If you’re struggling to name your bub, there’s a crack team of experts who are happy to invent one for you – for a $36,000 fee.
Along with choosing the pram and cot, deciding on a baby name is one of the most difficult pre-bub decisions, so outsourcing an original name is becoming more popular … if you can afford it.
Inventing baby names
Most parents-to-be read through endless baby name lists for inspiration, but a Swiss company is now turning baby names into big business. And it’s charging a hefty fee to ‘invent’ a brand new name for clients’ babies too.
Erfolgswelle claims it doesn’t just look for a baby name for your offspring – it creates a name.
Your baby will be the first in history with that name (but they’re so sure it will be a trend-starter, they say it won’t be the last). The company’s core business is creating names for brands and products, so it already has all the brain-power on hand for a bespoke baby naming service.
A team of name developers, historians and IP legal name experts work together to create names for babies that ‘are so good that they just had to be invented’.
They look at things like:
- The appearance and design of the name
- Its sound and rhythm
- Historical and cultural family background
- Harmony with the surname
- Worldwide brand and language checks
If you’re worried that your baby’s new name is purely manufactured and lacking soul – fear not. The Erfolgswelle team will even create a new history and mythology around the invented name.
What sort of names have they created?
While the company stays tight-lipped on the names it’s created for clients, they were set a challenge as part of a BBC program. They usually take weeks to invent a name but they had three days to come up with three options for a family having a baby girl. The names they provided were:
- Lenook
- Catlaine
- Oneia
The family eventually used Oneia as their daughter Betsy’s middle name. While they may seem left-of-centre, you can be assured your bub will be the first in history with their unique name.
If forking out five figures to outsource your baby naming isn’t quite in the budget, take a look through the thousands of baby names on our lists: