We’re on the quest for the perfect name, and you’re in for a treat with the letter L. The 12th letter of the alphabet is a poster boy for baby names, with classics like Leo, Lucas, Levi, and Liam enjoying spots on the most popular lists. But the letter L has so much more to offer beyond the usual favourites.
Maybe you’re drawn to L because of family ties to Larrys or Leonards, or perhaps you already have a little Lily and want to keep sibling initials consistent. Whatever your reason, the letter L is brimming with possibilities. From Lloyd and Landon to Leeland, you’re sure to find a name that stands out from the crowd.
We turned to our expansive Mum’s Grapeviner community, gathering input from over half a million mums who shared their favourite L names that they believe are totally fab.
L Names with a Theme
Themes can provide wonderful inspiration when choosing a name, and the letter L delivers with a variety of options. Whether you’re looking for nickname-friendly names, place-inspired choices, or stately selections, L has something for everyone.
- Nickname first names: Loki, Laz, Lundy, Lane, Lars, Link
- Places: Landon, London, Logan, Lorne, Laos, Leeds, Lancaster
- Gender neutral: Lesley, Landry, Lang, Lindsay, Lee,
- Biblical: Luke, Lucas, Lois, Lysias, Leor, Lazarus, Levi
- Stately: Lincoln, Langford, Ludlowe, Linton, Linford, Lawson, Lexington
Unique L Names
If you’re more into something distinctive than Lucas, these unique L names are sure to catch your attention. Each name offers a rare and memorable quality:
- Laertes
- Laoghaire
- Lawler
- Leander
- Leshem
- Loudon
- Loyse
- Lycan
- Larenz
- Lindon
Animal-Inspired L Names
For the animal lovers out there, why not give your little one a name that’s positively purrfect? Here are some of our favourite animal-inspired L names:
- Lark/Larke
- Leo
- Lemur
- Loris
- Lykoi
- Lynx
- Leopard
- Lupin
Iconic L Names
Inspired by the worlds of music and movies, these iconic L names carry a sense of fame and style. Whether you’re a fan of legendary musicians or iconic actors, these names are sure to leave an impression:
Led: After Led Zeppelin
Ledger: After Heath Ledger
Lennox: After Annie Lennox
Leon: After Kings Of Leon
Lionel: After Lionel Ritchie
Lambert: After Adam Lambert
Lior: After Lior Attar
Lennon: After John Lennon
Luther: After Luther Vandross
Nature-Inspired L Names
For those who love the great outdoors, these L names are subtly inspired by nature, with meanings that connect to the earth and beyond:
Lakeyn/Laken: Means “body of water”
Llyr: Means “from the sea”
Lochlan/Lachlan: Means “from the fjord and lake-land”
Landon: Means “long hill, ridge”
Lesley: Means “garden of holly”
Linc: Means “lake colony”
Lindon: Means “from near a lime tree”
Leaf: Directly inspired by nature
L Names That Mean ‘Light’
A name meaning ‘light’ is one of the best gifts you can give your child. Shine bright with these luminous L names:
- Lenian: ‘Torch, light, bright, shining’
- Leor: ‘Light unto me’
- Lohan: ‘Good light’
- Louan: ‘Light and shining’
- Leondrit: ‘Born in the light’
- Loukas: ‘Bringer of light’
- Leano: ‘Sunlight, sunshine’
- Lucian: Means “light”
