Embark on a journey through the alphabet as we explore the marvellous world of names beginning with M. The middle letter of the alphabet boasts some of the most popular and timeless names, such as Mason, Max, and Murphy, but it also holds a treasure trove of unique and distinctive options for those seeking something a bit different.
Whether you’re drawn to the letter M because you and your partner share an M name, or you want to honour family members like Michaels or Marks from past generations, this list has something for everyone. From Matteo to Mavis and Morel, you’ll discover names that are not only meaningful but also uncommon, offering a fresh alternative to the usual picks on popular name lists.
With input from our vibrant community of over half a million mums, we’ve curated a selection of M names that are not-to-be-missed. Dive in and find the perfect name that resonates with you.
M Names with a Theme
Themes can be a wonderful source of inspiration when choosing a name, and the letter M offers a variety of options. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, something with a celebrity stamp, or place names that evoke special memories, M has plenty to offer.
- Nature-inspired: Marine, Moor, Maple, Malachite, Moss, Midnight
- Nickname first names: Mattie, Mal, Mart, Manny, Monty, Mills
- Place-Inspired: Memphis, Morocco, Monaco, Maine, Miami, Manila, Manly, Michigan
- Gender neutral: Morgan, Milan, McKenzie, Mika, Marlow, Mota
- Biblical: Micah, Matthias, Malachi, Moses, Meres, Madon
Unique M Names
If you’re looking for something more distinctive than Matthew, these unique M names are sure to catch your eye. Each of these names offers something special, standing out for their rarity and distinctiveness:
- Mahde
- Maio
- Marcade
- Mecaenus
- Myron
- Muldyr
- Monet
- Mannix
- Mede
M Surnames as First Names
Surnames as first names have a stately and strong appeal. If you’re looking for a name with a sense of heritage and gravitas, these M surnames are perfect:
- Mitchell
- Montgomery
- Maxwell
- Moroney
- Marsden
- Murphy
- Marshall
M Names for Rev-Heads
For those with a love for speed and all things automotive, why not choose a name that reflects that passion? These revved-up M names are perfect for motor-lovers:
- Mustang
- Monaco
- Morgan
- Maserati
- MG
- Merge
- Maybach
- McLaren
Iconic M Names
From screen legends to influential figures, these M names carry the weight of fame and history. See if any of these make your hall of fame:
Madden: After Joel or Benji Madden
Mars: Inspired by singer Bruno Mars (or the planet!)
Musk: After entrepreneur Elon Musk
Mark: Like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
Malcolm: Inspired by the activist Malcolm X
Macaulay: After Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin
Malik: Like the surname of singer Zayn Malik
Michael: A classic, in honour of Pop King Michael Jackson or actor Michael Sheen
Malone: After singer Post Malone
Fashionable M Names
Give your little one the most fashionista name in town with these fashionable M picks:
