If you’re on a quest for the perfect P name for your little lady, you’re in the right place. We’ve scouted a huge line up of unique baby names, all starting with the 16th letter of the alphabet.
Perhaps you’re interested in the letter P because it’s part of a family tradition you’re continuing the trend with older siblings, or because it’s not as common as some of the others. Whatever your reason we’re confident you can find the perfect name. With options like Pallas, Prisca and Penni there’s sure to be a moniker you haven’t seen before on any of the most popular baby names lists.
We asked our huge online community of half a million mums who shared the baby names that they felt were pretty perfect.
P girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter P brings the goods. Some are nature-based without being obvious, others have a celebrity stamp of approval and some are fitting for both boys and girls.
- Nature-inspired: Pearl, Peridot, Pier, Prairie, Peach, Plum
- Short and sweet: Paige, Pia, Prin, Pippa, Poh, Pelle, Pixie
- Literary: Poet, Portia, Peregrine, Phoebe, Paulina, Pascale, Polly, Pip
- Places: Philadelphia, Poland, Peru, Panama, Paddington, Paris, Prague, Persia
- Gender neutral: Parker, Page, Paris, Payton, Percy, Phoenix, Prescott
Unique P names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Proud to explain their name? You’re in luck!
- Pavanni
- Palmira
- Pellagia
- Petronella
- Plasida
- Pua
- Pundari
Musical names for girls starting with P
With rockstar names taking centre stage and classical choices hitting a high note, there are melodious monikers to suit most tastes. Here’s a collection of P names inspired by music:
- Paloma: after Paloma Faith
- Presley: after the King himself
- Psalm: meaning ‘a sacred song or poem used in worship’
- Patti: after Patti LaBelle
- Pink: you know who we’re talking about
- Perry: after Katy Perry
- Parton: after Dolly Parton
Floral P names for girls
Ring a ring o’ roses, a pocket full of posies, a-shortlist, a-shortlist, write these names down! Here are just a few botanical-inspired names for girls:
- Primrose
- Petal
- Posey
- Poppy
- Petunia
- Peony
- Peaches
P names for girls inspired by the stage and screen
Look no further than the stage and screen for iconic names for your mini me:
- Priscilla: after Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert
- Priyanka: after Priyanka Chopra
- Pepper: after the character Pepper Potts from Iron Man
- Penelope: after actress Penelope Cruz
- Pfeiffer: after actress Michelle Pfeiffer
Celebrity daughters starting with P
- Jamie Oliver’s daughters, Petal and Poppy
- Peter Andre’s daughter, Princess
- Teresa Palmer’s daughters, Poet and Prairie
- Libby Trickett’s daughter, Poppy
- Bob Geldof’s daughter, Peaches
- Babyface’s daughter, Peyton
- Jack Osbourne’s daughter, Pearl
- Kourtney Kardashian’s daughter, Penelope
- Nick Cannon’s daughter, Powerful
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Our favourite P girl name is: Primrose
More girl names starting with P
- Paavana
- Paavani
- Paca
- Paciencia
- Padget
- Padgett
- Paget
- Pagett
- Pagette
- Paige
