We’re on the hunt for the perfect girls’ name, and N, you’re a sweet find. The 14th letter of the alphabet has some winners and we’re here for them. Sure, there’s the more popular offerings like Nora and Niamh. But there are some hidden gems like Nuala, too.
Perhaps you’re interested in N because you’ve already got a little Nathanial and you’d like to continue the trend with siblings. Or maybe your mums’ name is Nicole and you’d like to honour her. Whatever your reason, we’ve got a huge list of noteable N names for you to consider.
We asked our massive online community of half a million mums to share their favourite N baby names ranging from nostalgic numbers to ‘it’s noice and different’ and everything in between.
N girl names with a theme
You can find great inspiration from themes, and the letter N has some next-level options. Some are nature-based without being obvious, others take you travelling around the globe and some are fitting for both boys and girls.
- Nature-inspired: Nettle, Nigella, Nest, Neem, Niagara, Nile, Nickel, Neroli
- Short and sweet: Nix, Netty, Niss, Nelle, Neha, Nala, Nima, Nyla
- Places: Nevada, Notre, Norway, Napier, Nadia, Nebraska
- Gender neutral: Navy, Nash, Neddie, Niall, Nu, Nyeki
Unique N names for girls
Give your daughter a truly unmissable name with something unique and oh-so different. Proud to explain their name? You’re in luck!
- Noire
- Neziko
- Nohley
- Nyasia
- Nyeki
- Nozomi
Celestial N names for girls
If you’re looking for the perfect girl name, just gaze up. N gives us the most beautiful celestial names, here’s just seven:
- Neptune
- Nova
- Night
- Nashira: a star from the Capricornus constellation
- Nebula
- North
- Neveah (Heaven backwards, of course)
Iconic N names for girls
A collection of names from different generations, all iconic and all starting with F. Could one of these make your shortlist?
- Nelly: after Nelly Furtado
- Nina: after Nina Simone
- Nicki: after Nicki Minaj
- Nigella: after Nigella Lawson
- Norah: after Norah Jones
- Nix: after Stevie Nicks
- Naomi: after Naomi Campbell or Naomi Osaka
- Nella: after the cartoon character
Tasty N names for girls
- Nori
- Nashi
- Nectar
- Nougat
- Nutmeg
- Nasi
Celebrity daughters starting with N
- Halle Berry’s daughter, Nahla
- Wilmer Valderrama’s daughter, Nakano Oceana
- Katherine Heigl’s daughter, Nancy
- Fatboy Slim’s daughter, Nelly
- Jacinda Ardern’s daughter, Neve
- Isaac Hanson’s daughter, Nina
- Chad Lowe’s daughter, Nixie
- Diane Kruger’s daughter, Nova
- Kim Kardashian’s daughter, North
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Our favourite N girl name is: Nyah
More girl names starting with N
- Nada
- Nadda
- Nade
- Nadeen
- Nadene
- Nadezda
- Nadezhda
- Nadi
- Nadia
- Nadie
- Nadina
- Nadine
- Nadira
- Nadirah
- Nadra
- Nady
- Nadya
- Naeemah
- Naeva
- Naeve
- Naf
- Nafeeza
- Naffo
- Naffy
- Nafiza
- Nafuna
- Nagihan
- Nahid
- Nahimana
- Nahoko
- Nahtasha
- Nahvon
- Naia
- Naiad
- Naida
- Naiia
- Naila
- Nailah
- Naimah
- Naina
- Nairne
- Naiyah
- Naja
- Najah
- Najwa
- Nakea
- Nakeia
- Nakeisha
- Nakia
- Nakiea
- Nakiya
- Nala
- Nalah
- Nalani
- Nalanie
- Nalany
- Nalini
- Nallely
- Nalo
- Namazzi
- Nami
- Namiko
- Namrata
- Nan
- Nana
- Nanako
- Nanami
- Nance
- Nancee
- Nancy
- Nanda
- Nandini
- Nandita
- Nanette
- Nani
- Nanice
- Nanine
- Nanna
- Nannette
- Nanny
- Nansee
- Nansey
- Nantale
- Naoko
- Naoma
- Naomi
- Napea
- Napua
- Nara
- Narah
- Narci
- Narcis
- Narcissa
- Narcisse
- Narcissey