- Marc
- Manalo
- Michael
- Moschino
- Morrissey
Tasty M Names
Other kids are named Brie, Cherry, and Olive, so why not let M get in on the action with these delicious names:
- Milo
- Mac
- Malt
- Maize
- Morel
- Marlin
- Maldon
Celebrity Sons with M Names
From the weird to wonderful, celebrities often choose unique and memorable names for their children. Here are some celebrity sons with names starting with M that might spark inspiration:
- Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s son, Miles
- Olivia Munn’s son, Malcolm
- Kourtney Kardashian Barker’s son, Mason
- Ashley Graham’s twin son, Malachi
- Natalie Imbruglia’s son, Max
- Boris Johnson’s son, Milo
- Bear Grylls’ son, Marmaduke
- Masterchef winner Emelia Jackson’s son, Malcolm
- Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon’s son, Moroccan
- Jessica Simpson’s son, Maxwell
- Barry Hall’s son, Miller
- Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s son, Moses
- Masterchef contestant Tommy Pham’s son, Miles
- Alexandra Nation’s son, Maxwell
- Bethany Hamilton’s son, Micah
- Gogglebox’s Sarah and Matty’s son, Malik
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Our favourite M name is: Marsden (Mars for short)
- Maartan
- Maarten
- Maartin
- Mablevi
- Mabon
- Mac
- MacAfee
- Macareo
- Macario
- Macartan
- Macauley
- Macaulif
- Macauliff
- Macbeth
- Maccey
- Macduff
- Maceo
- Macey
- MacGee
- MacGhee
- Maci
- Macie
- Mack
- MacKay
- Mackenzy
- Mackey
- Mackie
- Mackinley
- Mackinzie
- Maclain
- Maclean
- Macleane
- Macmorris
- Macomb
- Macon
- Macy
- Madac
- Madai
- Madan
- Maddin
- Maddison
- Maddock
- Maddocks
- Maddox
- Maddy
- Maddyn
- Maden
- Madhav
- Madin
- Madison
- Madoc
- Madock
- Madog
- Madox
- Madyn
- Maemi
- Magar
- Magarious
- Magee
- Maggy
- Maghnus
- Magic
- Magik
- Magikos
- Magique
- Magnar
- Magne
- Magnes
- Magnum
- Magnus
- Magnuson
- Magnuss
- Maguire
- Magyar
- Mahabala
- Mahahn
- Mahan
- Mahand
- Mahatma
- Mahavira
- Mahde
- Mahdee
- Mahdi
- Mahdy
- Mahen
- Mahesh
- Mahkah
- Mahmoud
- Mahpee
- Maidoc
- Maik
- Main
- Mainard
- Mainess
- Maioh
- Maion
- Maitland
- Maitreya
- Majeur
- Major
- Majorie
- Majors
- Makaio
- Makalo
- Makan
- Makani
- Makanie
- Makany
- Makario
- Makayla
- Makayo
- Makepeace
- Makis
- Makon
- Makoto
- Maks
- Maksim
- Makys
- Malachai
- Malachy
- Malaki
- Malchidiel
- Malcom
- Maldwyn
- Malek
- Maleki
- Malen
- Malin
- Malkalm
- Malkelm
- Malkolm
- Mallan
- Mallen
- Mallie
- Mallin
- Malloree
- Mallory
- Mallow
- Mallrie
- Mally
- Malo
- Malone
- Maloney
- Malonie
- Malony
- Malory
- Malvin
- Malvolio
- Mamillius
- Mamo
- Mamoru
- Man
- Manavendra
- Manchu
- Manco
- Mandar
- Mandee
- Mandek
- Mandel
- Mandela
- Mandell
- Mander
- Mandhatri
- Mandie
- Mane
- Manes
- Manesfeld
- Maness
- Manferd
- Manford
- Manfred
- Mani
- Manik
- Manish
- Manius
- Manix
- Manley
- Manmohan
- Mann
- Mannas
- Mannes
- Mannfred
- Mannicks
- Manning
- Mannis
- Mannuel
- Mannus
- Mannye
- Mano
- Manoel
- Manoj
- Manolo
- Mans
- Mansfeld
- Mansfield
