We’re helping to narrow the exciting task of finding the perfect name for your little girl by offering up a huge list of unique baby names, all starting with the third letter of the alphabet.
To narrow down our search for beautiful baby names starting with C and to help you find the perfect name, we asked our huge online community of half a million mums, who shared the baby names that set their hearts aflutter. With names including Callie, Clover and Carey, there’s sure to be a baby name you haven’t seen before on any of the most popular baby names lists.
C girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter C brings the goods with plenty of attitude to boot.
Some are nature-based without being obvious, others have a celebrity stamp of approval and some are fitting for both boys and girls.
- Nature-inspired: Cassia, Crystal, Cedar, Canyon, Camellia, Clementine
- Colourful: Cerise, Cyan, Coral, Cinnamon, Carmine, Cherry
- Literary: Charlotte, Cosette, Claris, Clover, Corin, Cecil
- Music-inspired: Cardi, Christina, Cyndi, Ciara, Carly
- Places: China, Camden, Chicago, Como, Chelsea, Capri, Cali, Cairo
- Gender neutral: Cameron, Charlie, Carter, Carey, Casey, Carlyn, Cody
Fashion-inspired names that start with C
From the red carpet to Aussie streetwear, there is no shortage of a collection of fashionable C names for girls. Take your pick from these designer samples:
- Chanel
- Coco
- Cartier
- Chloe
- Celine
- Colette (Colette Dinnigan)
- Camilla (Camilla & Marc)
- Carla (Carla Zampatti)
Unique C names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Turn heads with these rare gems:
- Chabley
- Ceres
- Chanach
- Cessya
- Canneline
- Cambree
- Cytia
- Cyzarine
C names for girls that end in y
If you want to keep with a family theme of C names that end in y, you’re in luck with plenty of options:
- Cassidy
- Charley
- Caisey
- Caity
- Camry
- Cecily
- Candy
- Cay
- Courtney
C names for celebrity daughters
- Gogglebox’s Adam Densten’s daughter, Celia
- Leona Lewis’ daughter, Carmel
- Michael Buble’s daughter, Cielo
- Macklemore’s daughter, Colette
- Christina Perri’s daughter, Carmella
- Catherine Zeta Jones’ daughter, Carys
- Busy Philipps’ daughter Cricket
- Princess Kate’s daughter, Charlotte
- Christina Ricci’s daughter, Cleopatra
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Our favourite C girl name is: Cordelia
Girl names that start with C
Cute and captivating, these baby girl names starting with C will capture your heart:
- Caaren
- Cace
- Cacee
- Cacelie
- Cacey
- Cachina
- Cacia
- Cacie
- Cacy
- Caddie
- Cade
- Cadee
- Caden
- Cadenza
- Cadey
- Cadi
- Cadie
- Cady
- Cadye
- Caera
- Caidie
- Cailey
- Cailie
- Caimile
- Caisee
- Caisey
- Caisi
- Caisie
- Cait
- Caitey
