As we continue our quest for the perfect name, lucky number 7, the letter G, brings a wealth of great options. G is one of the most popular letters of the alphabet, thanks to names like George, but it also offers a variety of unique names that are less common on class rolls. Names like Galen and Gulliver are sure to stand out.
Maybe you’re drawn to the letter G because you already have a little Georgia, or perhaps there’s a Greg or Garry in the family you’d like to honour. Or maybe you’re simply searching for inspiration and don’t know where to start. Whatever your reason, you’re in the right place. We’ve gathered over 700 names that range from popular choices to those that will make people say, “Oh, that’s unique!”
Our vibrant Mum’s Grapevine community, with over half a million mums, has shared their favourite G names, ranging from glorious to gutsy.
G Names with a Theme
Themes can provide fantastic inspiration, and the letter G offers a rich variety. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, celebrity-approved choices, or place names that evoke memories, G has something for everyone.
- Nature-inspired: Gibbon, Grotto, Gully, Gill, Gale, Gold, Glen, Green, Galaxy
- Nickname first names: Gage, Gus, Gibbs, Giffie, Gav, Garvey, Gig, Gip
- Places: Genova, Giza, Germany, Galston, Glasglow, Gauldry
- Gender neutral: Gil, Glen, Graye, Grove, Gene, Garin, Gem
- Biblical: Gabriel, Gideon, Gabe, Gad, Gomer, Galen, Genesis
Unique G Names
If you’re looking for something less conventional than Gabriel, these unique G names are sure to catch your eye. Each name offers a distinct and memorable quality:
- Gavryl
- Garrick
- Galloway
- Gomer
- Gorin
- Gremio
- Gardell
G Surnames as First Names
Surnames as first names can add a stately and strong presence. If you’re looking for a name with a sense of heritage and gravitas, these G surnames are perfect:
- Gibson
- Gradey
- Goddard
- Grayson
- Guthree
- Griffith
Iconic G Names
Take inspiration from the worlds of screen and sports with these iconic G names. Whether it’s a beloved actor, musician, or sports figure, these names are sure to leave an impression:
- George: after George Clooney, Prince George, George Michael and more
- Gordon: After celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay
- Guy: After singer Guy Sebastian
- Gotye: After the musician Gotye
- Gene: After rock legend Gene Simmons
- Georg: After designer Georg Jensen
Fashionable G Names
For those with an eye for style, these fashionable G names are as trendy as they come:
- Giorgio
- Givenchy
- Gucci
- Gianni
- Galliano
Literary G Names
If you’re a book lover, the letter G offers some literary-inspired gems. From classic literature to modern stories, these G names are perfect for any little bookworm:
- Grey
- Gulliver
- Gatsby
- Gilligan
- Gaston
- Garfield
- Goliath
Out-There G Names
If you like to stand out from the crowd, one of these out-there G names might be just what you’re looking for. They’re bold, unusual, and certainly unforgettable:
- Gumby
- Ghost
- Guard
- Guinness
- Gutsy
- Gin
- Giddy
- Genie
- Grover
- Gryffindor
Celebrity Sons with G Names
Celebrities often choose unique and memorable names for their children, and G names are no exception. Here are some famous examples that might inspire you:
- Alicia Key’s son, Genesis
- Amy Schumer’s son, Gene
- Poppy Montgomery’s son, Gus
- Nick Cannon’s son, Golden