- Mansfielde
- Mansoor
- Mansour
- Mansukh
- Mansur
- Manu
- Manual
- Manuale
- Manuel
- Manuell
- Manuelo
- Manus
- Manzo
- Mar
- Marc
- Marcade
- Marceau
- Marcel
- Marcelis
- Marcellino
- Marcellinus
- Marcello
- Marcellus
- March
- Marcin
- Marco
- Marcum
- Marcus
- Marden
- Mardian
- Mardyth
- Marek
- Maren
- Mareo
- Margarelon
- Marhwon
- Mariana
- Mariano
- Marilo
- Marin
- Marina
- Marinka
- Marino
- Marinos
- Marinus
- Marion
- Mariono
- Marits
- Maritza
- Marius
- Marjun
- Markandeya
- Markham
- Markhum
- Markie
- Markis
- Marko
- Markos
- Marks
- Markum
- Markus
- Marky
- Marlan
- Marland
- Marlee
- Marleigh
- Marlen
- Marley
- Marlis
- Marllin
- Marlo
- Marlon
- Marlowe
- Marly
- Marlyn
- Marlys
- Marmadook
- Marmaduke
- Marmahduke
- Maro
- Maroney
- Maroni
- Marony
- Marót
- Marqes
- Marqis
- Marque
- Marques
- Marquette
- Marquez
- Marquis
- Marr
- Marrock
- Marrok
- Marsch
- Marschall
- Marsdon
- Marsellus
- Marsey
- Marsh
- Marshal
- Marshall
- Marshe
- Marstan
- Marsten
- Marston
- Mart
- Martain
- Marten
- Martie
- Martin
- Martine
- Martiniano
- Martino
- Martius
- Marton
- Marty
- Marus
- Marv
- Marvel
- Marvell
- Marvil
- Marvill
- Marvin
- Marvyl
- Marvyll
- Marwin
- Marwon
- Marwond
- Marwood
- Marx
- Maryano
- Maryn
- Marynos
- Marynus
- Maryse
- Masahiro
- Masakazu
- Masao
- Masato
- Masatoshi
- Mase
- Masean
- Masen
- Masey
- Mashaun
- Mashawn
- Masimo
- Masin
- Maska
- Maslen
- Maslin
- Masood
- Masoon
- Masoud
- Massey
- Massi
- Massimiliano
- Massimmo
- Massimo
- Masun
- Masyn
- Matai
- Matanga
- Máté
- Mateo
- Mateus
- Mathe
- Mather
- Mathern
- Mathesen
- Matheson
- Matheu
- Mathew
- Mathias
- Mathies
- Mathisen
- Mathison
- Mathyes
- Mathysen
- Mathyson
- Matia
- Matias
- Matisen
- Matison
- Matlal
- Matlock
- Mats
- Matt
- Matteo
- Matthäus
- Mattheson
- Mattheus
- Matthew
- Matthews
- Matthias
- Matthieson
- Matthuas
- Mattias
- Mattieu
- Mattison
- Mattlock
- Matts
- Matty
- Mattysen
- Mattyson
- Mátyás
- Matysen
- Matyson
- Matyus
- Matz
- Matze
- Mauli
- Maure
- Maurice
- Mauricio
- Maurizio
- Mauro
- Maury
- Maveric
- Maverick
- Maverik
- Maveryck
- Mavric
- Mavrick
- Mavrik
- Max
- Maxa
- Maxey
- Maxfield
- Maxie
- Maxim
- Maximilian
- Maximiliano
- Maximilien
- Maximino
- Maximo
- Maximus
- Maxwel
- Maxwill
- Mayan
- Mayeer
- Mayes
- Mayhan
- Mayhew
- Maylan
- Maynard
- Maynhard
- Mayo
- Mayoh
- Mayon
- Mayor
- Mayr
- Mays
- Mayshawn
- Mayun
- McAffee
- Mcaffie
- Mcauliffe
- Mccaulay
- Mccauley
- McCoy
- McGee
- McGregor
- McGuire
- McKinley
- McLain
- McLaine
- Mead
- Meade
- Meall
- Meallan
- Mecaenus
- Medárd
- Meed
- Megyer
- Mehdi
- Mehemet
- Mehetabel
- Mehitabel
- Mehitabelle
- Mehmet
- Mehul
- Meid
- Meier
- Meir
- Meka
- Mel
- Melanchthon
- Melancton
- Melborn
- Melbourn
- Melbourne
- Melburn
- Melburne
- Melden
- Meldin
- Meldon
- Meldyn
- Melik
- Melor
- Melton
- Melun
- Melvin
- Melvyn
- Menachem
- Menahem
- Menas
- Mendal
- Mendel
- Mendell
- Mendelssohn
- Mendie
- Mendy
- Mendyl
- Menecrates
- Menelaus
- Menteith
- Menyhért
- Merce
- Mercer