- Caitie
- Caitlan
- Caitlin
- Caitlinn
- Caitlyn
- Caitlynn
- Caitrin
- Caitrine
- Caitrinn
- Caitriona
- Caitrionagh
- Caity
- Cal
- Cala
- Calandia
- Calandra
- Calandre
- Calandria
- Calantha
- Calanthe
- Calcite
- Calendre
- Calendula
- Calesta
- Calinda
- Calissa
- Calista
- Calisto
- Calla
- Callan
- Callee
- Callen
- Callesta
- Calley
- Calli
- Callia
- Callie
- Calliope
- Callis
- Callista
- Calliste
- Cally
- Callyope
- Callys
- Callysta
- Calpurnia
- Calynda
- Calynn
- Calynne
- Calyssa
- Calysta
- Cam
- Camala
- Cambaria
- Cambel
- Cambell
- Cambree
- Cambria
- Cambrie
- Camelia
- Cameo
- Camera
- Cami
- Camila
- Camille
- Camillia
- Camira
- Camm
- Cammeo
- Cammie
- Cammilla
- Cammy
- Campbell
- Camryn
- Camyron
- Candace
- Candaice
- Candase
- Candayce
- Candee
- Candi
- Candice
- Candida
- Candide
- Candie
- Candis
- Candiss
- Candra
- Candyce
- Candys
- Caneesha
- Canna
- Canneline
- Cannella
- Capree
- Capreece
- Caprey
- Caprial
- Capriana
- Caprice
- Capricia
- Caprie
- Caprise
- Capry
- Capryce
- Cara
- Caragh
- Carah
- Caraleen
- Caraleena
- Caralie
- Caraline
- Caralyn
- Caralyne
- Caralynn
- Careen
- Careena
- Careenna
- Carel
- Caren
- Caresa
- Caressa
- Cari
- Cariana
- Caridad
- Carie
- Carilla
- Carilyn
- Carilynne
- Carin
- Carina
- Carine
- Carinna
- Carinne
- Carisa
- Carisma
- Carissa
- Carisse
- Carita
- Caritas
- Carla
- Carlah
- Carlana
- Carlee
- Carleen
- Carleigh
- Carlena
- Carlene
- Carletta
- Carlette
- Carley
- Carlia
- Carlin
- Carlina
- Carline
- Carlisa
- Carlita
- Carlla
- Carlota
- Carlotta
- Carly
- Carlyn
- Carma
- Carmela
- Carmelina
- Carmeline
- Carmelita
- Carmelle
- Carmen
- Carmia
- Carmiel
- Carmina
- Carmine
- Carmita
- Carnelian
- Caro
- Carol
- Carola
- Carolan
- Carolann
- Carolanne
- Carole
- Caroliana
- Carolin
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Caroll
- Carollyn
- Caroly
- Carolyn
- Carolyne
- Carolynn
- Carolynne
- Caron
- Caronn
- Carra
- Carren
- Carrey
- Carri
- Carrie
- Carrin
- Carrington
- Carrisa
- Carrola
- Carroll
- Carron
- Carry
- Carryn
- Carsen
- Carson
- Cary
- Caryl
- Caryll
- Caryn
- Caryna
- Carynn
- Carynna
- Carynne
- Carys
- Casandera
- Casandra
- Casee
- Cashmere
- Cashmir
- Casi
- Casie
- Casmir
- Cassady
- Cassandra
- Cassandre
- Cassandrea
- Cassandry
- Cassaundra
- Cassidey
- Cassiel
- Cassietta
- Cassiopeia
- Cassiopia
- Cassir
- Cassondra
- Cassy
- Cat
- Cataleen
- Catalina
- Catarina
- Catarine
- Catava
- Cate
- Catee
- Cateline
- Catelyn
- Catera
- Caterina
- Catey
- Catha
- Cathaleen
- Cathaline
- Cathan
- Catharin
- Catharine
- Catharyne
- Cathatina
- Cathatyna
- Cathay
- Cathe
- Cathee
- Cathelin
- Cathelina
- Cathelle
- Catherin
- Catherina
- Catherine
- Catherinn
- Catheryn