- Narcissie
- Narda
- Narella
- Narelle
- Nariko
- Narissa
- Narkaesha
- Narmada
- Narsee
- Narsey
- Narsis
- Nascha
- Nasha
- Nashaly
- Nashwa
- Nashy
- Nasia
- Nasiche
- Nasnan
- Nastassia
- Nastia
- Nasya
- Nasyah
- Nata
- Natala
- Natalah
- Natalee
- Nataleigh
- Natalia
- Natalie
- Nataline
- Natalja
- Nataly
- Natalya
- Natane
- Natania
- Nataniella
- Natanielle
- Natara
- Natarah
- Nataria
- Natarya
- Natasa
- Natasha
- Natashah
- Natashi
- Natashia
- Natassia
- Natesa
- Nathalia
- Nathalie
- Nathaly
- Nathania
- Nathanielle
- Natira
- Natividad
- Natosha
- Natsuko
- Natty
- Nautica
- Navdeep
- Naveena
- Navila
- Nawar
- Nayad
- Nayana
- Nayeli
- Nayely
- Nayoko
- Naysa
- Nazirah
- Neal
- Neala
- Nealah
- Neale
- Nebta
- Necee
- Neci
- Necia
- Neciah
- Necie
- Ned
- Neda
- Nedda
- Neddy
- Nediva
- Nedjelko
- Nedo
- Nedra
- Neeharika
- Neel
- Neela
- Neelam
- Neelja
- Neely
- Neema
- Neena
- Neerja
- Neeta
- Neferu
- Neha
- Neil
- Neila
- Neilla
- Neith
- Neiva
- Nekeya
- Nekia
- Nela
- Nelda
- Neldah
- Nelia
- Nelina
- Nelita
- Nell
- Nella
- Nellda
- Nelle
- Nelleke
- Nellie
- Nellis
- Nellwyn
- Nelly
- Nenet
- Neola
- Neoma
- Neona
- Neorah
- Nera
- Neressa
- Nerhim
- Neria
- Neriah
- Nerice
- Nerida
- Nerin
- Nerina
- Neris
- Nerisa
- Neriss
- Nerissa
- Nerisse
- Nerita
- Nerole
- Neroli
- Nerolia
- Nerolie
- Neroly
- Nerys
- Nesa
- Nesha
- Nessa
- Nessie
- Nessy
- Nesta
- Netis
- Netta
- Nettie
- Netty
- Neva
- Nevada
- Nevaeh
- Nevala
- Nevea
- Neveah
- Nevedah
- Nevia
- Neviah
- Nevina
- Nevita
- Neya
- Neysa
- Neza
- Neziko
- Nguyet
- Nhi
- Nhu
- Nhung
- Nia
- Niall
- Nica
- Nicanor
- Nicci
- Nichele
- Nichelle
- Nichola
- Nichole
- Nicia
- Nickan
- Nicki
- Nickie
- Nickita
- Nicky
- Nicola
- Nicole
- Nicolette
- Nicoline
- Nidha
- Nidia
- Nidiah
- Nidra
- Niela
- Niesha
- Nieve
- Nigella
- Nij
- Nijole
- Niju
- Nika
- Nike
- Niki
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Nikole
- Nikolia
- Nila
- Nile
- Nilgun
- Nilima
- Nilini
- Niloufer
- Nima
- Nimah
- Nimeesha
- Nimisha
- Nimmi
- Nimue
- Nina
- Ninette
- Nineve
- Ninon
- Ninya
- Niobe
- Nira
- Niradhara
- Niral
- Nirguna
- Nirmala
- Nirupa
- Nirvahna
- Nirvana
- Nirvanah
- Nirvelli
- Nisa
- Nisha
- Nishele
- Nishi
- Nishtha
- Nisi
- Nissa
- Nissan
- Nisse
- Nissi
- Nissim
- Nita
- Nitara
- Niti
- Nitika
- Nitsa
- Nitu
- Nituna
- Nitya
- Nitza
- Nitzana
- Nivea
- Nivedita
- Niverta
- Nix
- Nixie
- Niyati
- Nizana
- Noami
- Noble
- Noel
- Noelani
- Noella
- Noelle
- Noemi
- Noheli
- Nohely
- Noire
- Nokomis
- Nola
- Noletta
- Nollie
- Nomi
- Non
- Nona
- Nonee
- Nonh
- Noni
- Nonie
- Nonna
- Nonnita
- Nonyah
- Noor
- Noora
- Noova
- Nora
- Norah
- Norberta
- Nordica
- Noreen
- Nori
- Noria
- Noriko
- Norina
- Norine
- Norma
- Normandy
- Norna
- Norry
- Notburga
- Noura
- Nourah
- Nova
- Novah
- Novella
- Novia
- Novie
- Novy
- Novyanna
- Noya
- Nozomi
- Nu
- Nuala
- Nubia
- Nuna
- Nur
- Nura
- Nuray
- Nurhan
- Nuria
- Nuriah
- Nuriel
- Nusa
- Nuttah
- Ny
- Nya
- Nyad
- Nyah
- Nyasia
- Nydia
- Nydiah
- Nydie
- Nydya
- Nyeki
- Nyki
- Nykki
- Nykky
- Nykole
- Nyky
- Nyla
- Nyoko
- Nysa

Join the conversation
Looking for a girl name that starts with N and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 230 names for girls that start with N in the comments.
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Looking for more baby name inspiration? Make your way through our alphabet of baby names:
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