- Jess Hart’s son, Glorious
- Princess Kate’s son, George
- Heidi Montag’s son, Gunner
- Damian Lewis’ son, Gulliver
- Elon Musk’s son, Griffin
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Our favourite G name is: Grady
More names that start with G
- Gabai
- Gaberial
- Gable
- Gabrail
- Gabriael
- Gabrieal
- Gabriello
- Gabryel
- Gad
- Gaelan
- Gaelen
- Gaelin
- Gaelor
- Gaelord
- Gaelyn
- Gager
- Gagger
- Gahan
- Gaig
- Gaige
- Gail
- Gailard
- Gaile
- Gailen
- Gaillard
- Gailor
- Gailord
- Gaimo
- Gaines
- Gaino
- Gainor
- Gains
- Gainsborough
- Gajendra
- Gal
- Galileo
- Galin
- Gall
- Gallagher
- Gallant
- Gallard
- Gallowai
- Gallus
- Gallven
- Gallvin
- Gallwai
- Gallway
- Galon
- Galvan
- Galven
- Galvin
- Galvon
- Galvyn
- Galwai
- Galway
- Galyn
- Gamal
- Gamali
- Gamall
- Gamel
- Gan
- Ganan
- Gandale
- Ganen
- Ganesh
- Ganin
- Gannan
- Gannen
- Gannon
- Gannyn
- Ganon
- Ganya
- Ganyn
- Gao
- Gar
- Garan
- Gard
- Garden
- Gardener
- Gardenner
- Gardenor
- Gardie
- Gardiner
- Gardnar
- Gardnard
- Gardner
- Gare
- Garen
- Gareth
- Garett
- Garette
- Garfield
- Garfyeld
- Gari
- Garie
- Garin
- Garion
- Garison
- Garisson
- Garit
- Garlan
- Garland
- Garlande
- Garllan
- Garlon
- Garlund
- Garlyn
- Garnar
- Garner
- Garnier
- Garnit
- Garnor
- Garnyr
- Garold
- Garrard
- Garret
- Garreth
- Garretson
- Garrett
- Garri
- Garrick
- Garrie
- Garrion
- Garris
- Garrison
- Garrith
- Garritt
- Garrod
- Garrot
- Garry
- Garryson
- Garson
- Garth
- Garvas
- Garvey
- Garvie
- Garvin
- Gary
- Garyon
- Garyson
- Garyth
- Gascon
- Gaspar
- Gasparas
- Gaspard
- Gaspare
- Gaspari
- Gasparo
- Gasper
- Gastan
- Gastaun
- Gasten
- Gastin
- Gaston
- Gastone
- Gastyn
- Gatian
- Gauthier
- Gautier
- Gauvain
- Gav
- Gavan
- Gaven
- Gavi
- Gavin
- Gavinn
- Gavino
- Gavn
- Gavohn
- Gavon
- Gavrel
- Gavrie
- Gavriel
- Gavril
- Gavrila
- Gavrilla
- Gavrilo
- Gavryel
- Gavryele
- Gavryell
- Gavryelle
- Gavryl
- Gavryle
- Gavryll
- Gavrylle
- Gavun
- Gavy
- Gavynn
- Gawain
- Gawaine
- Gawayn
- Gawayne
- Gawen
- Gawonii
- Gayelord
- Gayg
- Gayge
- Gayl
- Gaylard
- Gayle
- Gayler
- Gaylor
- Gaylord
- Gayne
- Gaynes
- Gaynor
- Gazsi
- Gearee
- Gearey
- Geari
- Geary
- Gedeon
- Geert
- Gef
- Geff
- Gelasius
- Gemal
- Gemali
- Gemini
- Gena
- Gene
- Genek
- Genesis
- Genio
- Genjo
- Genko
- Gennaro
- Gennesis
- Geno
- Genovese
- Genovis
- Genya
- Geode
- Geoff
- Geoffery
- Geoffre
- Geoffrey
- Geoffri
- Geoffroy
- Geoffry
- Geofri
- Geordi
- Geordie
- Georges
- Georgi
- Georgie
- Georgio
- Georgius
- Georgy
- Gerald
- Geraldo
- Gerand
- Gerard
- Gerardo
- Geraud
- Gerbert
- Gerek
- Geremia
- Geremiah
- Gerhard
- Gerhardt
- Gerhart
- Geric
- Gerick
- Gerik
- Gerlac
- Gerlach
- Gerlache
- Gerlaich
- Germain
- Germaine
- German
- Germane
- Germano
- Germanus
- Germayn
- Germayne
- Germin
- Germon
- Germyn
- Gero
- Gerome
- Geron
- Gérrick
- Gerrit
- Gerrity
- Gerry
- Gersan
- Gersham
- Gershawn
- Gersho
- Gershom
- Gershon
- Gershoom
- Gerson
- Gervais
- Gervaise
- Gervase
- Gervasio
- Gervasius
- Gervaso
- Gervasy
- Gervayse
- Gervis
- Gerwazy
- Gery
- Gerzon
- Geurson
- Ghadir
- Ghazi
- Ghian
- Ghino
- Ghyan
- Giacamo
- Giaco
- Giacobbe
- Giacobo
- Giacomo
- Giacopo
- Giaffar
- Gian
- Giancarlo
- Giancarlos
- Gianetto
- Giani
- Gianncarlo
- Gianne
- Giannes
- Gianney
- Gianni
- Giannino
- Giannis
- Giannos
- Gianny
- Gib
- Gibbes
- Gibbs
- Gibby