- Cathi
- Cathie
- Cathirin
- Cathiryn
- Cathleen
- Cathlene
- Cathline
- Cathlyne
- Cathrine
- Cathrinn
- Cathryn
- Cathrynn
- Cathy
- Cathye
- Cathyleen
- Catie
- Catlaina
- Catlina
- Catori
- Catriona
- Catrionagh
- Catryna
- Catshy
- Cavanagh
- Cavanaugh
- Caycee
- Caycey
- Cayci
- Caycie
- Caye
- Cayla
- Caylie
- Caylisa
- Caysee
- Caysey
- Caysi
- Cazzy
- Ceara
- Cecania
- Ceceley
- Cecelia
- Cecely
- Cecile
- Cecilee
- Cecilia
- Ceciliane
- Cecilie
- Cecilija
- Cecilla
- Cecille
- Cecily
- Cecilya
- Cecilyann
- Cecyle
- Cecylia
- Ceil
- Cela
- Celandia
- Cele
- Celeena
- Celena
- Celene
- Celesse
- Celesta
- Celeste
- Celesteen
- Celesteene
- Celestena
- Celestene
- Celestia
- Celestiel
- Celestijna
- Celestina
- Celestine
- Celestyn
- Celestyna
- Celestyne
- Celica
- Celie
- Celina
- Celinda
- Celine
- Celinka
- Celinna
- Celisse
- Celka
- Celleste
- Celyna
- Cerelia
- Cerella
- Ceridwen
- Cerisa
- Cerisse
- Cesia
- Cesya
- Cetta
- Cettina
- Chaanach
- Chaanah
- Chaba
- Chabley
- Chablis
- Chaeli
- Chaka
- Chalan
- Chalcedony
- Chalee
- Chalsie
- Chana
- Chanach
- Chanah
- Chanaiana
- Chance
- Chanda
- Chandani
- Chandara
- Chandra
- Chandrama
- Chandria
- Chandy
- Chanell
- Chanelle
- Channa
- Channel
- Channelle
- Chantal
- Chantale
- Chantalle
- Chante
- Chantel
- Chantele
- Chantell
- Chantelle
- Chantrell
- Chapa
- Chapawee
- Chara
- Charalin
- Charalyn
- Charalynne
- Chareese
- Chareesse
- Charelin
- Charelyn
- Charelynn
- Charilyn
- Charilynn
- Charis
- Charisa
- Charise
- Charisma
- Charissa
- Charisse
- Charita
- Charitee
- Charitey
- Charity
- Charitye
- Chariza
- Charlet
- Charlette
- Charlie
- Charlot
- Charlotta
- Charo
- Charon
- Charty
- Charu
- Charysse
- Chasaty
- Chasida
- Chasity
- Chassity
- Chasta
- Chastina
- Chastine
- Chastitee
- Chastitey
- Chastity
- Chaundra
- Chauntel
- Chay
- Chaya
- Chayan
- Chayanne
- Chayka
- Chebah
- Chelde
- Chelle
- Chellie
- Chellsie
- Chelsa
- Chelsea
- Chelsee
- Chelseigh
- Chelsey
- Chelsi
- Chelsie
- Chelsy
- Chen
- Chen-chio
- Chen-tao
- Chenelle
- Chenoa
- Chepi
- Chepziba
- Cher
- Cheralin
- Cheralyn
- Chere
- Cherée
- Cherelle
- Cheri
- Cheridah
- Cherie
- Cheril
- Cherilin
- Cherilynn
- Cherilynne
- Cherise
- Cherish
- Cheriss
- Cherralyn
- Cherri
- Cherrilin
- Cherrill
- Cherrilyn
- Cherry
- Cherrylene
- Cherrylin
- Cherryline
- Cherrylyn
- Cheryl
- Cheryle
- Cherylin
- Cheryline
- Cheryllyn
- Cherylyn
- Cheyanna
- Cheyanne
- Cheyenne
- Chhaya
- Chiana
- Chianna
- Chiara
- Chika
- Chimalis
- Chinara
- Chinshu
- Chione
- Chipo
- Chiquin
- Chiquita
- Chita
- Chitra
- Chitrangda
- Chiyo
- Chloris
- Cho
- Chon
- Chorei
- Chosposi
- Chow
- Chriselda
- Chrissta
- Chrisstan
- Chrissti
- Chrisstie
- Chrissty
- Christa
- Christan
