465 Names Starting With N for Boys

Posted in Baby Names Start With.

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The quest for the perfect name continues, and next up is the letter N. As the 14th letter of the alphabet, N is home to one of the most popular names of recent times, Noah, but it also offers a treasure trove of less common gems that are sure to stand out.

Whether you’re looking for a name to complement a sibling like Nora, or you want to honour a beloved family member like a grandfather named Ned or an uncle named Noel, N has something special to offer. From Nyles and Nihar to Nolan, you’ll find names that are unique and refreshing, far from the usual choices you see on popular lists.

Our expansive Mum’s Grapevine community, with insights from over half a million mums, has shared the names they believe are next-level.

N Names with a Theme

Themes can be a fantastic starting point when choosing a name, and the letter N brings a wide variety to the table. Whether you’re drawn to nature, places, or names with a biblical heritage, there’s plenty to explore.

Unique N Names

If you’re searching for something more distinctive than Nathan, these unique N names are sure to catch your attention. Each name is memorable and offers something a little different:

  • Noi
  • Noberto
  • Nyley
  • Numa
  • Nuris
  • Nagler
  • Nemo

N Names with Uber-Cool Meanings

Some names just have that extra edge, thanks to their cool and meaningful origins. These N names are sure to make a statement:

  • Nevada: ‘snowfall’
  • Nimrod: ‘we will rebel’
  • Nahele: ‘forest’
  • Nuru: ‘born at night’
  • Nihar: ‘mist’
  • Nitin: ‘double art’

Iconic N Names

Take inspiration from the worlds of music, movies, sports, and history with these iconic N names. Whether it’s a legendary singer or a historical figure, these names are sure to impress:

Nelly: After the singer
Nelson: After Nelson Mandela
Novak: After tennis star Novak Djokovic
Nick: After Nick Carter, Nick Jonas, or Stevie Nicks
Niall: After Niall Horan
Nero: After the Roman emperor
Noll: After Shannon Noll

Victorious N Names

Give your son a name that symbolizes victory and triumph with these N names that all relate to winning:

  • Niel: an Irish name meaning ‘champion’
  • Nikolai: a Greek name meaning ‘people of victory’
  • Nasser: an Arabic name meaning ‘triumph’
  • Nigel: a Spanish name meaning ‘champion’
  • Neakail: a Scottish name meaning ‘victorious people’

Celebrity Sons with N Names


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Our favourite N name is: Norris