- Paka
- Pala
- Palakika
- Palila
- Palima
- Pallas
- Pallma
- Pallmara
- Pallmyra
- Palloma
- Palma
- Palmer
- Palmira
- Palmyra
- Paloma
- Palometa
- Palomita
- Pam
- Pamala
- Pamalia
- Pamela
- Pamelia
- Pamelina
- Pamella
- Pamilia
- Pamilla
- Pammela
- Pammi
- Pammie
- Pammimirah
- Pammy
- Pana
- Panda
- Pandora
- Pandorra
- Panfila
- Panfyla
- Pangi
- Panndora
- Panphila
- Panphyla
- Pansey
- Pansie
- Panya
- Paola
- Paolina
- Parisa
- Parris
- Parrish
- Parthania
- Parthena
- Parthenia
- Parthenie
- Parthina
- Parthine
- Parvani
- Pascale
- Pascalette
- Pascaline
- Pascalle
- Paschale
- Pasua
- Pat
- Paterekia
- Pathania
- Pathena
- Pathenia
- Pathina
- Patience
- Patient
- Patreece
- Patreice
- Patria
- Patric
- Patrica
- Patrice
- Patricia
- Patricka
- Patrizia
- Patsy
- Pattie
- Patty
- Paula
- Paule
- Pauleen
- Pauleigh
- Paulene
- Pauletta
- Paulette
- Paulie
- Paulina
- Pauline
- Paulita
- Pauly
- Paulyn
- Pausha
- Pavana
- Pavani
- Pavla
- Pavlina
- Pavlinka
- Pax
- Payge
- Paz
- Paza
- Pazia
- Paziah
- Pazice
- Pazit
- Paziya
- Pazya
- Peah
- Pearla
- Pearle
- Pearleen
- Pearlena
- Pearlette
- Pearley
- Pearline
- Pearly
- Pedzi
- Peg
- Pela
- Pelage
- Pelageia
- Pelagia
- Pelagie
- Pelcia
- Pelegia
- Pelenakino
- Pelgia
- Pelia
- Peliah
- Pelika
- Pelipa
- Pellagia
- Peloma
- Pelulio
- Pemba
- Pen
- Penda
- Penelopa
- Penelope
- Peni
- Penie
- Penina
- Peninah
- Penine
- Penini
- Peninit
- Penna
- Pennelope
- Penni
- Penny
- Peoni
- Peonie
- Peresekila
- Peresila
- Peri
- Perisila
- Perl
- Perla
- Perle
- Perlette
- Perley
- Perlie
- Perly
- Pernel
- Pernelle
- Peronel
- Peronelle
- Perrey
- Perri
- Perrie
- Persis
- Perssis
- Petrina
- Petronella
- Petronelle
- Petronia
- Petronilla
- Petula
- Petulah
- Petune
- Petunia
- Phadra
- Phaedra
- Pheabe
- Phebe
- Pheby
- Phedra
- Phedre
- Phelia
- Philicia
- Philipa
- Philippa
- Philippine
- Philis
- Philli
- Phillie
- Phillipina
- Phillis
- Philliss
- Phillys
- Philomena
- Philomene
- Philomina
- Phobe
- Phoebe
- Phylice
- Phylicia
- Phylis
- Phyllida
- Phyllis
- Phylliss
- Piah
- Pierette
- Pinelopi
- Pinquana
- Pippa
- Pippy
- Piptisa
- Pirene
- Pita
- Placida
- Plasida
- Pleasance
- Pleasant
- Pleasants
- Pleasence
- Pocahontas
- Pola
- Polcia
- Pollee
- Polley
- Polli
- Pollie
- Pollyam
- Pollyann
- Pollyanna
- Pollyanne
- Popi
- Poppi
- Porcha
- Porscha
- Porsche
- Porschia
- Porsha
- Portia
- Pragyata
- Prarthana
- Prashanti
- Pratiksha
- Pratima
- Precious
- Preeti
- Preita
- Prema
- Premila
- Prerana
- Preyasi
- Pribena
- Pribislava
- Pribka
- Pribuska
- Prima
- Primalia
- Primavera
- Primetta
- Primina
- Priminia
- Primula
- Princell
- Princesa
- Princessa
- Prisca
- Prisma
- Priss
- Prissy
- Pritha
- Priti
- Pritika
- Priya
- Priyal
- Priyam
- Priyanka
- Priyasha
- Priyata
- Priyati
- Providence
- Pru
- Prudence
- Prudy
- Prue
- Prunella
- Prusma
- Psyche
- Ptolema
- Puakai
- Puanani
- Pulkita
- Puma
- Pundari
- Punita
- Purandhri
- Purity
- Purnima
- Purva
- Purvaja
- Purvi
- Purvis
- Pusti
- Pyhrrha

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
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