- Christeen
- Christeena
- Christel
- Christen
- Christena
- Christene
- Christi
- Christian
- Christiana
- Christiane
- Christianna
- Christie
- Christin
- Christina
- Christine
- Christini
- Christinn
- Christmar
- Christy
- Christyna
- Chrystal
- Chrystalle
- Chrystee
- Chrystel
- Chrystelle
- Chrystina
- Chrystle
- Chu hua
- Chun
- Chyanne
- Chyna
- Chynna
- Chyou
- Ciana
- Ciandra
- Cianna
- Ciannait
- Ciar
- Ciaran
- Ciarra
- Cidney
- Cieara
- Cielo
- Ciera
- Cierra
- Cile
- Cilia
- Cilka
- Cilla
- Cilly
- Cinda
- Cindee
- Cindeigh
- Cindi
- Cindie
- Cinnabar
- Cinnie
- Cinny
- Cinta
- Cintha
- Cinthia
- Cinthie
- Cintia
- Cinzia
- Cira
- Cissee
- Cissey
- Cissie
- Cissy
- Citrine
- Clair
- Claire
- Claireen
- Clairene
- Claireta
- Clairette
- Clairey
- Clairice
- Clairinda
- Clairissa
- Clairita
- Clairy
- Clara
- Clarabel
- Clarabelle
- Claral
- Clare
- Clarene
- Claresta
- Clareta
- Claretta
- Clarey
- Clari
- Claribel
- Claribella
- Claribelle
- Clarice
- Clarie
- Clarinda
- Clarine
- Coralee
- Coralena
- Coralia
- Coralie
- Coraline
- Corallina
- Coralline
- Coraly
- Coralyn
- Coralyne
- Corazon
- Cordelia
- Cordelie
- Cordella
- Cordelle
- Cordey
- Cordi
- Cordia
- Cordie
- Cordney
- Cordni
- Cordy
- Coree
- Coreen
- Coreene
- Corelie
- Corella
- Coren
- Corena
- Corene
- Corentine
- Coretta
- Corey
- Cori
- Corie
- Corilla
- Corin
- Corina
- Corine
- Corinna
- Corinne
- Corisa
- Corissa
- Corita
- Corky
- Corlee
- Corlene
- Corless
- Corlie
- Corliss
- Corly
- Cornalia
- Corneelija
- Cornel
- Cornela
- Cornelia
- Cornelija
- Cornell
- Cornella
- Cornelle
- Cornelya
- Cornie
- Correen
- Corrella
- Correlle
- Correna
- Correnda
- Correne
- Correy
- Corri
- Corrianne
- Corrie
- Corrienne
- Corrina
- Corrinda
- Corrine
- Corrissa
- Corry
- Corryn
- Cortenay
- Corteney
- Cortie
- Cortland
- Cortnee
- Cortneigh
- Cortney
- Cory
- Coryn
- Corynn
- Corynna
- Corynne
- Coryssa
- Cotchy
- Cotovatre
- Courage
- Courtenay
- Courteneigh
- Courteney
- Courtesy
- Courtland
- Courtlyn
- Courtnay
- Courtnee
- Courtney
- Courtnie
- Courtny
- Creola
- Cressida
- Crisiant
- Crissey
- Crissie
- Crissy
- Crista
- Cristal
- Cristalle
- Cristel
- Cristelle
- Cristen
- Cristena
- Cristi
- Cristie
- Cristin
- Cristina
- Cristine
- Cristiona
- Cristy
- Cruz
- Crysta
- Crystal
- Crystalle
- Crystena
- Crystene
- Crystie
- Crystina
- Crystine
- Crystyna
- Cybil
- Cybill
- Cybille
- Cyd
- Cydne
- Cydnee
- Cydnei
- Cydney
- Cydnie
- Cyla
- Cylia
- Cyn
- Cyna
- Cynda
- Cyndee
- Cyndi
- Cyndia
- Cyndie
- Cyndra
- Cyndy
- Cyne
- Cynnie
- Cynthea
- Cynthia
- Cynthie
- Cynthya
- Cyntia
- Cyra
- Cyrah
- Cyrena
- Cyrene
- Cyrina
- Cytherea
- Cytheria
- Cytia

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