If you’re on the hunt for the perfect name, you might find your match near the end of the alphabet train. The letter V, coming in at number 22, is a choice that certainly has an edge.
Sure, there are more familiar names like Victor and Vincent, but if you’re after something more unique, you’re in luck with V: Vale, Varlan, and Vander, just to name a few.
We reached out to our extensive Mum’s Grapevine community to help with inspiration for all things V, and we think you’re going to love the options the 22nd letter of the alphabet has to offer.
V Names with a Theme
Themes can provide fantastic inspiration, and the letter V delivers with some unique and edgy options. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, place names, or something cool and gender-neutral, V has something for everyone.
- Nature-inspired: Vale, Valley, Verge, Vermilion, Vine, Vine, Vesper, Vireo, Vanda
- Gender neutral: Vada, Vinnie, Vima, VJ, Valle, Vala, Vesper, Vanya, Valor,
- Places: Vegas, Vermont, Vail, Vigo, Vienna, Visby, Verdun, Valencia, Vic, Venice
- Surname first names: Vaughn, Vass, Verrell, Vincente, Vickers, Varela,
Unique V Names
With the letter V already being a distinctive choice, you can go for something that will truly turn heads. If you’re the type of parent who loves explaining a name, you’re in luck with these rare finds:
- Varlan
- Volker
- Veltry
- Vahe
- Varkey
- Vino
- Verges
- Vidor
- Vachel,
- Velkan
Iconic V Names
We’ve got a treasure trove of V names inspired by icons in music, fashion, and pop culture. These names carry a sense of fame and style:
Valentino or Viktor: After the iconic fashion designers
Vance: After musician Vance Joy
Van: After the legendary band Van Halen
Vader: A bold choice for Star Wars fans
Virgil: After the late fashion designer Virgil Abloh (who designed Hailey Bieber’s wedding dress)
Viggo: After actor Viggo Mortensen
Vivaldi: After the classical composer Antonio Vivaldi
Same-Same but Different V Names
If you like a familiar-sounding name with a twist, why not start it with V? Here are some creative variations that give a fresh spin on classic names:
- Venson, not Benson
- Vasil, not Basil
- Vernie, not Bernie
- Vance, not Chance
- Villiem, not William
- Verrick, not Merrick
- Valto: Not Waldo
Celebrity Sons with V Names
- Emile Hirsch’s son, Valor
- Ricky Martin’s son, Valentino
- Vince Vaughn’s son, Vernon
- Taylor Hanson’s son, Viggo
- Princess Mary and Prince Frederik’s son, Vincent
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Our favourite V name is: Vinny
More Names That Start With V
- V. J.
- Vachel
- Vachell
- Vaclav
- Vadik
- Vadim
- Vadin
- Vaduz
- Vaesna
- Vahe
- Vaibhav
- Vail
- Vaile
- Vaill
- Vaino
- Vairaja
- Val
- Vala
- Valdemar
- Valdemarr
- Valdermar
- Vale
- Valen
- Valente
- Valentin
- Valentine
- Valentino
- Valentyn
- Valeray
- Valeri
- Valerian
- Valerie
- Valerien
- Valerio
- Valerious
- Valery
- Valeryan
- Vali
- Valin
- Vall
- Valle
- Valmihi
- Valor
- Valry
- Valu
- Valyn
- Van
- Vance
- Vancelo
- Vand
- Vanda
- Vandan
- Vandaver
- Vandawon
- Vandele
- Vander
- Vandever
- Vandiver
- Vandjuan
- Vandwon
- VanDyck
- Vandyke
- Vane
- Vanek
- Vaninadh
- Vanka
- Vann
- Vannevar
- Vansalo
- Vanselow
- Vanslaw
- Vanslow
- Vanya
- Varden
- Vardhaman
- Vardhamma
- Vardon
- Varen
- Varesh
- Varick
- Varil
- Varin
- Variya
- Varkey
- Várkony
- Varlan
- Varland
- Varlen
- Varlin
- Varma
- Varn
- Varner
- Varocher
- Varoon
- Varoun
- Varric
- Varrius
- Varsany
- Vartan
- Varun
- Vas
- Vasant
- Vasava
- Vashaun
- Vashon
- Vashonne
- Vasil
- Vasile
- Vasilek
- Vasili
- Vasilios
- Vasilis
- Vasilos
- Vasily
- Vasin
- Vass
- Vassil
- Vassily
- Vaston
- Vastun
- Vasu
- Vasudev
- Vasuman
- Vasya
- Vaughan
- Vaughn
- Vavrin
- Vavrinec
- Vayk
- Vea
- Veamalohi
- Veatama
- Veda
- Vedanga
- Vedas
- Vedis
- Vee-Jay
- Veejay
- Veer
- Vega
- Vegas
- Veir
- Vejay
- Vela
- Velek
- Veleslav
- Velin
- Vell
- Velle
- Velley
- Velly
- Velousek
- Veltree
- Veltry
- Venacio
- Vencel
- Venceslas
- Venec
- Venedict
- Venedikt
- Venetziano
- Veneziano
- Venezio
- Veniec
- Venka
- Venson
- Ventidius
- Venturio
- Venturo
- Venya
- Ver
- Verda
- Verden
- Verdun
- Vere
- Vered
- Verge
- Vergel
- Vergele
- Verges
- Vergil
- Vergilio
- Verile
- Verill
- Verille
- Verity
- Verle
- Verlin
- Verllin
- Verlon
- Verlyn
- Vern
- Verner
- Verney
- Vernie
- Vernon
- Verol
- Verrall
- Verrell
- Verrier
- Verrill
- Verrol
- Versey
- Vertumnus
- Veryl
- Vester
- Vesuvio
- Vial
- Viau
- Vic
- Vicente
- Vicenzio
- Vick
- Vid
- Vida
- Vidal
- Vidar
- Vidas
- Videl
- Videlio
- Vidkun
- Vidor
- Vidos
- Vidvan
- Viet
- Viggoa
- Vigilius
- Vihs
- Vijay
- Vijayendra
- Vijendra
- Vijun
- Vikas
- Viken
- Vikenti
- Vikesh
- Vikesha
- Vikram
- Vikrant
- Viktor
- Vila
- Vilek
- Vilem
- Vilhelm
- Vili
- Viliam
- Viljalmr
- Viljo
- Vilko
- Villard
- Ville
- Villiers
- Villmos
- Vilmos
- Vima
- Vimal
- Vin
- Vinay
- Vincentay
- Vincente
- Vincenzo
- Vinci
- Vinco
- Vine
- Vineet
- Vinko
- Vinn
- Vinny
- Vinod
- Vins
- Vinson
- Vinton
- Vipin
- Vipul
- Vir
- Viraj
- Virat
- Vireo
- Virge
- Virgie
- Virgil
- Virgilio
- Virlie
- Virnir
- Visente
- Vishal
- Vishnu
- Visvajit
- Visvakarman
- Visvayu
- Viswanath
- Vital
- Vitalian
- Vitalis
- Vitaly
- Vitas
- Vite
- Vitéz
- Vito
- Vitorio
- Vittorio
- Vitus
- Viv
- Vivar
- Vivatma
- Vivek
- Vlad
- Vlade
- Vladilen
- Vladimir
- Vladislav
- Vlas
- Vojta
- Vojtech
- Vojtek
- Vojtresek
- Volf
- Volker
- Volney
- Voltimand
- Volund
- Volya
- Von
- Vonn
- Vonne
- Vortigem
- Voshon
- Vouga
- Vougay
- Vui
- Vul
- Vyacheslav
- Vyrle
Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with V and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 300 names for boys that start with V in the comments.

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
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