Celebrity Sons with L Names
Celebrities often choose unique and memorable names for their children, and L names are no exception. Here are some famous examples that might inspire you:
- Justine Schofield’s son, Louis
- Alec Baldwin’s son, Leonardo
- Martha Kalifatidis’ son, Lucius
- Zara Tindall’s son, Lucas
- Diplo’s son, Lazer Lee Louis
- Sarah Marie Fahd’s son Lyon
- Roger Federer’s son, Leo
- Karlie Kloss’ son, Levi
- Hilary Duff’s son, Luca
- Nick Cannon’s son, Legendary Love
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Our favourite L name is: Lennox
More names that start with L
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Lay
- Laye
- Layland
- Layna
- Layne
- Layrd
- Layrde
- Laytan
- Laythrep
- Layton
- Lazar
- Lazaro
- Lazarus
- Lazre
- Leachlainn
- Leaf
- Leaman
- Leander
- Leandre
- Leandro
- Lear
- Leare
- Leathan
- Leautree
- Leautri
- Leautry
- Leavery
- LeBron
- Lech
- Lecholsaw
- Leere
- Legate
- Leggett
- Leggitt
- Legolas
- Lehel
- Lei
- Leicester
- Leif
- Leigh
- Leighlon
- Leighten
- Leighton
- Leightun
- Leiland
- Leisti
- Leith
- Leiton
- Lél
- Lelan
- Leland
- Lelond
- Lemar
- Lemarr
- Lemmie
- Lemmy
- Lemuel
- Lemy
- Len
- Lenard
- Lendar
- Lenin
- Lenix
- Lenn
- Lennard
- Lennart
- Lennen
- Lennie
- Lenno
- Lennon
- Lennor
- Lennox
- Lenny
- Lenox
- Lensar
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leonardo
- Leonato
- Leone
- Leonel
- Leonhard
- Leonid
- Leonidas
- Leonidis
- Leopold
- Leopoldo
- Leor
- Leosko
- Leroi
- Leron
- Lerone
- Leroy
- Les
- Leshem
- La Monte
- La Vaun
- La Vonn
- La Voun
- Laafe
- Laakea
- Laban
- Labaron
- LaBaronne
- Label
- Labhras
- Laborc
- Lachlan
- Lachlann
- Lacklan
- Lackland
- Ladd
- Laddie
- Laddy
- Ladislao
- Ladislaus
- Ladislav
- Ladislaw
- Lado
- Ladomér
- Laeeton
- Lael
- Laertes
- Laeton
- Lafe
- Laife
- Laiffe
- Laine
- Laionela
- Laird
- Laiton
- Lajos
- Lake
- Laken
- Lakin
- Lakista
- Lakota
- Lakshman
- Lakshmi
- Lakshya
- Lale
- Lalit
- Lallo
- Lam
- Lamair
- Laman
- Lamar
- Lamaris
- Lamarr
- Lamarre
- Lambert
- Lamberto
- Lamech
- Lammert
- Lammie
- Lammont
- Lammy
- Lamond
- Lamont
- Lance
- Lancelot
- Lancelott
- Land
- Landan
- Landen
- Lander
- Landers
- Landes
- Landice
- Landis
- Landise
- Landly
- Landman
- Lando
- Landon
- Landor
- Landow
- Landre
- Landree
- Landri
- Landrie
- Landrue
- Landry
- Landun
- Landus
- Landyn
- Lane
- Lang
- Langden
- Langdon
- Langdun
- Langford
- Langhorne
- Langley
- Langstan
- Langsten
- Langston
- Langtry
- Lansa
- Lantos
- Lanty
- Lantz
- Lao-Tzu
- Laoghaire
- Laramee
- Laramey
- Larami
- Laramie
- Laramy
- Laran
- Laraun
- Lare
- Laremy
- Laren
- Larence
- Larenzo
- Lari
- Lariat
- Larimore
- Larin
- Laris
- Lark
- Larkan
- Larken
- Larkie
- Larkin
- Larky
- Larmar
- Larmer
- Larmor
- Larn
- Larndelle
- Larndey
- Larne
- Larnell
- Laron
- Laronn
- Larrimore
- Larris
- Larry
- Lars
- Larse
- Larson
- Laryn
- Larz
- Lasairian
- Lase
- Lasen
- Laserian
- Lasirian
- Laslo
- Lassan
- Lassater
- Lassen
- Lasseter
- Lassie
- Lassiter
- Lassun
- Lassy
- László
- Lateef
- Lathe
- Lathrap
- Lathrop
- Latimer
- Latrope
- Lattimore
- Latymer
- Lauaki
- Laughlin
- Laughton
- Laughun
