If you’re on a quest for the perfect name for your filly, you might want to stop at F. Whilst it’s not the most popular letter, F certainly yields a lot of unique baby names.
Perhaps you’re interested in the letter F because there’s a Faye or Frances in the family and you’d like to honour them. Or perhaps you’ve already got a little Franklin and you’re continuing the trend with siblings. Whatever the reason, we’re confident you can find the perfect name. With options like Fia, Filona and Freddie there’s sure to be a moniker you haven’t seen before on any of the more popular baby names lists.
We asked our huge online community of half a million mums who shared the baby names that they felt were fabulous.
F girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter F brings the goods. Some are nature-based without being obvious, others take you travelling around the globe and some are fitting for both boys and girls.
- Nature-inspired: Fawn, Forest, Fern/Ferny, Fox, Fir, Finch, Fauna, Filly
- Short and sweet: Fei, Fifi, Flo, Flor, Fearne, Fran
- Places: Fuji, Florence, Forres, Fitzroy, Florida, Fontana
- Gender neutral: Freddie, Frankie, Finley, Farin, Fidel
Unique F names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Proud to explain their name? You’re in luck!
- Faryque
- Faryn
- Fritzie
- Frankha
- Fryne
- Fedora
- Fairy
F names with trait meanings
Give your daughter a name that reflects the type of woman you would love her to be. Here are seven F names that have a trait as their meaning:
- Freya: ‘noble woman’
- Fernanda: ‘adventurous’
- Faiza: ‘successful’
- Fallon: ‘superior’
- Fayola: ‘honourable’
- Fia: ‘wisdom’
- Frederica: ‘peaceful ruler’
Floral F names for girls
Ring a ring o’ roses, a pocket full of posies, a-shortlist, a-shortlist, write these names down! Here are just a few botanical-inspired names for girls:
- Flora
- Fleur
- Foxglove
- Fuschia
- Freesia
Iconic F names for girls
A collection of names from different generations, all iconic and all starting with F. Could one of these make your shortlist?
- Farrah: after Farrah Fawcett
- Fergie: after the singer
- Fantasia: after the singer Fantasia Barino, and also the Disney movie
- Fiona: after Princess Fiona from Shrek
- Fifi: after Fifi Box
- Fonda: after Jane Fonda (… less of the restaurant)
- Frida: after painter Frida Kahlo
- February: after the month
Celebrity daughters starting with F
- Josh and Jenna Densten’s daughter, Freddie
- Jennifer Hawkins‘ daughter, Frankie
- Sophie Cachia’s daughter, Florence
- Shemar Moore‘s daughter Frankie
- Nicole Kidman’s daughter, Faith
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Our favourite F girl name is: Freya
More girl names starting with F
- Fabiana
- Fabianah
- Fabianna
- Fabiannah
- Fabienna
- Fabiennah
- Fabyana
- Fabyanah
- Fabyanna
- Fabyannah
- Fae
- Faelyn
- Faelynn
- Faeth
- Faethe
- Fai
- Faie
- Faiga
- Failyn
- Failynn
- Faiola
- Faiolah
- Faith
- Faithe
- Faithful
- Faiza
- Faizah
- Fala
- Falica
- Falisa
- Fallan
- Fallen
- Fallenn
- Fallenna
- Fallon
- Fallona
- Fallonah
- Fallonya
- Fallonyah
- Falon
- Falynn
- Fanci
- Fancia
- Fancie
- Fanette
- Fang
- Fang hua
- Fania
- Fannia
- Fantasy
- Fantasya
- Fantaysia
- Fantazia
- Farah
- Farakika
- Faran
- Farana
- Farane
- Fare
- Faren
- Farica
- Faricah
- Faricka
- Farika
- Farin
- Farine
- Fariqua
- Fariquah
- Farique
- Faron
- Faronah
- Farra
- Farrahn
- Farran
- Farrand
- Farren
- Farria
- Farriah
- Farrin
- Farrya
- Farryah
- Farya
- Faryah
- Faryca
- Farycah
- Farycka
- Faryn
- Faryque
- Fatema
- Fathma
- Fatima
- Fatime
- Fattim
- Fatyma
- Fatymah
- Faun
- Faunah
- Faunia
- Fauniah
- Fauny
- Faunya
- Faunyah
- Fawna
- Fawnah
- Fawne
- Fawnia
- Fawniah
- Fawnna
- Fawny
- Fawnya
- Fawnyah
- Fay
- Faya
- Fayah
- Fayana
- Faydra
- Faye
- Fayette
- Fayla
- Faylinn
- Faylynne
- Fayola
- Fayolah
- Fayre
- Fayth
- Faythe
- Fayza
- Fayzah
- Fe
- Feana
- Feanah
- Fearn
- Fearne
- February
- Federica
- Fedora
- Fedorah
- Fedoria
- Fedorra
- Fedra
- Feefeem
- Feena
- Feenah
- Feyah
- Feye
- Feyla
- Fiantasi
- Fidea
- Fideah
- Fidel
- Fidela
- Fidelah
- Fidele
- Fidelia
- Fideliah
- Fidelio
- Fidelity
- Fidella
- Fieonne
- Fiffi
- Fiffy
- Fifi
- Fifina
- Fifinah
- Fifine
- Fila
- Filemon
- Filiah
- Filipa
- Filipina
- Filippina
- Filmena
- Filomena
- Filomenah
- Filomene
- Filomina
- Filominah
- Filomyna
- Filomyne
- Filpina
- Filya
- Fiola
- Fiolla
- Fiona
- Fione
- Fionn
- Fionna
- Fionnah
- Fionnea
- Fionni
- Fionniah
- Fiorella
- Fiorelle
- Fiorenza
- Firn
- Firne
- Flanneree
- Flannerey
- Flanneri
- Flannerie
- Flannery
- Flavia
- Flaviah
- Flavianna
- Flavianne
- Flaviar
- Flavien
- Flavienne
- Flaviere
- Flavya
- Flawia
- Flawya
- Fleur
- Fleure
- Fleuree
- Fleuret
- Fleurett
- Fleuretta
- Fleurettah
- Flo
- Floah
- Flor
- Flora
- Florence
- Florentia
- Florenz
- Floretta
- Florettah
- Florette
- Floria
- Florida
- Florie
- Floris
- Florrie
- Flory
- Floryn
- Flossie
- Flouretta
- Flourette
- Flower
- Fola
- Fonda
- Fondah
- Fondea
- Fonta
- Fontah
- Fontaina
- Fontainah
- Fontaine
- Fontana
- Fontanna
- Fontannah
- Fontanne
- Fontayn
- Fontayna
- Fontaynah
- Fontayne
- Fortitude
- Fortoona
- Fortuna
- Fortunah
- Fortunata
- Fortunate
- Fortune
- Fortunee
- Fortunia
- Fortuniah
- Fortunne
- Fortunya
- Fortunyah
- Fountain
- Fountanne
- Fran
- Franc
- Franca
- Francene
- Frances
- Francesca
- Francess
- Francesta
- Francine
- Francisca
- Francka
- Francki
- Franka
- Franke
- Frankee
- Frankia
- Frankyah
- Franny

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
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