We’re scouting out the best names for little girls and we must say: we’re very inspired by V. The 22nd letter of the alphabet is a dark horse and for some reason just brings that instant cool to the class roll.
V might not be the most popular of the letters but it’s certainly one of the most versatile. Whether you’re looking for something mysterious, vivacious or just plain pretty, you’re covered with options like Verbena, Vanya, Violet and Vay.
The stars seem to love V too, with countless celebs both Aussie and abroad turning to this letter when naming their bubs. Did you know both Tiffiny Hall and Kyal and Kara have daughters named Vada? Now you know.
Sit back, grab a bevvie and let’s have a look at a long list of beauties starting with V.
V girl names with a theme
Feeling a bit lost on where to begin? Explore fantastic inspiration through themes, and discover some distinctive options within the letter V.
Nickname first names: Vivi, Vee, Vinny, Val, Via
Literary: Verona, Valentina, Vienna, Vianne
Vintage inspired: Vivienne, Vera, Violet, Vivian, Veda
Uber-cool: Valkyrie, Voxie, Velvet, Vesper
Nature-inspired V names
From flowers to forests, there are plenty of V names blessed by Mother Nature. There are more obvious nature names like Violet, and then there are names with earthly meanings like Vara (‘butterfly’) which we just love.
- Venus
- Vine
- Verbena
- Veronica
- Vista
- Valley
- Violet
- Vara: meaning ‘butterfly’
- Varinka: meaning ‘rose’
- Vienna: meaning ‘forest stream’
- Vega: a star from the Lyra constellation
Place names for girls that start with V
Grab a cuppa and a world map cause there are a vast amount of place-inspired names that start with V.
- Verona
- Venice
- Vail
- Vienna
- Vigla
- Vaasa
- Valencia
- Vegas
- Victoria
- Valetta
Gender-neutral names that start with V
If you’re team green, you’re in luck with V. Check out these awesome names that work for both boys and girls.
- Vail/Vale
- Van/Vanda
- Vay
- Vere
- Verran
- Vonny/Voni
- Vinnie
- Vaughn
- Valkie
- Vivienne/Vivian
Fashionable names for girls starting with V
Fashionista, why not give your mini-me a name that’s fit for the catwalk?
- Vera: after Vera Wang
- Virgil: after Virgil Abloh
- Vivienne: after Vivienne Westwood
- Valentina: after Valentino
- Versace: after Donatella Versace
- Vuitton: after Louis Vuitton
- Victoria: after Victoria Beckham
- Velvet: after the material!
V girl names with victorious meanings
V is for Victory, and there are some truly valiant names for girls that have victorious meanings. Here are just six:
- Valeska: ‘glorious ruler’
- Vanda: ‘strong fighter’
- Vicky: ‘Victory, conqueror’
- Victorine: ‘triumphant’
- Varsha: ‘Defending ruler’
Celebrity daughters starting with V
- Tiffiny Hall’s daughter, Vada
- Michael Bublé’s daughter, Vida
- Adriana Lima’s daughter, Valentina
- Chloe Sevigny’s daughter, Vanja
- Angelina Jolie’s daughter, Vivienne
- Gisele Bundchen’s daughter, Vivian
- Emily Blunt’s daughter, Violet
- Kyal and Kara’s daughter, Vada
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Our favourite V name is: Vara, meaning ‘butterfly’
More girl names that start with V
- Vaida
- Vail
- Vailea
- Vaishali
- Val
- Vala
- Valarie
- Valborg
- Valda
- Vale
- Valecia
- Valeda
- Valence
- Valensha
- Valentia
- Valentiane
- Valentine
- Valenzia
- Valeria
- Valerian
- Valerie
- Valery
- Valina
- Valinda
- Valinicia
- Valisa
- Valkee
- Valkry
- Valkyrie
- Vall
- Valle
- Vallerie
- Vallie
- Vallon
- Vally
- Valma
- Valona
- Valonia
- Valora
- Valoria
- Valorie
- Valory
- Valorya
- Valtina
- Vana
- Vanda
- Vandana
- Vanecia
- Vanessa
- Vanetia
- Vani
- Vania
- Vanicia
- Vanika
- Vanita
- Vanja
- Vanjan
- Vanka
- Vanna
- Vannaugh
- Vannia
- Vannie
- Vannora
- Vanora
- Varana
- Varda
- Vardah
- Vardia
- Vardice
- Vardina
- Vardis
- Vardit
- Varisha
- Varsha
- Varuni
- Vasanta
- Vasavi
- Vashti
- Vasiliki
- Vasudha
- Vasumati
- Vayle
- Veda
- Vedad
- Vedah
- Vedett
- Vedetta
- Vedette
- Veed
- Veeda
- Veena
- Vega
- Veida
- Velika
- Velikah
- Velinda
- Vellma
- Velma
- Velyka
- Venecia
- Veneta
- Venetia
- Venetta
- Venette
- Venezia
- Venia
- Venice
- Venis
- Venise
- Venissa
- Venize
- Vennia
- Verda
- Verdad
- Vere
- Vereena
- Verena
- Verene
- Verenia
- Verin
- Verina
- Verine
- Verita
- Veritie
- Verity
- Verna
- Verne
- Vernese
- Vernessa
- Vernice
- Vernis
- Vernise
- Veronica
- Veronique
- Verouska
- Verran
- Verta
- Veruchka
- Veruschka
- Verushka
- Veryna
- Vespera
- Vesta
- Vestal
- Veta
- Vetah
- Vevay
- Vevila
- Vevina
- Vibhuti
- Vibiana
- Vic
- Vicki
- Vickie
- Vicky
- Victoire
- Victorienne
- Victory
- Vida
- Vidett
- Vidette
- Vidonia
- Vidya
- Vieda
- Vienna
- Vienne
- Viera
- Vietta
- Vigdis
- Viktoria
- Vilet
- Vileta
- Vilett
- Viletta
- Vilette
- Vilhelmina
- Vilhelmine
- Vilhemina
- Vilhlmin
- Vilma
- Vimala
- Vina
- Vinata
- Vinaya
- Vincenta
- Vincentena
- Vincentia
- Vincentina
- Vincentine
- Vincetta
- Vineeta
- Vinia
- Vinnie
- Virdinia
- Virdis
- Virgie
- Virgilia
- Virgilla
- Virginia
- Virginie
- Virgo
- Virgy
- Virida
- Viridia
- Viridiana
- Viridis
- Virsila
- Visala
- Vita
- Vitas
- Vitia
- Vitoria
- Viv
- Viveca
- Viveka
- Vivian
- Viviana
- Vivianne
- Vivica
- Vivie
- Viviefont
- Vivien
- Vivienne
- Vivyan
- Vivyen
- Voleta
- Voletta
- Volette
- Volettie
- Volumnia
- Vondra
- Vondrah
- Vonni
- Vrinda
- Vylette
- Vylhelmina
- Vylma
- Vyvyan

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Looking for a girl name that starts with V and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 400 names for girls that start with V in the comments.
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