- Launce
- Launcelot
- Laurance
- Laurans
- Laure
- Laurence
- Laurens
- Laurent
- Lauritz
- Laurynt
- Lavan
- Lavant
- Lavante
- Lavaughn
- Lavesh
- Lavon
- Lavonn
- Lawford
- Lawler
- Lawley
- Lawrance
- Lawrence
- Lawry
- Leslaw
- Leslea
- Lesley
- Leslie
- Lesly
- Lesta
- Lester
- Leszek
- Leupold
- Lev
- Levan
- Levar
- Levarr
- Levaughn
- Levent
- Levente
- Leveret
- Leverett
- Leverit
- Leveritt
- Levey
- Levi
- Levin
- Levon
- Levry
- Levy
- Lew
- Lewdan
- Lewdin
- Lewdon
- Lewellen
- Lewellin
- Lewes
- Lewie
- Lewis
- Lex
- Lexi
- Lexie
- Lexin
- Leyman
- Leyton
- Lezly
- Li
- Li-Liang
- Liam
- Liander
- Liang
- Libeck
- Libek
- Liberio
- Libero
- Libor
- Liborek
- Lief
- Liggett
- Liko
- Lin
- Linas
- Linc
- Lincoln
- Lind
- Lindal
- Lindall
- Lindberg
- Lindburg
- Lindel
- Lindell
- Linden
- Lindie
- Lindley
- Lindon
- Lindsay
- Lindsee
- Lindsey
- Lindsy
- Lindt
- Lindy
- Line
- Linely
- Lines
- Linford
- Link
- Linn
- Linton
- Linus
- Lion
- Lionel
- Lionell
- Lipót
- Liron
- Lirone
- Lisander
- Lisandro
- Lisiate
- Lisimba
- Lisle
- Litton
- Livingston
- Livingstone
- Llewelin
- Llewelleyn
- Llewellyn
- Lliam
- Lloyd
- Lo
- Loaghaire
- Lochlainn
- Lochlann
- Lock
- Locke
- Locklan
- Lockwood
- Lodovico
- Loe
- Logan
- Loikanos
- Lokesh
- Lokni
- Lollar
- Loller
- Lom
- Lombard
- Lombardi
- Lombardy
- Lon
- Lonato
- London
- Lonell
- Long
- Lonn
- Lonnell
- Lonnie
- Lonny
- Lono
- Lorado
- Loránd
- Lóránt
- Loranzo
- Lorcan
- Lorcen
- Lorcin
- Lorcon
- Lord
- Lore
- Loredo
- Loredoh
- Loren
- Lorence
- Lorenso
- Lorentz
- Lorenz
- Lorenzo
- Lorin
- Lõrinc
- Loring
- Lorn
- Lorne
- Lorre
- Lorrey
- Lorrie
- Lorrin
- Lorry
- Lot
- Lotario
- Lothaire
- Lotree
- Lotrey
- Lotri
- Lotry
- Lott
- Lou
- Louden
- Loudon
- Louie
- Louis
- Lowdan
- Lowden
- Lowdin
- Lowdon
- Lowdyn
- Lowel
- Lowell
- Loyce
- Loyd
- Loys
- Loyse
- Lu
- Lubhras
- Luc
- Luca
- Lucais
- Lucan
- Lucas
- Lucca
- Luce
- Luces
- Luchas
- Lucian
- Luciano
- Lucias
- Lucien
- Lucio
- Lucius
- Luckas
- Luckee
- Luckey
- Luckie
- Lucky
- Ludacris
- Luddovik
- Lude
- Ludek
- Ludlow
- Ludlowe
- Ludomir
- Ludoslaw
- Ludovic
- Ludovik
- Ludvic
- Ludvig
- Ludwick
- Ludwig
- Ludwik
- Lugono
- Lugweg
- Lugwige
- Luigi
- Luis
- Luister
- Luitpold
- Luka
- Lukács
- Lukas
- Luke
- Lukes
- Lukian
- Lukianos
- Lukman
- Lukus
- Lukyan
- Lulani
- Lun
- Lundy
- Lunn
- Lunt
- Lus
- Lushun
- Lusk
- Luske
- Luskee
- Luskey
- Luski
- Lusky
- Lutera
- Luthar
- Luther
- Luthias
- Lutwick
- Luyciyan
- Lyaksandro
- Lyam
- Lyang
- Lydburgh
- Lye
- Lyell
- Lykaios
- Lyle
- Lyman
- Lyn
- Lynch
- Lynd
- Lyndal
- Lyndall
- Lyndberg
- Lyndell
- Lyndon
- Lyndsay
- Lyndsey
- Lynn
- Lynne
- Lynton
- Lyon
- Lyonel
- Lyonell
- Lyre
- Lyron
- Lysander
- Lysle
- Lyten
- Lyton
- Lytton
Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with L and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 14,000 names for boys that start with L in the comments.

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 715 names that start with R for Boys
- 374 names starting with V for Boys
- 998 names that start with A for Boys
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