We’re travelling through the alphabet in search of name perfection, and the lucky seventh stop doesn’t disappoint. We’ve unearthed some gorgeous girl names starting with G.
Maybe the letter G stands out because it’s not tooo common, or because you’re wanting to keep the Gs going in the family. Or perhaps you’re looking for something that’s unique, that no one else has.
Whatever your reasoning we’ve dived headfirst into the ABCs of baby-naming to find the most beautiful and unique monikers for girls that start with the 7th letter of the alphabet. We asked the huge online Mum’s Grapevine community to share their favourites, and here they are.
G girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter G brings the goods with plenty of attitude to boot.
Some are nature-based without being too obvious, others are vintage but making a comeback and some are fitting for both boys and girls.
- Nature: Garnet, Gardenia, Gerbra, Glacier, Gazelle, Grove, Gem, Gale
- Vintage-inspired: Geraldine, Georgette, Gertrude, Gretta, Gretel, Gretchin
- Places: Genoa, Galeria, Gili, Gillingham, Ginza
- Gender neutral: George, Garlyn, Gerry, Glyn, Gene
- One-syllable: Gai, Gill, Gin, Gig, Gold, Greer, Gyll
Girl nicknames that start with G
Australians just love to shorten or Aussie-fy a name, so it makes sense that we’re comfortable in giving our babies a nickname as their actual name.
G has some real contenders – could something short and sharp be on your shortlist?
- Gigi
- Gabby
- Gwen
- Galla
- Gemee
- Gillie
Iconic G names for girls
Why not look to someone you admire for name inspiration? From actresses to activists, there’s an iconic G name for your little girl:
- Gisele: after Gisele Bündchen
- Greta: after Greta Thunberg
- Goldie: after Goldie Hawn
- Ginnifer: after Ginnifer Goodwin
- Grace: after Grace Kelly
- Gwyneth: Gwyneth Paltrow
- Gucci: a bold choice, after the fashion brand
Unique G names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Turn heads with these rare gems:
- Gilde
- Gadah
- Garlon
- Gittle
- Gyldah
- Gynnivah
- Gytah
Mystical names for girls starting with G
If you’re a lover of all things magic, fairies and mystery, there are some G names that’ll surely cast a spell. Here are some of our faves:
- Gaia: meaning ‘Earth Mother’
- Gypsy: meaning ‘wanderer’
- Galaxy: meaning ‘system of stars‘
- Gwyndolyn: meaning ‘fair bow, blessed ring’
Celebrity daughters starting with G
- Sam Stosur’s daughter, Genevieve
- Adam Levine’s daughter, Gio Grace
- Maggie Gyllenhaal’s daughter, Gloria
- Bindi Irwin’s daughter, Grace
- James Van der Beek’s daughter, Gwendolyn
- Matt Damon’s daughter, Gia
- Miranda Tapsell’s daughter, Grace
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Our favourite G girl name is: Gabby
More G names for girls
- Gabi
- Gabriela
- Gabriele
- Gabriella
- Gabrielle
- Gaby
- Gada
- Gadah
- Gae
- Gaea
- Gael
- Gaela
- Gaelen
- Gaell
- Gaellen
- Gaeriel
- Gaetan
- Gaetana
- Gaetanah
- Gaetane
- Gaetanna
- Gaetanne
- Gai
- Gaiah
- Gaiea
- Gail
- Gaitana
- Gaitanah
- Gaitane
- Gaitann
- Gala
- Galah
- Galaina
- Galainah
- Galaine
- Galane
- Galatea
- Galayna
- Gale
- Galean
- Galen
- Galia
- Galiana
- Galianah
- Galiane
- Galiena
- Galilahi
- Galina
- Galinah
- Galine
- Galinka
- Galla
- Gallah
- Galleene
- Gallen
- Gallia
- Gallin
- Gallina
- Gallya
- Galrlynde
- Galya
- Galyn
- Galyna
- Galynah
- Galyne
- Gana
- Ganah
- Gania
- Ganiah
- Ganice
- Ganit
- Ganyah
- Gaoldarina
- Gardeen
- Gardeena
- Gardeene
- Gardenia
- Gardin
- Gardina
- Gardyn
- Gardyna
- Gardynia
- Garet
- Garlan
- Garlana
- Garlanah
- Garland
- Garlinda
- Garlinde
- Garlon
- Garlyn
- Garlynd
- Garnet
- Garnetah
- Garnete
- Garnetta
- Garnettah
- Garnette
- Gatha
- Gavra
- Gavrila
- Gay
- Gaya
- Gayah
- Gayatri
- Gaye
- Gaylaine
- Gayle
- Gaylia
- Gaylyn
- Gaynell
- Gaynelle
- Gayora
- Gaytana
- Gaytane
- Gaytanne
- Geana
- Geanine
- Geannine
- Geeandra
- Geena
- Geeta
- Geina