More names that start with N

  1. Nabendu
  2. Nabil
  3. Nabulung
  4. Nabum
  5. Nacham
  6. Nachik
  7. Nachiketa
  8. Nachman
  9. Nachmanke
  10. Nachmann
  11. Nachum
  12. Nadav
  13. Nadeem
  14. Nadim
  15. Nadir
  16. Naeem
  17. Naegel
  18. Naftali
  19. Nageeb
  20. Nagel
  21. Nageler
  22. Nagelle
  23. Nagesh
  24. Nagi
  25. Nagib
  26. Nagle
  27. Nagler
  28. Nahar
  29. Naheer
  30. Nahele
  31. Nahir
  32. Nahum
  33. Naimish
  34. Nairne
  35. Naisbitt
  36. Naj
  37. Najeeb
  38. Naji
  39. Najib
  40. Nakul
  41. Nalan
  42. Nalani
  43. Naldo
  44. Namdev
  45. Nan Shin
  46. Nanda
  47. Nandin
  48. Nando
  49. Nándor
  50. Nantan
  51. Naoko
  52. Nap
  53. Naphtali
  54. Napoleon
  55. Nappie
  56. Nappy
  57. Narayana
  58. Narciso
  59. Narcissus
  60. Narcisus
  61. Nard
  62. Naresh
  63. Narik
  64. Narsi
  65. Nartana
  66. Nas
  67. Nasar
  68. Nasareo
  69. Nasario
  70. Nasarrio
  71. Nasbit
  72. Naser
  73. Nash
  74. Nashe
  75. Nashoba
  76. Nasim
  77. Nasir
  78. Nasr
  79. Nassar
  80. Nassario
  81. Nasse
  82. Nassee
  83. Nasser
  84. Nassir
  85. Nassor
  86. Nat
  87. Natal
  88. Natale
  89. Natan
  90. Nataniel
  91. Nataniele
  92. Nataraj
  93. Nate
  94. Nathan
  95. Nathanael
  96. Nathaniel
  97. Nathon
  98. Nato
  99. Natoe
  100. Natoh
  101. Natt
  102. Natty
  103. Naum
  104. Naveen
  105. Navin
  106. Nayan
  107. Nazaire
  108. Nazar
  109. Nazareo
  110. Nazario
  111. Nazarius
  112. Nazarlo
  113. Nazaro
  114. Nazor
  115. Neal
  116. Neale
  117. Neall
  118. Nealle
  119. Nealon
  120. Nealson
  121. Neb
  122. Nechemia
  123. Nechemiah
  124. Nechemya
  125. Nechemyah
  126. Nechum
  127. Nectaire
  128. Nectarios
  129. Nectarius
  130. Ned
  131. Nedd
  132. Neddy
  133. Nedes
  134. Nedim
  135. Nedran
  136. Nedro
  137. Nedrun
  138. Neel
  139. Neelendra
  140. Neelmani
  141. Neels
  142. Neely
  143. Neeraj
  144. Neffe
  145. Nefin
  146. Neftali
  147. Nefthali
  148. Nehemiah
  149. Nehru
  150. Nehum
  151. Neil
  152. Neilan
  153. Neile
  154. Neill
  155. Neils
  156. Neilson
  157. Nek
  158. Neko
  159. Nektario
  160. Nektarios
  161. Nektarius
  162. Nelek
  163. Nell
  164. Nellee
  165. Nelli
  166. Nellie
  167. Nells
  168. Nelo
  169. Nels
  170. Nemesio
  171. Nemiah
  172. Neper
  173. Nephtali
  174. Nephthali
  175. Neptune
  176. Neptunne
  177. Nereo
  178. Nereus
  179. Nero
  180. Neron
  181. Nerone
  182. Nesbit
  183. Nesbitt
  184. Neshoba
  185. Nesim
  186. Nesip
  187. Nest
  188. Nesta
  189. Nestor
  190. Netis
  191. Neuman
  192. Neumann
  193. Nev
  194. Nevan
  195. Nevelson
  196. Neven
  197. Nevil
  198. Nevile
  199. Neville
  200. Nevin
  201. Nevins
  202. Nevyns
  203. Newall
  204. Newberry
  205. Newbery
  206. Newbold
  207. Newborough
  208. Newburgh
  209. Newburry
  210. Newbury
  1. Newell
  2. Newgate
  3. Newl
  4. Newland
  5. Newlin
  6. Newlyn
  7. Newlynn
  8. Newman
  9. Newmie
  10. Newt
  11. Newton
  12. Ni
  13. Nial
  14. Niall
  15. Nialle
  16. Niao-ka
  17. Nicandreo
  18. Nicandrios
  19. Nicandro
  20. Nicandros
  21. Nicanor
  22. Nichol
  23. Nicholai
  24. Nicholas
  25. Nichols
  26. Nick
  27. Nickita
  28. Nicklaus
  29. Nicko
  30. Nicky
  31. Nicodemo
  32. Nicodemus
  33. Nicol
  34. Nicola
  35. Nicolas
  36. Nicolo
  37. Nicolson
  38. Nicos
  39. Niel
  40. Niels
  41. Nies
  42. Nigal
  43. Nigan
  44. Nigiel
  45. Nigil
  46. Nihar
  47. Nikan
  48. Nikander
  49. Nikandreo
  50. Nikandrios
  51. Nike
  52. Nikhil
  53. Nikita
  54. Nikki
  55. Niko
  56. Nikodema
  57. Nikola
  58. Nikolai
  59. Nikolas
  60. Nikolaus
  61. Nikolie
  62. Nikolos
  63. Nikos
  64. Nilay
  65. Niles
  66. Niley
  67. Nils
  68. Nilson
  69. Nimai
  70. Nimay
  71. Nimbus
  72. Nimesh
  73. Nimish
  74. Nimrodd
  75. Ninian
  76. Ninion
  77. Nino
  78. Ninoshka
  79. Ninyan
  80. Ninyun
  81. Nir
  82. Nira
  83. Niraj
  84. Niramitra
  85. Niranjan
  86. Nirav
  87. Nirel
  88. Niria
  89. Niriel
  90. Nisbet
  91. Nisbett
  92. Nishad
  93. Nishan
  94. Nisi
  95. Nitesh
  96. Nitis
  97. Nitya-Sundara
  98. Nivyn
  99. Nixon
  100. Njord
  101. Noa
  102. Noach
  103. Noadiah
  104. Noam
  105. Nobel
  106. Nobile
  107. Noble
  108. Nocona
  109. Nodin
  110. Noe
  111. Noeh
  112. Noel
  113. Noey
  114. Noi
  115. Nokoni
  116. Nolan
  117. Nolen
  118. Nolin
  119. Noll
  120. Nolly
  121. Nolyn
  122. Nona
  123. Nonna
  124. Noor
  125. Noori
  126. Nooriel
  127. Norb
  128. Norbert
  129. Norberto
  130. Norbie
  131. Norbs
  132. Norby
  133. Nord
  134. Nordan
  135. Norde
  136. Nordee
  137. Nordeen
  138. Nordin
  139. Nordun
  140. Noris
  141. Norm
  142. Normal
  143. Norman
  144. Normand
  145. Normie
  146. Norreys
  147. Norrie
  148. Norris
  149. Norriss
  150. Norry
  151. Nort
  152. Nortan
  153. Norten
  154. Northcliff
  155. Northcliffe
  156. Northclyff
  157. Northclyffe
  158. Northrop
  159. Northrup
  160. Norton
  161. Norval
  162. Norve
  163. Norvel
  164. Norvell
  165. Norvill
  166. Norville
  167. Norvin
  168. Norvyl
  169. Norvyn
  170. Norward
  171. Norwell
  172. Norwen
  173. Norwin
  174. Norwind
  175. Norwinn
  176. Norwood
  177. Norwyn
  178. Nowell
  179. Nowlan
  180. Nowles
  181. Noy
  182. Nule
  183. Numa
  184. Numah
  185. Numen
  186. Nuncio
  187. Nunzio
  188. Nur
  189. Nuri
  190. Nuriel
  191. Nuris
  192. Nuriya
  193. Nuriyah
  194. Nuru
  195. Nurya
  196. Nuys
  197. Nwa
  198. Nye
  199. Nyék
  200. Nyes
  201. Nyke
  202. Nykee
  203. Nykie
  204. Nyl
  205. Nyle
  206. Nyles
  207. Nyley
  208. Nymrod
  209. Nynyun
  210. Nyree

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Looking for a name that starts with N and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 200 names for boys that start with N in the comments.

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