- Mercury
- Mercutio
- Merdock
- Merdok
- Meredith
- Merfaine
- Merfee
- Meri
- Meric
- Merideth
- Meridith
- Merik
- Meril
- Merit
- Meriweather
- Merl
- Merle
- Merlin
- Merlyn
- Merrack
- Merral
- Merrel
- Merrick
- Merrill
- Merritt
- Merry
- Mert
- Mertan
- Merten
- Mertin
- Merton
- Merv
- Mervin
- Mervyn
- Merwin
- Merwyn
- Merydeth
- Merydith
- Merydyth
- Meryl
- Meshach
- Messala
- Metabel
- Mete
- Mette
- Meuriz
- Meyer
- Mica
- Micajah
- Micha
- Michah
- Michail
- Michau
- Michel
- Michelangelo
- Michelanjelo
- Michele
- Michiel
- Michio
- Mick
- Mikas
- Mikasi
- Mike
- Mikel
- Mikelangelo
- Mikey
- Mikhail
- Mikhos
- Mikkail
- Mikkel
- Miklós
- Mikó
- Miksa
- Mila
- Milah
- Milán
- Milard
- Milburn
- Milind
- Millard
- Miller
- Millerd
- Millson
- Millurd
- Milos
- Miloslav
- Milt
- Milten
- Milton
- Milty
- Milvourn
- Miner
- Minesh
- Ming
- Minoru
- Miroslav
- Miroslaw
- Mischa
- Misu
- Mitali
- Mitch
- Mitchel
- Mitchelle
- Mitchill
- Mitesh
- Mitshell
- Mladen
- Moby
- Moe
- Moey
- Mog
- Mohamad
- Mohamed
- Mohamet
- Mohamid
- Mohammad
- Mohammed
- Mohamud
- Mohan
- Mohanan
- Mohe
- Mohin
- Mohit
- Mohsen
- Moishe
- Mojag
- Moke
- Momus
- Mon
- Monaghan
- Monehan
- Mongomerey
- Monnahan
- Monro
- Monroe
- Mont
- Montagew
- Montagu
- Montague
- Montaine
- Montano
- Montanus
- Montaro
- Monte
- Montego
- Montegue
- Montel
- Montenegro
- Montgomerie
- Montgomery
- Montgomry
- Monti
- Montraie
- Montray
- Montraye
- Montrel
- Montrell
- Montrelle
- Montroce
- Montros
- Montrose
- Monty
- Moore
- Mooreland
- Moorland
- Moorlande
- Mór
- Moray
- Mordecai
- Mordechai
- Mordock
- Mordy
- More
- Moreland
- Morets
- Morey
- Morgan
- Moriarty
- Móric
- Morio
- Moritz
- Moritza
- Moritzio
- Moriz
- Morland
- Morlande
- Morlee
- Morleigh
- Morley
- Morly
- Moroney
- Moroni
- Morony
- Morpheus
- Morrell
- Morrie
- Morris
- Morrisen
- Morrison
- Morrs
- Morry
- Morrysen
- Morryson
- Morse
- Mort
- Mortemer
- Morten
- Mortimer
- Morton
- Morty
- Mortymer
- Mortyn
- Morven
- Mose
- Moshe
- Mosheh
- Mosie
- Moss
- Mostafa
- Mostafah
- Mostaffa
- Mosya
- Motega
- Mountgomery
- Mowgli
- Moy
- Moyes
- Moyse
- Mu-nan
- Mugen
- Muhammad
- Muhammed
- Muhammod
- Mukasa
- Mukki
- Mukta
- Mukul
- Mukunda
- Mulder
- Muldyr
- Mull
- Muller
- Mumtaz
- Munir
- Munira
- Munirah
- Munro
- Munroe
- Muray
- Murdad
- Murdoch
- Murdock
- Murdok
- Murf
- Murfain
- Murfee
- Murfy
- Murphee
- Murphey
- Murphi
- Murphie
- Murphree
- Murrey
- Murry
- Murtagh
- Murton
- Murvyn
- Mustafa
- Mustafe
- Mustaffa
- Mustafo
- Mustanen
- Mustofo
- Mutius
- Muzaffer
- Myckee
- Mycki
- Myckie
- Mycky
- Mye
- Myer
- Myerson
- Mykee
- Mykelti

Join the conversation
Looking for a name that starts with M and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 600 names for boys that start with M in the comments.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 214 Names Starting With I for Sons
- 491 Names that start with F for Sons
- 465 Names Starting With N for Sons
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