- Giddy
- Gide
- Gideone
- Giff
- Giffard
- Gifferd
- Giffie
- Gifford
- Giffy
- Gig
- Giggon
- Gil
- Gilbert
- Gilberto
- Gildas
- Gilean
- Gileon
- Giles
- Gilford
- Gilie
- Gillermo
- Gilles
- Gillett
- Gillette
- Gillian
- Gillis
- Gilly
- Gilmore
- Gilroy
- Gine
- Ginesis
- Gino
- Gio
- Gioacchino
- Gioaccino
- Gionni
- Giordano
- Giorgio
- Giorgis
- Giotta
- Giotto
- Giovanathon
- Giovann
- Giovanni
- Giovannie
- Giovanno
- Giovon
- Giovonni
- Giovonnia
- Giovonnie
- Gip
- Gipper
- Girard
- Girauld
- Girault
- Giraut
- Girish
- Giulo
- Giuseppe
- Giuseppi
- Giuseppino
- Giusseppe
- Givonni
- Glannville
- Glanvil
- Glanvill
- Glanville
- Glanvyl
- Glanvyll
- Glanvylle
- Glean
- Gleann
- Gleb
- Glenard
- Glendon
- Glenn
- Glennie
- Glennis
- Glennon
- Glenny
- Glenon
- Godard
- Goddard
- Goddenn
- Godding
- Godfrey
- Godhart
- Godin
- Godofredo
- Godrick
- Godwin
- Goffredo
- Gold
- Goldman
- Goldwin
- Goldwyn
- Goliath
- Golliath
- Golyath
- Gomer
- Goncalve
- Gonsalve
- Gonzales
- Gonzalo
- Gonzalous
- Gonzelee
- Gonzoalos
- Gonzolo
- Gopal
- Goran
- Gord
- Gordain
- Gordan
- Gorden
- Gordie
- Gordin
- Gordo
- Gordonn
- Gordun
- Gordy
- Gordyn
- Gore
- Gorham
- Gorin
- Gorman
- Gormen
- Goro
- Gorrell
- Gorren
- Gorrin
- Gorton
- Gosheven
- Gotfrid
- Gottfried
- Gotthardt
- Govert
- Gowar
- Gowell
- Gower
- Gradea
- Gradee
- Gradey
- Gradi
- Gradie
- Grady
- Graeham
- Graehame
- Graeme
- Gragos
- Graham
- Grahame
- Grahem
- Grahim
- Grahime
- Grahm
- Grai
- Graidee
- Graidey
- Graidi
- Graidie
- Graidy
- Graig
- Graihame
- Grainger
- Gram
- Gran
- Grand
- Grandt
- Grange
- Granger
- Grant
- Grantham
- Granthem
- Granvel
- Granvil
- Granvile
- Granvill
- Granville
- Granvyl
- Granvyll
- Granvylle
- Gratiano
- Gray
- Graydee
- Graydon
- Graye
- Grayham
- Graynger
- Grayson
- Grear
- Greeley
- Green
- Greener
- Greer
- Greg
- Greger
- Gregg
- Gregoire
- Gregoor
- Gregor
- Gregori
- Gregorio
- Gregorios
- Gregorius
- Gregory
- Gregson
- Gregus
- Greig
- Greis
- Gremio
- Grenville
- Gresham
- Greville
- Grey
- Greye
- Greyham
- Greyhame
- Grier
- Gries
- Griff
- Griffeth
- Griffie
- Griffith
- Griffon
- Griffy
- Griffyn
- Griffynn
- Grig
- Grigg
- Grigor
- Grigori
- Grigson
- Griogair
- Grioghar
- Grischa
- Grisham
- Griswold
- Grove
- Grover
- Grumio
- Gryffin
- Gryffith
- Gryffyn
- Gryphon
- Guadalope
- Guadalupe
- Guard
- Guenter
- Guenther
- Gughilmo
- Guiderius
- Guido
- Guie
- Guilbert
- Guildenstern
- Guilford
- Guilherme
- Guillaume
- Guillermo
- Guinness
- Guion
- Guiseppe
- Guiseppi
- Guiseppie
- Guisseppe
- Gun
- Guner
- Gunn
- Gunnar
- Guntar
- Gunter
- Guntero
- Gunther
- Gursham
- Gurshun
- Gus
- Gussie
- Gussy
- Gusta
- Gustaaf
- Gustaf
- Gustaof
- Gustav
- Gustava
- Gustave
- Gustaves
- Gustavius
- Gustavo
- Gustavs
- Gustavus
- Gustik
- Gustus
- Gusztav
- Guthre
- Guthree
- Guthrey
- Guthri
- Guthrie
- Guthry
- Guy
- Guyon
- Gwayn
- Gwayne
- Gyan
- Gyancarlo
- Gydeon
- Gyfford
- Gyford
- Gyles
Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with G and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, for more names for boys that start with G in the comments.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 127 names starting with O for boys
- 517 names that start with T for boys
- 673 names that start with L for boys
Got baby name brain freeze?
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