- Gelasia
- Gelilah
- Gelsey
- Gelsi
- Gelsy
- Gem
- Gema
- Gemah
- Gemee
- Gemelle
- Gemima
- Gemimah
- Gemina
- Gemini
- Geminia
- Geminine
- Gemma
- Gemmah
- Gemmey
- Gemmia
- Gemmina
- Gemmy
- Gena
- Genavee
- Genaveve
- Geneene
- Genell
- Genelle
- Genene
- Genes
- Genesee
- Genesia
- Genesis
- Genesys
- Genette
- Geneva
- Geneve
- Genevia
- Genevie
- Genevieve
- Genicis
- Genine
- Genisis
- Genisys
- Geniveve
- Genji
- Genneeva
- Genneevah
- Genny
- Gentil
- Gentille
- Gentle
- Gentlle
- Genysis
- Genysys
- Georgea
- Georgeanne
- Georgeen
- Georgeena
- Georgiana
- Georgianna
- Georgie
- Georgienne
- Georgina
- Georgine
- Georgy
- Geralda
- Geraldeen
- Geraldene
- Geraldyne
- Gerd
- Gerda
- Gereldine
- Gerhardine
- Geri
- Germain
- Germaine
- German
- Germine
- Germyn
- Gerri
- Gerrie
- Gerry
- Gert
- Gerta
- Gerte
- Gertie
- Gerty
- Gerva
- Gervaisa
- Gervaise
- Gervayse
- Gervis
- Getta
- Geva
- Gevah
- Ghada
- Ghadah
- Ghisele
- Ghislaine
- Ghita
- Giadana
- Giadanah
- Giadanna
- Gianina
- Gig
- Gigi
- Gila
- Gilah
- Gilana
- Gilanah
- Gilane
- Gilania
- Gilda
- Gildah
- Gilde
- Gilenia
- Gili
- Giliah
- Gilian
- Giliane
- Gilla
- Gilli
- Gillian
- Gilliana
- Gillianah
- Gillianne
- Gillie
- Gillien
- Gilly
- Gillyan
- Gillyana
- Gillyanah
- Gilora
- Gina
- Gineen
- Ginene
- Gineveve
- Ginevieve
- Ginevive
- Ginger
- Ginia
- Ginja
- Ginjah
- Ginjar
- Ginjer
- Ginneva
- Ginny
- Giodana
- Giodanna
- Gioia
- Giordana
- Giordanah
- Giordanna
- Giordannah
- Giorgia
- Giovana
- Giovanah
- Giovanna
- Giovannah
- Giovanne
- Giovannica
- Giovona
- Giovonah
- Giovonnah
- Gioya
- Gipsy
- Gisela
- Giseli
- Gisella
- Giselle
- Gita
- Gitah
- Gitana
- Gitane
- Gitanna
- Gitel
- Githa
- Gitka
- Gittah
- Gittel
- Giuditta
- Giulia
- Giulietta
- Giuseppina
- Gizela
- Gizella
- Gizelle
- Glad
- Gladdys
- Gladiss
- Gladuse
- Gladyce
- Gladys
- Gladyss
- Gleda
- Gleddis
- Gleddys
- Glen
- Glena
- Glenda
- Glenetta
- Glenn
- Glenna
- Glenne
- Glora
- Glorea
- Gloriah
- Gloriana
- Glorianne
- Gloriela
- Gloriella
- Glory
- Glorya
- Gloryah
- Glyn
- Glynis
- Glynn
- Glynnis
- Godiva
- Godivah
- Godyva
- Godyvah
- Golda
- Goldarine
- Goldee
- Golden
- Goldi
- Goldia
- Goldina
- Goldy
- Goldyah
- Goneril
- Gopi
- Gotzone
- Gracey
- Gracie
- Graice
- Graise
- Granata
- Grase
- Grata
- Gratah
- Gratia
- Gratiana
- Graza
- Grazia
- Graziel
- Graziela
- Graziele
- Graziell
- Graziella
- Grazielle
- Grazina
- Graziosa
- Grazyna
- Grear
- Greata
- Greatah
- Greer
- Greet
- Gregoria
- Gregorina
- Greice
- Grenata
- Grenatta
- Gret
- Greta
- Gretah
- Gretchan
- Gretchen
- Gretchin
- Gretchon
- Gretchun
- Gretchyn
- Grete
- Gretha
- Gretle
- Greyse
- Grid
- Grier
- Grieta
- Gris
- Grisa
- Griselda
- Griseldis
- Grishilda
- Grishilde
- Grizelda
- Gro
- Gruzia
- Gryer
- Gryta
- Guadalup
- Guadalupe
- Guadelupe
- Guadlupe
- Guadulupe
- Guanyin
- Gudalupe
- Gudren
- Gudrin
- Gudrina
- Gudrine
- Gudrinn
- Gudrinna
- Gudrinne
- Gudrun
- Gudruna
- Guenevere
- Guenn
- Guilda
- Guildah
- Guillelmine
- Guillemette
- Guinevere
- Guinevieve
- Guinivive
- Guiseppina
- Gunda
- Gundah
- Gundala
- Gundelinda
- Gunta
- Guro
- Gus
- Gussi
- Gussie
- Gussy
- Gusta
- Gustava
- Guylda
- Guyldah
- Gwendaline
- Gwendolen
- Gwendoline
- Gwendolyn
- Gwenith
- Gwenn
- Gwenne
- Gwenyth
- Gwyn
- Gwynne
- Gyl
- Gylan
- Gylana
- Gylanah
- Gylane
- Gylda
- Gyldah
- Gyll
- Gynger
- Gyniva
- Gynniva
- Gynnivah
- Gynya
- Gynyah
- Gyo Shin
- Gyodana
- Gyodanna
- Gyovana
- Gyovanna

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Looking for a girl name that starts with G and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 130 names for girls that start with G in the comments.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
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Looking for more baby name inspiration? Make your way through our alphabet of baby names:
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