The quest for the perfect name continues, and next up is the letter N. As the 14th letter of the alphabet, N is home to one of the most popular names of recent times, Noah, but it also offers a treasure trove of less common gems that are sure to stand out.
Whether you’re looking for a name to complement a sibling like Nora, or you want to honour a beloved family member like a grandfather named Ned or an uncle named Noel, N has something special to offer. From Nyles and Nihar to Nolan, you’ll find names that are unique and refreshing, far from the usual choices you see on popular lists.
Our expansive Mum’s Grapevine community, with insights from over half a million mums, has shared the names they believe are next-level.
N Names with a Theme
Themes can be a fantastic starting point when choosing a name, and the letter N brings a wide variety to the table. Whether you’re drawn to nature, places, or names with a biblical heritage, there’s plenty to explore.
- Nature-inspired: Nash, Neptune, North, Nova, Nile, Night, Nihal, Nectar
- Nickname first names: Neddy, Nick, Nico, Neo, Nilo, Noa
- Places: Nashville, Norway, Niagara, Nevada, Nelson, Nebraska, Norton, Napa
- Gender neutral: Nolan, Noe, Nikita, Nic, Nova, Nelly
- Biblical: Noah, Nathanial, Nicodemus, Nahum, Nicolas
Unique N Names
If you’re searching for something more distinctive than Nathan, these unique N names are sure to catch your attention. Each name is memorable and offers something a little different:
- Noi
- Noberto
- Nyley
- Numa
- Nuris
- Nagler
- Nemo
N Names with Uber-Cool Meanings
Some names just have that extra edge, thanks to their cool and meaningful origins. These N names are sure to make a statement:
- Nevada: ‘snowfall’
- Nimrod: ‘we will rebel’
- Nahele: ‘forest’
- Nuru: ‘born at night’
- Nihar: ‘mist’
- Nitin: ‘double art’
Iconic N Names
Take inspiration from the worlds of music, movies, sports, and history with these iconic N names. Whether it’s a legendary singer or a historical figure, these names are sure to impress:
Nelly: After the singer
Nelson: After Nelson Mandela
Novak: After tennis star Novak Djokovic
Nick: After Nick Carter, Nick Jonas, or Stevie Nicks
Niall: After Niall Horan
Nero: After the Roman emperor
Noll: After Shannon Noll
Victorious N Names
Give your son a name that symbolizes victory and triumph with these N names that all relate to winning:
- Niel: an Irish name meaning ‘champion’
- Nikolai: a Greek name meaning ‘people of victory’
- Nasser: an Arabic name meaning ‘triumph’
- Nigel: a Spanish name meaning ‘champion’
- Neakail: a Scottish name meaning ‘victorious people’
Celebrity Sons with N Names
- Michael Bublé’s son, Noah
- Britney Kerr’s son, Navy
- Kelly Rowland’s son, Noah
- Elon Musk’s son, Nevada
- Usher’s son, Naviyd
- Gwen Stefani’s son, Nesta (middle name)
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Our favourite N name is: Norris
More names that start with N
- Nabendu
- Nabil
- Nabulung
- Nabum
- Nacham
- Nachik
- Nachiketa
- Nachman
- Nachmanke
- Nachmann
- Nachum
- Nadav
- Nadeem
- Nadim
- Nadir
- Naeem
- Naegel
- Naftali
- Nageeb
- Nagel
- Nageler
- Nagelle
- Nagesh
- Nagi
- Nagib
- Nagle
- Nagler
- Nahar
- Naheer
- Nahele
- Nahir
- Nahum
- Naimish
- Nairne
- Naisbitt
- Naj
- Najeeb
- Naji
- Najib
- Nakul
- Nalan
- Nalani
- Naldo
- Namdev
- Nan Shin
- Nanda
- Nandin
- Nando
- Nándor
- Nantan
- Naoko
- Nap
- Naphtali
- Napoleon
- Nappie
- Nappy
- Narayana
- Narciso
- Narcissus
- Narcisus
- Nard
- Naresh
- Narik
- Narsi
- Nartana
- Nas
- Nasar
- Nasareo
- Nasario
