Pickles and pregnancy often go hand in hand. The tangy flavour combined with the crunchy texture may be just what your body and your baby is asking for, even when most other foods make you feel queasy.
Sure, you can satisfy your twitch for a tangy treat by heading to the fridge and opening a jar of gherkins. Or, you can think outside the jar with these hilariously awesome pickle-related treats. Thanks to a number of pickle-loving creators out there, you can now find pickle products in the freezer, the pantry and even on the top shelf of your bathroom.
Whether you’re pregnant or just a massive fan of pickles, here are eleven top picks for people who want more pickle in the palate.
Pickle candy
Archie McPhee Pickle Candy ($10.80)
Tasting like sweet pickles, these green and white striped hard candies look like something Grandma might keep in a crystal dish on the credenza. But, if she tasted one of these, she’d be in for a briny surprise
Pickle Juice
Pickle Juice (from $3.50)
If you’re suffering muscle cramps as well as craving pickles these little shots are for you. Pack with Organic Vinegar, Salt, Organic Dill Oil, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, mmm yummo.
Pickle air freshener
Dill Air Freshener ($12.70)
Add some dill to your daily drive as it dangles deliciously from your mirror.
Pickle ice cream
Icy poles not pickling your fancy? How about indulging in a delicious bowl of pickle ice cream?
The sweetness of ice cream combined with the tanginess of a pickle may not be everyone’s cup of tea. But, if you happen to be pregnant and these two intense cravings hit at the same time, it’s nice to know a recipe for pickle ice cream exists.
Pickle popcorn seasoning
Kernel Season’s Dill Pickle Popcorn Seasoning ($25 USD)
Ok, this is not a drill, you’ll have to ship from the USA but if this is what baby wants, then this is what baby will get.
Pickle lip balm
Dill Pickle Luxury Lip Butter ($4.00)
Moving away from the food aisle, we enter the beauty section where you can keep your lips moisturised all day. And, as an added bonus, the lip balm happens to be flavoured with dill pickle, for the perfect pickled pout.
Dill mints
Archie McPhee Dill Pickle Mints ($7.30)
They’ll make your breath freshen and your mouth pucker, what’s not to love about sucking on a sweet pickle mint.

Homemade Pickle Popsicles
Refreshing and craving-quenching, these Pickle Juice Popsicles are lip-smackingly good. Or maybe not. You decide – just grab yourself a jar of pickles and some water and follow this recipe. You’re just a few hours from icy pickle goodness.
Pickle icy poles
Van Holten’s Pickle Ices ($19.60 USD for 48 pack)
Most icy pole companies stick to standard fruit flavours like cherry and strawberry, with perhaps a cola and bubblegum thrown in. But, not Van Holten’s, a company dedicated to proving pickles are perfect for every occasion.
Now you can enjoy the refreshing taste of Pickle Ices for – frozen tunes of electrolyte-enhanced pickle juice. Store them in the freezer for a hit of icy cool punch of pickle whenever the craving strikes.

Pregnancy craving recipe book
Pickles & Ice Cream ($5.69)
From delicious to downright disgusting, check out this creative collaboration of crazy pregnancy cravings. Straight from the craving of real mums, Pickles and Ice Cream is the ultimate pregnancy cookbook, served with a hilarious twist.

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