If you’re on a quest for the perfect name that starts with C, you’re in the right place. Narrowing down your list might be as easy as A-B-C once you explore our extensive lineup of unique names, all starting with the third letter of the alphabet.
Maybe you’re drawn to the letter C because of family tradition, or you’re continuing a trend with older siblings, or perhaps you simply love the sound of it. Whatever your reason, we’re confident you can find the perfect name. With options like Carter, Crew, and Carrick, there’s bound to be a name you haven’t seen before on any of the most popular lists.
We asked our vast online community of half a million mums to share the names that set their hearts aflutter, and now we’re excited to share them with you.
Theme C Names
Themes can provide fantastic inspiration, and the letter C delivers with a variety of options. Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, literary classics, or something trendy and unique, C has something for everyone.
Nature-Inspired: Cedar, Cullen, Cyprus, Colt, Canyon, Clay, Clover, Cane, Cedar, Caspian, Cliff
Short and Sweet: Cy, Cole, Cale, Chad, Chip, Clem, Cree, Czar, Chase, Claus, Clark, Cain, Colt
Literary: Clifford, Cormac, Caspian, Christian, Cedric, Carlisle, Chaucer, Conrad, Crispin, Charlemagne
Music-Inspired: Carey, Cash, Cornell, Connick, Corrs, Creed, Cyrus, Chisel, Channing, Chesney, Clapton, Cobain
Place-Inspired: Camden, Chicago, Como, Cairo, Carlton, Clayton, Colorado, Cleveland, Cyprus, Calgary, Canterbury
Gender-Neutral: Cameron, Charlie, Carter, Casey, Carlyn, Cody, Cass, Clementine, Chandler, Collins, Clancy, Carey
Surnames as First Names Starting with C
Surname baby names have become a huge trend, and for good reason. They switch things up by putting last names first, giving your child a strong and solid name for life:
- Connor
- Cohen
- Carter
- Carson
- Campbell
- Carlow
- Charlton
- Chadwick
- Clement
- Cahill
- Carrington
- Corbin
Irish C Names (and How to Pronounce Them)
elebrate St. Patrick’s Day all year round and give your child the luck of the Irish with a Gaelic name. Here’s how to pronounce these unique options:
- Cian: Kee-an
- Ciaran: Keer-uhn
- Colm: C-uh-lum
- Cahir: Kaw-heer
- Calhoun: Cal-hoon
- Caoimhe: Kwee-vah
- Carbry: Car-bree
- Cillian: Kill-ee-an
Unique C Names
Give your child a truly distinctive name with something unique and oh-so-different. Proud to explain their name? You’re in luck with these rare finds:
- Colm
- Cage
- Calix
- Cardew
- Charlemagne
- Circinus
- Clydell
- Colyn
- Cuyler
- Cashel
- Callen
- Cadogan
Fashion-Inspired C Names
If you’re head over heels into fashion, you might want to try these stylish names on for size:
- Calvin
- Comme
- Coach
- Cashmere
- Cotton
- Cardin
- Calibre
- Chino
- Cape
Motor-Inspired C Names
For car enthusiasts, C names might just be the ticket. Here are some revved-up options:
- Chevy
- Calais
- Camry
- Caprice
- Cooper
- Chrysler
- Civic
- Cayman
Celebrity Sons with C Names
Celebrities often choose unique and memorable names for their children, and C names are no exception. Here are some famous examples that might inspire you:
- Lleyton Hewitt’s son, Cruz
- Kim Kardashian’s son, Chicago
- Claire Danes’ son, Cyrus
- Scarlett Johansen’s son, Cosmo
- Zooey Deschanel’s son, Charlie
- Jennifer Lawrence’s son, Cy
- Adriana Lima’s son, Cyan
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Our favourite C name is: Cade
More Names starting with C
- Cab
- Cabal
- Cabe
- Cabel
- Cabell
- Cable
- Cace
- Cacey
