The Parent-Sized Pram You Can Try Before You Buy

Posted in News.

Contours adult sized pram

We’ve heard of big, bouncing babies, but this is ridiculous!

A US company has come up with a fun way for parents to step into their baby’s booties and see the world from their perspective.

How so? Well, Kolcraft has created an exact, adult-sized replica of its Contours Bliss stroller. This means Mum and Dad can buckle themselves in and give the pram a test-drive before buying the baby-sized version for their bundle of joy. The whole ‘try before you buy’ concept just got awesome! 

pushing the Contours parent sized stroller

Sadly, this giant pram isn’t for sale, but with all the features of a normal pram (footrest, snuggly seat and peek-a-boo window in the canopy), American parents will be tripping over themselves to take the stroller for a spin.

Bring your own Mummy dummy or Daddy rusk, then draw straws to see which parent is pushing. Bags not!

(h/t Bored Panda, images via Contours)

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