The Cheap Solution for Bathing Wobbly Babies

Posted in Bathing Tips & Advice.

Wiggly little worms make for slippery bath babies, but one clever Grapeviner mum has come up with the ultimate solution that saves our sore backs while helping teetering tots stay upright – and it costs only $3.

Grapeviner Regan, from our Winter 2018 Baby Group shared a while ago that her gorgeous cherub was still not quite sitting up confidently, and it made her bathtime tricky and uncomfortable.

“Bub was sitting but still a little wobbly and it was killing my back to hold her in the bath safely. So instead of buying an expensive bath seat, I got myself a $3 clothes basket and it got the job done. Apart from the quick photo, I held onto the basket so it didn’t tip. She loved it!”

Such a great idea – and it keeps the bath toys from floating away as well – bonus!

Mum in the bath with her baby with the text #MGVtip in the top left corner

More Grapeviner Bath Time Tips

The Mum’s Grapevine community of Grapeviner mums are constantly finding ingenious ways to make life a little easier. Here are a few more bathtime tips they’ve shared.

  • “We use the shower! And now our little one is more mobile, we have a non-slip mat on the floor so she can splash around.” – Bec
  • “My 3 1/2 year old hates baths/showers until he’s in there and then loves it. But some food dye to make a coloured bath, bath bombs, and glow sticks are all good bribes to make things a bit easier” – Emily
  • “We lay terry towels on the bottom of the big bath, fill it up slightly with water and place a wet towel on her tummy to keep her warm. She is super comfy and warm and has full range to splash around without sliding down seats or being on a hard surface.” – Kayla
  • “We have started putting bub in the bottom of the shower. She crawls around the bottom of the shower and its great for getting her used to splashes of water in her eyes and washing hair.” – Kaitlin
  • “We take baths together in the big bath. Bub can lie on your legs (bum on your tummy, head at your knees), or stand assisted or sit assisted. She loves splashing and kicking, and also enjoys a little time being supported floating on her tummy.” – Hayley

A photo of a baby sitting in a washing basket in the bath with the text reading 'The Solution for Bathing Wobbly Babies'

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We totally get it, you’re in that sleep-deprived, slightly delirious phase, right? Well, guess what? You’re not the only one! There are heaps of other Aussie mums who’ve just welcomed their little bundles of joy, and they’re going through the same rollercoaster of emotions as you.

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