- Caddaric
- Cade
- Caden
- Cadman
- Cadmus
- Cadwell
- Caedmon
- Caelan
- Caelen
- Caellum
- Caelum
- Caelus
- Caesar
- Caesarae
- Caesare
- Caesario
- Caeser
- Cafall
- Cage
- Cahil
- Cahir
- Cahya
- Cahyim
- Cahyyam
- Cai
- Caide
- Caiden
- Caidin
- Caidon
- Cailean
- Cailin
- Cain
- Cainan
- Caine
- Caio
- Cais
- Caithness
- Caius
- Cajetan
- Cajetano
- Cal
- Calan
- Calbert
- Calbraith
- Calder
- Caldre
- Caldwell
- Cale
- Caleb
- Calen
- Caley
- Calhaun
- Calhoun
- Caliban
- Calin
- Calisto
- Calix
- Calixte
- Calixto
- Calleas
- Callhoun
- Callice
- Callinicus
- Callis
- Calliste
- Callistus
- Callixtus
- Callum
- Callys
- Callyx
- Calvert
- Calvex
- Calvine
- Calvino
- Calvyn
- Camaeron
- Camden
- Camdin
- Camdon
- Camdyn
- Camedon
- Cameron
- Camillo
- Camillus
- Camilo
- Camilus
- Camm
- Camp
- Campbel
- Camren
- Camron
- Camryn
- Camyron
- Canaan
- Canady
- Canal
- Cance
- Candidius
- Canice
- Cannan
- Cannen
- Cannin
- Cannon
- Cannyn
- Canon
- Cans
- Canute
- Caolan
- Cap
- Caper
- Caphis
- Capricornus
- Capucius
- Capulet
- Card
- Carden
- Cardew
- Cardin
- Cardon
- Carel
- Carew
- Carewe
- Carey
- Carl
- Carleton
- Carley
- Carlile
- Carlito
- Carlo
- Carlos
- Carlow
- Carlowe
- Carlson
- Carlyle
- Carman
- Carmel
- Carmeli
- Carmello
- Carmelo
- Carmen
- Carmi
- Carmin
- Carmine
- Carmino
- Carnelian
- Carnell
- Carney
- Caroll
- Carolus
- Carpus
- Carr
- Carra
- Carrey
- Carrick
- Carrlos
- Carrol
- Carroll
- Carsen
- Carson
- Carsten
- Carston
- Carsyn
- Carter
- Cartier
- Cartrell
- Carvel
- Carvell
- Carvil
- Carville
- Cary
- Caryl
- Caryll
- Casa
- Casarius
- Caseare
- Casey
- Cashmere
- Casimeer
- Casimer
- Casimir
- Casimiro
- Casius
- Casmir
- Casmire
- Caspar
- Casper
- Cass
- Cassian
- Cassio
- Cassius
- Caster
- Castor
- Castorio
- Catch
- Catcher
- Cathan
- Cato
- Caton
- Caulder
- Cavalon
- Cavan
- Cayce
- Caycey
- Caydan
- Cayde
- Cayden
- Caydin
- Caydon
- Cayman
- Caymun
- Cayto
- Caytoe
- Caz
- Cecero
- Ced
- Cedrick
- Cedrik
- Cedro
- Cedrych
- Ceirnin
- Celeste
- Célestine
- Celestino
- Celesto
- Celey
- Celindo
- Celsius
- Celso
- Celsus
- Centaurus
- Cephas
- Cepheus
- Cephus
- Cerdric
- Cerek
- Cerfirino
- Cerimon
- Cerny
- Cesar
- Cetus
- Chace
- Chaddie
- Chadric
- Chadrick
- Chadwyck
- Chaelus
- Chago
- Chai
- Chaika
- Chaim
- Chaimek
- Chainey
- Chalney
- Chan
- Chancellor
- Chancelor
- Chancey
- Chand
- Chandlor
- Chandra
- Chaney
- Chann
- Channe
- Channing
- Channon
- Chanse
- Chanseler
- Chansellor
- Chante
- Chantz
- Chany
- Chanze
- Charlemagne
- Charles
- Charley
- Charlie
- Charlot
- Charls
- Charon
- Chars
- Chas
- Chasen
- Chaskel
- Chata
- Chatam
- Chatan
- Chatillon
- Chatzkel
- Chaunce
- Chauncey
- Chayan
- Chayann
- Chayce
- Chayim
- Chaym
- Chayme
- Chayse
- Chayton
- Chayyim
- Chaz
- Cheche
- Chen
- Cheney
- Ches
- Chesmu
- Chess
- Cheston
- Cheval
- Chevalier
- Chevall
- Cheveyo
- Chevie
- Chevrolet
- Cheyenne
- Chiamaka
- Chick
- Chico
- Chidro
- Chike
- Chil
- Chill
- Chilly
- Chilton
- Chimon
- Chip
- Chiron
- Chivalry
- Chlodwig
- Chogan
- Choncey
- Chotan
- Chrestian
- Christiaan
- Christian
- Christiano
- Christianos
- Christion
- Christo
- Christof
- Christop
- Christoper
- Christoph
- Christophe
- Christopher
- Christos
- Christpher
- Chuck
- Chung
- Churchil
- Churchill
- Ciaran
- Cicero
- Ciceron
- Ciel
- Ciprian
- Cipriano
- Ciprien
- Ciqala
- Circinus
- Ciril
- Cirilio
- Cirillo
- Cirilo
- Ciro
- Cirrillo
- Cisco
- Claas
- Clachas
- Claes
- Claiborn
- Claiborne
- Claibourn
- Claibourne
- Claidianus