- Nasarrio
- Nasbit
- Naser
- Nash
- Nashe
- Nashoba
- Nasim
- Nasir
- Nasr
- Nassar
- Nassario
- Nasse
- Nassee
- Nasser
- Nassir
- Nassor
- Nat
- Natal
- Natale
- Natan
- Nataniel
- Nataniele
- Nataraj
- Nate
- Nathan
- Nathanael
- Nathaniel
- Nathon
- Nato
- Natoe
- Natoh
- Natt
- Natty
- Naum
- Naveen
- Navin
- Nayan
- Nazaire
- Nazar
- Nazareo
- Nazario
- Nazarius
- Nazarlo
- Nazaro
- Nazor
- Neal
- Neale
- Neall
- Nealle
- Nealon
- Nealson
- Neb
- Nechemia
- Nechemiah
- Nechemya
- Nechemyah
- Nechum
- Nectaire
- Nectarios
- Nectarius
- Ned
- Nedd
- Neddy
- Nedes
- Nedim
- Nedran
- Nedro
- Nedrun
- Neel
- Neelendra
- Neelmani
- Neels
- Neely
- Neeraj
- Neffe
- Nefin
- Neftali
- Nefthali
- Nehemiah
- Nehru
- Nehum
- Neil
- Neilan
- Neile
- Neill
- Neils
- Neilson
- Nek
- Neko
- Nektario
- Nektarios
- Nektarius
- Nelek
- Nell
- Nellee
- Nelli
- Nellie
- Nells
- Nelo
- Nels
- Nemesio
- Nemiah
- Neper
- Nephtali
- Nephthali
- Neptune
- Neptunne
- Nereo
- Nereus
- Nero
- Neron
- Nerone
- Nesbit
- Nesbitt
- Neshoba
- Nesim
- Nesip
- Nest
- Nesta
- Nestor
- Netis
- Neuman
- Neumann
- Nev
- Nevan
- Nevelson
- Neven
- Nevil
- Nevile
- Neville
- Nevin
- Nevins
- Nevyns
- Newall
- Newberry
- Newbery
- Newbold
- Newborough
- Newburgh
- Newburry
- Newbury
- Newell
- Newgate
- Newl
- Newland
- Newlin
- Newlyn
- Newlynn
- Newman
- Newmie
- Newt
- Newton
- Ni
- Nial
- Niall
- Nialle
- Niao-ka
- Nicandreo
- Nicandrios
- Nicandro
- Nicandros
- Nicanor
- Nichol
- Nicholai
- Nicholas
- Nichols
- Nick
- Nickita
- Nicklaus
- Nicko
- Nicky
- Nicodemo
- Nicodemus
- Nicol
- Nicola
- Nicolas
- Nicolo
- Nicolson
- Nicos
- Niel
- Niels
- Nies
- Nigal
- Nigan
- Nigiel
- Nigil
- Nihar
- Nikan
- Nikander
- Nikandreo
- Nikandrios
- Nike
- Nikhil
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Niko
- Nikodema
- Nikola
- Nikolai
- Nikolas
- Nikolaus
- Nikolie
- Nikolos
- Nikos
- Nilay
- Niles
- Niley
- Nils
- Nilson
- Nimai
- Nimay
- Nimbus
- Nimesh
- Nimish
- Nimrodd
- Ninian
- Ninion
- Nino
- Ninoshka
- Ninyan
- Ninyun
- Nir
- Nira
- Niraj
- Niramitra
- Niranjan
- Nirav
- Nirel
- Niria
- Niriel
- Nisbet
- Nisbett
- Nishad
- Nishan
- Nisi
- Nitesh
- Nitis
- Nitya-Sundara
- Nivyn
- Nixon
- Njord
- Noa
- Noach
- Noadiah
- Noam
- Nobel
- Nobile
- Noble
- Nocona
- Nodin
- Noe
- Noeh
- Noel
- Noey
- Noi
- Nokoni
- Nolan
- Nolen
- Nolin
- Noll
- Nolly
- Nolyn
- Nona
- Nonna
- Noor
- Noori
- Nooriel
- Norb
- Norbert
- Norberto
- Norbie
- Norbs
- Norby
- Nord
- Nordan
- Norde
- Nordee
- Nordeen
- Nordin
- Nordun
- Noris
- Norm
- Normal
- Norman
- Normand
- Normie
- Norreys
- Norrie
- Norris
- Norriss
- Norry
- Nort
- Nortan
- Norten
- Northcliff
- Northcliffe
- Northclyff
- Northclyffe
- Northrop
- Northrup
- Norton
- Norval
- Norve
- Norvel
- Norvell
- Norvill
- Norville
- Norvin
- Norvyl
- Norvyn
- Norward
- Norwell
- Norwen
- Norwin
- Norwind
- Norwinn
- Norwood
- Norwyn
- Nowell
- Nowlan
- Nowles
- Noy
- Nule
- Numa
- Numah
- Numen
- Nuncio
- Nunzio
- Nur
- Nuri
- Nuriel
- Nuris
- Nuriya
- Nuriyah
- Nuru
- Nurya
- Nuys
- Nwa
- Nye
- Nyék
- Nyes
- Nyke
- Nykee
- Nykie
- Nyl
- Nyle
- Nyles
- Nyley
- Nymrod
- Nynyun
- Nyree
Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with N and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 200 names for boys that start with N in the comments.

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 712 Names That Start With G for Boys
- 127 names starting with O for Boys
- 517 names that start with T for Boys
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