Grab a tissue because here’s a story that will warm your heart and bring a tear to your eye!
Flying with kids can be challenging, especially if you’re pregnant and travelling on your own with a toddler – which is exactly the situation a lady found herself in this week.
The mum was on a flight in America when her tyke got a bit upset, and here is the heart-warming part. Instead of focusing on his lunch plate or turning up his music, a kind stranger leapt up to lend the lady a hand.
Why? Because he’s a dad and he knew that a little help would go a long way.
This thoughtful man stepped in to cradle the crying tot and give the mum a break. Just because. And luckily for us, a fellow passenger uploaded the gesture on Facebook so that we can all share the love:
If you’ll just excuse us, we’re going to grab a tissue ourselves…