- Clan
- Clancey
- Clancy
- Claney
- Claran
- Clarance
- Clarence
- Clarendon
- Clarens
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarkson
- Claron
- Clarons
- Claronz
- Clarrance
- Clarrence
- Claud
- Claudan
- Claude
- Claudell
- Claudido
- Claudie
- Claudien
- Claudino
- Claudio
- Claudius
- Claudon
- Claus
- Clause
- Clayborn
- Clayborne
- Claybourne
- Clayland
- Cleavant
- Cleaveland
- Cleavland
- Cleavon
- Cleevant
- Cleeve
- Cleevont
- Clem
- Clemendo
- Clemens
- Clement
- Clemente
- Clementino
- Clementius
- Clements
- Clemmie
- Clemmons
- Clemmy
- Clemon
- Cleomenes
- Cleon
- Clerc
- Clerk
- Cletus
- Cleve
- Cleveland
- Clevon
- Cliff
- Clifford
- Clifton
- Clint
- Clinton
- Clive
- Clodito
- Clodo
- Clodomiro
- Clodoveo
- Cloten
- Clothilde
- Clotilde
- Clovio
- Clovis
- Clovisto
- Clovito
- Cloyd
- Clyde
- Clydell
- Clyff
- Clyfford
- Clyford
- Cnut
- Cob
- Cobb
- Cochise
- Codey
- Codi
- Codie
- Cody
- Coeus
- Cohn
- Coilin
- Cola
- Colan
- Colar
- Colbert
- Colborn
- Colbourn
- Colbourne
- Colburn
- Colby
- Colet
- Coleton
- Colhoun
- Colin
- Collborn
- Collbourn
- Collburn
- Collin
- Collins
- Collton
- Collumbano
- Colm
- Colombain
- Colquhoun
- Colson
- Colsten
- Colston
- Colt
- Colten
- Colter
- Coltin
- Colton
- Coltrane
- Colum
- Columbano
- Columbanus
- Columkille
- Colvert
- Colvile
- Colvill
- Colville
- Colyn
- Coman
- Cominius
- Con
- Conal
- Conall
- Conan
- Conant
- Condon
- Confucius
- Cong
- Conin
- Conn
- Connall
- Connell
- Conner
- Conners
- Connie
- Conon
- Conrad
- Conrado
- Conroy
- Consalvo
- Constance
- Constans
- Constant
- Constantin
- Constantine
- Constantino
- Constantinos
- Constantius
- Constanz
- Constanzo
- Conway
- Conwy
- Coop
- Copper
- Corben
- Corbet
- Corbett
- Corbie
- Corbin
- Corbit
- Corbitt
- Corbyn
- Cord
- Cordale
- Cordas
- Corday
- Cordell
- Cordelle
- Coren
- Coretes
- Coridon
- Corin
- Cormac
- Cormack
- Cormic
- Cormick
- Corneille
- Cornel
- Cornelio
- Cornelious
- Cornelius
- Cornell
- Cornelus
- Corney
- Cornilius
- Corradeo
- Corrado
- Corrin
- Cort
- Cortez
- Cortland
- Corvette
- Corvin
- Corvus
- Corwan
- Corwin
- Corwyn
- Coryden
- Corydon
- Coryell
- Cosimo
- Cosmé
- Cosmos
- Costa
- Costante
- Costard
- Coty
- Coulter
- Court
- Courtland
- Courvoisier
- Coy
- Coyan
- Coye
- Coyne
- Cozmo
- Craig
- Craigh
- Craigie
- Craik
- Crandal
- Crandall
- Crandell
- Cranmer
- Crawford
- Crawfurd
- Cree
- Creigh
- Creighton
- Crepin
- Crespen
- Crespin
- Crew
- Crewe
- Crichton
- Crisp
- Crispen
- Crispian
- Crispin
- Crispino
- Crispo
- Crispus
- Crisspin
- Cristian
- Cristiano
- Cristo
- Cristobal
- Cristobel
- Cristoforo
- Cristopher
- Cristy
- Crock
- Crocket
- Crockett
- Cromwell
- Cronan
- Cronus
- Croquet
- Croquett
- Cruz
- Cruzito
- Cuba
- Culbert
- Cullan
- Cullen
- Culley
- Cullinan
- Cupid
- Curan
- Curio
- Curon
- Curran
- Curren
- Currer
- Currey
- Currie
- Currier
- Currin
- Curron
- Curry
- Curt
- Curtice
- Curtis
- Curtiss
- Curtys
- Cuyler
- Cy
- Cyd
- Cydney
- Cygnus
- Cymbeline
- Cyprian
- Cyprien
- Cyra
- Cyran
- Cyril
- Cyrill
- Cyrilla
- Cyrille
- Cyrillus
- Cyrilo
- Cyrus

Join the conversation
Looking for a boy name that starts with C and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 2,400 names for boys that start with C in the comments.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 402 names that start with P for Boys
- 100 names from around the world
- 740 Baby Boy Names You Won’t Find On Other Lists
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