Ah, toddlers, such curious little creatures who’ll chuck a tantrum quicker than you can incorrectly cut their sandwich.
From lamenting that their ice cream is too cold, to agonising at the injustice of having the yellow ball instead of the blue one, toddlers throw tantrums for the silliest reasons.
We asked our community of mums to tell us why their tot threw a tantrum, and we’re still laughing.
50 ridiculous reasons behind a toddler tantrum
- “Because we couldn’t go to China after breakfast.” – Amanda
- “Because I told her we were at an impasse because she wanted her iPad before getting ready for daycare and I said no. She still had a meltdown at the word impasse.” – Corisse
- “Because I was doing a wee on the toilet and he wanted the wee.” – Dana
- “Because she got wet, after insisting she get in the shower with me.” – Jade
- “That the sun was shining too bright outside.” – Emma
- “Because her bagel was no longer a circle after she took a bite.” Holly
- “Because she couldn’t drive the car. She’s 3.” – Holly
- “I wiped her nose. She wanted the boogies back.” – Maria
- “I got him an apple, after he asked for an apple!” – Megan
- “Because his ice block was too cold.” – Tanya
- “Toast cut into squares, not triangles! 20-minute meltdown.” – Ilona
- “Because she couldn’t touch the moon.” – Sarah
- “He asked for breakfast, so I gave him his breakfast.” – Victoria
- “Because she wanted me to give her a cuddle, when I was already giving her a cuddle.” – Fiona
- “Lost her imaginary balloon and I ‘found’ it in the wrong area of the supermarket.” – Sandra
- “He didn’t want his nipples on.” – Ashllie
- “She wants purple hair and a purple bra. She’s five.” – Charlotte
- “Because dolphins don’t eat strawberries.” – Anika
- “I wouldn’t let him take his dinner in the shower with him.” -Tiffany
- “Because I got up and walked.” – Amanda
- “She wanted her bear (which she was holding at the time).” – Alicia
- “I wouldn’t let him eat his earwax.” – Jess”
- “Because she doesn’t have any allergies!” – Cassidy
- “Because she wanted a cuddle but didn’t want to be touched.” – Casey
- “I flushed the toilet and she wanted her poo back!” – Wendy
- “Couldn’t sleep because she didn’t like the ceiling.” – Renee
- “Wouldn’t let him play with the toilet brush.” – Shauna
- “Because the bus wasn’t a train.” – Christina
- “He didn’t want to go out. We weren’t even going out …” – Susan
- “Because I told him spaceships don’t need nappies because they don’t poop.” – Hayley
- “Because I wouldn’t let her rewatch video footage I had taken of her throwing a tantrum earlier that day!” – Karen
- “Because her book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ has holes in it.” – Debbie
- “Because I wouldn’t let her eat the dog food.”- Hailey
- “The car stopped at a red light.” – Teresa
- “Because his arm was attached.” – Kylie
- “Because I would not allow him to pull my hair, bite me, pinch me, gouge my eyeballs or see how stretchy my face is.” – Kelly
- “I opened the banana the wrong way.” – Oniko
- “Because I said no shoes in the bath.” – Libby
- “Because the traffic lights turned red! She only likes green colour.” – Nelly
- “She wanted to feed the rabbit. We don’t actually have a rabbit.” – Nikita
- “He wanted an emu.” – Kylie
- “I killed a cockroach. Apparently, it was her cockroach.” – Alice
- “Because she didn’t come on holiday with us … she hadn’t even been conceived yet.” – Trae
- “There were no letters in the letterbox.” – Tanya
- “Her ice cream was too cold.” – Kerry
- “Because he wants to get married. He’s four.” – Lauren
- “Because it was snowing outside and she wanted to jump on the trampoline, naked.” – Belinda
- “I put his socks on the wrong feet.” – Sarah
- “Because I didn’t put my ‘straight ahead blinker on’ when driving.” – Michaela
- “Because I had my hair behind my ears and she didn’t want to see my ears.” – Lily
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