The quest for the perfect name is in full swing, and it’s time to focus on the fascinating letter F. As the sixth letter of the alphabet, F offers a fantastic array of options, whether you’re looking for something popular or a bit more peculiar.
Perhaps you’re drawn to the letter F because of family ties to Franks or Freds, or maybe you want to keep a sibling connection with a little Freya already at home. Whatever your reason, the letter F has something special for everyone. From Filip to Fox and Flemming, you’re sure to find a name that stands out from the usual lists.
Our vibrant Mum’s Grapevine community, with over half a million mums, has shared their favourite F names that they believe are truly fabulous.
F Names with a Theme
Themes can be a great way to find inspiration, and the letter F delivers in spades. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, stately choices, or gender-neutral options, F has you covered.
- Nature-inspired: Field, Forest, Flint, Fennel, Fig, Farmer
- Nickname first names: Folke, Faris, Finny, Fraze, Fray
- Place-Inspired: France, Faulkner, Florida, Flores, Figari, Fitzroy
- Gender neutral: Freddie, Finnigan, Finlay, Farley, Fen
- Stately: Fordham, Fulton, Franklin, Francis, Farold, Finton
Unique F Names
If you’re looking for something a bit more distinctive than Felix, these unique F names are sure to catch your attention. Each of these names offers a rare and memorable quality:
- Feroz
- Fyske
- Fydor
- Farajay
- Faizel
- Faigen
Animal-Inspired F Names
For the animal lovers out there, why not give your little one a name that’s positively purrfect? Here are some of our favourite animal-inspired F names:
- Fox
- Fawn
- Falcon
- Fin
- Finch
- Fallow
Iconic F Names
Take a stroll down memory lane with these iconic F names inspired by stage, screen, and pop culture. Whether you’re a fan of classic films, legendary musicians, or beloved books, these names have star quality:
Forrest: After the unforgettable Forrest Gump
Freddie: In honour of the legendary Freddie Mercury
Farrell: A strong surname turned first name, inspired by Colin Farrell
Fred: A nod to Harry Potter’s beloved Weasley twin
Floyd: After the iconic band Pink Floyd
Fashionable F Names
For those with an eye for style, these fashionable F names are as trendy as they come:
Fernando: Inspired by designer Fernando Garcia
Fenton: Named after the chic brand Fenton and Fenton
Ferragamo: A nod to the luxurious fashion house
Fedora: Inspired by the classic hat
Fendi: Named after the iconic fashion label
Tasty F Names
Why let other letters have all the fun? If names like Milo, Brie, and Olive are on the menu, then F deserves a spot too. Feast your eyes on these delicious F names:
- Flan
- Filo
- Fudge
- Flax
- Ferarro
Celebrity Sons with F Names
- Holly Madison’s son, Forest
- Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom’s son, Flynn
- Christina Ricci’s son, Freddie
- Hugh Grant’s son, Felix
- Lisa Marie Presley’s son, Finley
- Ashley Herbert’s son, Fordham
- Ciara’s son, Future
- Tracy Jewel‘s son, Frankie
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Our favourite F name is: Finny
More names that start with F
- Fab
- Fabain
- Fabayan
- Fabean
- Fabia
- Fabian
- Fabiana
- Fabiano
- Fabien
- Fabion
- Fabius
- Fabra
- Fabre
- Fabriano
- Fabrizio
- Fabrizius
- Fabron
- Fabroni
- Fabryn
- Fabya
- Fabyan
- Faegen
- Faegin
- Faegon
- Faegyn
- Fagan
- Fagen
- Fahaad
- Fahad
- Fahd
- Faigen
- Faigin
- Faigon
- Faigyn
- Fair
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fairlea
- Fairlee
- Fairlei
- Fairleigh
- Fairley
- Faisal
- Faisel
- Faisil
- Faisl
- Faiyaz
- Faiz
- Faizal
- Faizel
- Fakih
- Falcko
- Falckon
- Falconer
- Falconn
- Falconner
- Falconnor
- Falito
- Falk
- Falken
- Fallon
- Falstaff
- Falxo
- Fanuco
- Far
- Faraji
- Farajy
- Faral
- Farar
- Faraz
- Farel
- Farer
- Farhaz
- Fariez
- Faril
- Faris
- Farland
- Farlay
- Farlea
- Farlee
- Farley
- Farli
- Farlie
- Farly
- Farnal
- Farnall
- Farnalle
- Farnel
- Farnell
- Farol
- Faron
- Farr
- Farra
- Farran
- Farrando
- Farrant
- Farrar
- Farrel
- Farrell
- Farrer
- Farrier
- Farrill
- Farris
- Farrleigh
- Farrley
- Farron
- Farrow
- Farrun
- Farryl
- Farryll
- Farryn
- Faryl
- Fasel
- Fasil
- Faten
- Fatin
- Fatine
- Fatyn
- Fatyne
- Faulco
- Faulconer
- Faulconner
- Faulconnor
- Faulkner
- Faulton
- Fax
- Faygan
- Faygen
- Faygin
- Faygon
- Faygyn
- Fayrfax
- Faysal
- Fayzal
- Fayzel
- Fazel
- Feadodor
- Feador
- Feaodore
- Feargas
- Fedar
- Federic
- Federick
- Federico
- Federigo
- Federoquito
- Fedinka
- Fedor
- Fedore
- Fedya
- Feedor
- Felic
- Felice
- Felike
- Feliks
- Felipe
- Felizio
- Felo
- Fen
- Fennie
- Fenny
- Fentan
- Fenten
- Fentin
- Fenton
- Fentun
- Fentyn
- Feodor
- Feodore
- Feran
- Ferand
- Ferd
- Ferde
- Ferdie
- Ferdinan
- Ferdinand
- Ferdinandus
- Ferdon
- Ferdy
- Feren
- Fergie
- Fergis
- Fergun
- Fergus
- Ferguson
- Fergusson
- Fergy
- Feris
- Fernandas
- Fernando
- Ferol
- Feron
- Feroz
- Ferran
- Ferrand
- Ferrando
- Ferrant
- Ferreell
- Ferrel
- Ferrell
- Ferren
- Ferrice
- Ferrin
- Ferris
- Ferrise
- Ferriss
- Ferron
- Ferryce
- Ferryl
- Ferryn
- Ferrys
- Feste
- Festus
- Festys
- Fielder
- Fielding
- Fields
- Filbert
- Filipe
- Filipek
- Filippo
- Filips
- Filix
- Fill
- Fillip
- Filyx
- Filz
- Findlay
- Finegan
- Fineghan
- Finian
- Finlay
- Finlea
- Finlee
- Finleigh
- Finley
- Finnegan
- Finneghan
- Finnian
- Finnlea
- Finnleigh
- Finny
- Fintan
- Finton
- Fiore
- Fiorelleigh
- Fiorelley
- Fiorelli
- Fiorellie
- Fiorello
- Fiorelly
- Firouz
- Firrin
- Fisk
- Fiske
- Fits
- Fitz
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzhugh
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzroy
- Flabio
- Flainn
- Flanan
- Flanin
- Flann
- Flannery
- Flannon
- Flanon
- Flanyn
- Flavel
- Flavelle
- Flavian
- Flavias
- Flavien
- Flavio
- Flavious
- Flavius
- Flavyan
- Flavyo
- Flawian
- Flawiusz
- Flawyan
- Fleance
- Flecher
- Fleming
- Flemmyng
- Flemyng
- Fletch
- Fletcher
- Fliks
- Flin
- Flinn
- Flinte
- Floid
- Flor
- Florentin
- Florentino
- Florentyn
- Florian
- Florien
- Florinio
- Florion
- Floritzel
- Florrian
- Florus
- Flory
- Floryant
- Floryante
- Floyd
- Floyde
- Fluellen
- Flyn
- Flynt
- Flynte
- Fo-hai
- Fo-hsing
- Folton
- Fonty
- Ford
- Forde
- Forest
- Forestt
- Formosus
- Forrest
- Forrester
- Forrestt
- Forster
- Fortin
- Fortinbras
- Fortine
- Fortino
- Fortyn
- Fortyne
- Foryst
- Foster
- Foxx
- Fraco
- Frai
- Fraizer
- France
- Francelen
- Francesco
- Franchot
- Francis
- Francisco
- Franciskus
- Francklen
- Francklin
- Francklyn
- Franco
- Francois
- Francoise
- Francys
- Frankie
- Franklyn
- Franklynn
- Frannie
- Franny
- Frans
- Franscis
- Fransis
- Fransysco
- Fransz
- Frants
- Franus
- Franz
- Franzen
- Franzie
- Franzin
- Franzl
- Franzy
- Frasco
- Fraser
- Frasier
- Fray
- Frazer
- Frazier
- Frazyer
- Fredderick
- Fredek
- Frederic
- Frederick
- Frederico
- Frédérik
- Fredrick
- Fredricks
- Fredrik
- Freedom
- Frei
- Fremont
- Fremonte
- Frencis
- Frey
- Freyr
- Frisco
- Fritson
- Fritts
- Fritz
- Fritzl
- Frizchen
- Frollo
- Fudoki
- Fujita
- Fuler
- Fuller
- Fulton
- Furguson
- Furio
- Fydor
- Fydore
- Fylyx
- Fynlay
- Fynlea
- Fynley
- Fynn
- Fynnegan
- Fynneghan
- Fynnley
- Fyodor
- Fyodore
- Fyorellee
- Fyorellie
- Fyorello
- Fyorelly
- Fyrgus
- Fysk
- Fyske
- Fyts
- Fytz
Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with F and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 350 names for boys that start with F in the comments.

We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 465 Names Starting With N for Boys
- 712 Names That Start With G for Boys
- 127 Names Starting With O for Boys
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