsha
- Marta
- Martelle
- Martia
- Martie
- Martina
- Martine
- Marty
- Marvel
- Marwa
- Marya
- Maryah
- Maryan
- Maryana
- Maryann
- Maryanna
- Maryanne
- Marybel
- Marybella
- Marybelle
- Marybeth
- Maryellen
- Maryetta
- Marygold
- Maryjane
- Maryjo
- Maryka
- Maryla
- Marylea
- Marylee
- Marylin

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
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- 408 Girl Names That Start With L
- 232 Girl Names That Start With S
- 136 Beautiful Middle Names For Girls
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